ELA Quarter 2 Review idiomsirregular verbs legendsverb tense multiple meaning reference materials com/cont tales adverbs synonymsadjectivesappositiveshyperbole antonyms adverbsmythsonomatopoeia thesaurusprepositionsparticipialtopic sent.
Figurative Language
List of Idioms - web link
Hyperbole- is exaggerated statement. It is used to emphasize a point or add excitement and humor. Example: Her heart stopped when the door flew open.
Hyperbole- is exaggerated statement. It is used to emphasize a point or add excitement and humor. I am so hungry I could eat a horse. I have a million things to do. I had to walk 15 miles to school in the snow, uphill. I had a ton of homework. If I can’t buy that new game, I will die. He is as skinny as a toothpick. This car goes faster than the speed of light. That new car costs a bazillion dollars. We are so poor; we don’t have two cents to rub together. That joke is so old, the last time I heard it I was riding on a dinosaur. He's got tons of money. You could have knocked me over with a feather. He is older than the hills.
Myth A myth is a story that uses supernatural characters or supernatural forces to explain events in nature.upernatural Myths were developed to explain and answer questions that our ancestors could not. Myths were used to explain the creation of the universe, disasters, supernatural events, or anything that could not be explained at the time. Myths were created by the cultures because people needed to understand what was happening in the world. What we can explain today using science was once explained by using a myth.ancestors Myths with supernatural characters Hercules King Midas Pegasus Myths that uses forces to explain events in nature How Ducks got Their Fine Feathers Old Man Above the Grizzlys
Irregular Verbs
COMMON IRREGULAR VERBS blow PresentPast Past Participle ??? Can you list these verb forms?
COMMON IRREGULAR VERBS blow PresentPastPast Participle blowblewblown
break Can you list these verb forms? PresentPast Past Participle ???
break PresentPast Past Participle break broke broken
Irregular Verbs
Antonyms - Synonyms
synonym a word that has a similar meaning.
antonym a word that has the opposite meaning.
Multiple Meaning Words
Fact and Opinion
Fact A statement that is true and can be proven.
Opinion A statement that expresses a thought or a feeling.
Examples 1. We arrived ____ the house ____ the afternoon. 2. The waiter was ____ our table immediately. 3. We have not seen our waiter _____ we arrived. 4. The soccer player leaped ____ the ball. 5. The tiger jumped _____ my face. 6. The tiger jumped _____ the trap. 7. I went ____ the store today. 8. A light appeared ____ the window. 9. The cattle will graze ____ the open range ____ the whole summer. 10. Three hockey players are ____ the ice. 11. The cowboy rode _____ the setting sun. 12. Three boxers are ____ the ring. 13. The play ran _____ September ____ November. 14. The water spilled _____ the floor. in
Text Structures
Reference Materials
R EFERENCES /P RINT S OURCES - R ESOURCES USED FOR RESEARCH Encyclopedia Atlas Dictionary Thesaurus Almanac
W HAT IS AN ENCYCLOPEDIA USED FOR ? Encyclopedia gives general information about many different subjects. Organized alphabetically Set of books
W HAT IS AN ATLAS USED FOR ? An atlas is a book of maps.
W HAT IS A DICTIONARY USED FOR ? A dictionary is a book of word meanings If you want to find the definition or meaning of a word, use a dictionary!
W HAT IS A THESAURUS USED FOR ? A a thesaurus provides synonyms for words
W HAT IS AN ALMANAC USED FOR ? Almanacs are books that are published every year and provides facts about that specific year in terms of weather and environmental conditions and other interesting facts.
Adverb: a word used to tell more about a verb. (Adds to the verb) -Adverbs almost always answers the questions -Usually, but not always, end in –ly Example: The man walked slowly. She usually wakes up on time. We will go to the zoo tomorrow.
1. Read the sentence 2. Identify and circle the verb 3. Underline the word that adds to the verb (adverb) How?, When?, 1. Where?, How often?, In what way? 1.Jack plays tennis aggressively. Steps for identifying adverbs
Appositive Phrases An appositive phrase is a group of words that does NOT have a subject and verb. It consists of a noun (and all of its modifiers) that renames or provides additional information about another noun in the sentence.
Appositive Phrases An appositive normally sits next to the noun it renames; in other words, it is “positioned next to” that noun, which is why it is said to be “in apposition”.
Appositive Phrases One Fish,Two Fish, my favorite book by Dr. Seuss, is the the only book I have read completely on my own. “my favorite book by Dr. Seuss” renames One Fish,Two Fish
Appositive Phrases My favorite president, Harry Truman, led the American people through the end of World War II. Harry Truman is the appositive. If I do not include his name, you will not have enough information to understand my meaning completely.
Topic Sentence
T HE T OPIC S ENTENCE A topic sentence introduces or tells the reader the subject of the paragraph. Example: Many people are familiar with the insect eating Venus flytrap. Some even grow the plant in their homes. Like most plants, Venus flytraps get food from the soil. They could live without eating insects. They are healthier, though, when they have an occasional insect snack. Topic Sentence: - it is a generalized statement - it is usually located at the beginning of the paragraph - It includes the main idea of the paragraph
S TEPS TO WRITING THE TOPIC SENTENCE 1. Read entire paragraph. 2. Think about the subject of the paragraph 3. Read the supporting details in the paragraph 4. Choose a general statement that is supported by the details in the paragraph The California Gold Rush Men and women came to California in hopes of finding gold and becoming rich overnight. As one gold miner said in his journal, “My dream is to find gold so that I can make a new life.” Which sentence would best be used as a topic sentence to introduce the above paragraph. A.Gold was used to cap rotting teeth. B.The California Gold Rush of 1849 attracted people from countries all over the world. C.Gold Miners set up camps all over California. D.Tin cans were used to pan for gold.
Let’s Try it Together Pipa drew all over Max’s homework with marking pens. While he was at school, she messed up the puzzle he had been working on for days. Then at dinner, she knocked her glass of milk over and it landed in his lap. 1. Read entire paragraph. 2. Think about the subject of the paragraph 3. Read the supporting details in the paragraph 4. Choose a general statement that is supported by the details in the paragraph Which sentence would best be used as a topic sentence to introduce the above paragraph. A.Pipa hit Max on the head with a shoe. B.Max’s sister, Pipa, is constantly irritating him. C.Pipa is in 1 st grade. D.Pipa is an angel.
There are wristwatches, alarm clocks, mantel clocks, and tall grandfather clocks. Clocks can come in just about any shape. Clocks also make different kinds of sounds. The Coo- Coo clock’s bird sings its song when its hour arrives. There are also clocks that buzz, ring, and honk. A. Clocks make a buzzing sound. B. All clocks have numbers on them. C. Clocks come in many different sizes and forms. D. The grandfather clock is usually passed down from generation to generation. Which sentence would best be used as a topic sentence to introduce the above paragraph. 1. Read entire paragraph. 2. Think about the subject of the paragraph 3. Read the supporting details in the paragraph 4. Choose a general statement that is supported by the details in the paragraph
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