ADMONISH Verb- To caution or advise against something; to scold mildly; to remind of a duty 2 Woodard Mrs. Woodard
BREACH Noun- an opening, gap, rupture, rift; a violation or infraction; Verb- to create an opening, break through 3 Ex- A black hole is a breach in space and time.
BRIGAND Noun- a bandit, robber, highwayman, outlaw 4 Ex. Robin Hood had the best of intentions even though he was a brigand.
CIRCUMSPECT Adjective- Careful, Cautious 5 Admiral Akbar would ask that you be circumspect….ca use it’s a trap.
COMMANDEER Verb- To seize for military or official use 6 The above image is not an official seizing something for official use… this is thievery. It is wrong. Antonyms for the win.
CUMBERSOME Adjective- clumsy, hard to handle; slow moving 7
DEADLOCK Noun- a standstill resulting from the opposition of two equal forces or factions Verb- to bring to such a standstill 8
DEBRIS Noun- Scattered fragments, wreckage 9
DIFFUSE Verb- to spread or scatter freely or widely Adjective- wordy, longwinded, unfocused; scattered or widely spread 10 Ex- Light diffuses over distance as the waves separate and expand out from each other.
DILEMMA Noun- A difficult or perplexing situation or problem 11 Ex- Homer had the dilemma of choosing a donut or getting a divorce…. The donut won.