Erica Frost, Katlyn Rhodes Samantha Mallik, Onalee Neff
Chad, 28 year old high school graduate Employed at a drug store Doesn’t eat fruit and vegetables, only meals with minimal preparation States abnormal thirst and hunger, and not feeling right Admitted after found throwing up blood and barely responsive
Breakfast: ◦ 2 strawberry poptarts ◦ 1 glazed doughnut ◦ 1 cup lowfat milk Snack: ◦ 2 cups of coffee ◦ 1 fruit danish Dinner: ◦ 1 frozen dinner, Hungry man Salisbury Steak ◦ 12 oz Mountain Dew ◦ 1 slice white bread ◦ 1 tsp. butter Snack: ◦ 5 slices pepperoni pizza ◦ 5, 12 oz light beers
24 hour recall ◦ 13 medium fat meat exchanges ◦ 1 low fat milk exchange ◦ 22.5 starch exchanges ◦ 30 fat exchanges Kcals: ◦ Carbohydrates: 1398 ◦ Protein: 666 ◦ Fat: 2183 ◦ Total: 4247
Sex: Male Age: 28 Height: 5’10” (70 inches) Weight: 230 lbs (104.5 kg) Ideal body weight: 166 lbs % Ideal body weight: 139 BMI: between Interpretation: Obese
pH: 7.0 ◦ Indicates acidosis HCO3: 19 ◦ Low Interpretation: ◦ Metabolic acidosis due to decrease in both pH and HCO3
Diabetes *polydypsia and increased hunger- evident by patients subjective history. *Weight=139% IBW, BMI, upon admission *Diet high in trans fatty acids, contributed more than 7% of his daily fat intake *Hyperglycemia- evident by *Excessive alcohol consumption *Blood Glucose=560 *Too much food *Nausea *Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)- evident by *Hyperglycemia *BP indicated Hypertension, which is a screening factor for diabetes *Pt. HCO3 and PCO2 levels are low
Cardiovascular disease * Stage 1 hypertension- BP= 150/90 *Poor diet- *Pt. diet is high in Saturated and Trans fatty acids, more than 50% of his current dietary intake are from Fat *Alcohol consumption- *more than 1-2 drinks a day increases BP * HDL lowers and Triglycerides raise *Obesity- *BMI: *related to hypertension *glucose intolerance *Lab values- *Cholesterol: 325-elevated undesirable *LDL: 265-elevated *HDL: 40-borderline * elevated serum triglycerides *Microalbuminuria- *marker of increased cardiovascular risk and hypertension
Primary ◦ Excessive fat intake related to frequent consumption of high risk lipids as evidenced by serum cholesterol level of 325 mg/dL, LDL of 265, and triglyceride of 300. Secondary ◦ Inappropriate intake of types of carbohydrates related to cultural practices that affect the ability to regulate carbohydrates consumed evidenced by hyperglycemia and random blood glucose level of 560.
Angiotension II ◦ Avapro Reduces hypertension by restricting narrowing of blood vessels Lovastatin ◦ Lowers cholesterol by blocking the production of cholesterol in the body ◦ Reduces LDL and total cholesterol levels ◦ Lovastatin combined with a cholesterol lowering diet plan is very effective
Caloric needs ◦ RMR= 10xwt(kg)+6.25xht(cm)-5x x x x28+5 RMR= 1982 Kcal *Ambulatory *BMR=1.3x1982=2577 Kcal *Adjusted BMR=1.5x2577= 3866 Kcal * The Pt. calorie need is 2,577 Kcal
Protein needs ◦ Oral anabolic requirements *Protein needs g/Kg *Kg actual body wt x1.2= x1.5=157 g Protein/day ◦ Grams of Nitrogen= 3866/150=25.7 g N required ◦ 25.7N x 6.25=161 g Protein/day *The Pt. protein need is g Protein/day
Pt. IBW would be between lbs, this is a unrealistic short term goal, but could be a great long term goal for the patient to strive for *We do recommend a 5-10% reduction of his current weight of 230lbs/ kg - with this reduction his weight would then be lbs which is a realistic goal * We do not recommend any weight loss until the Pt. is in a stable condition
The prescribed diet will consist of: ◦ 55% of calories from carbohydrates ◦ 20% of calories from protein ◦ 25% of calories from fat RMR= 2,577 kcal daily ◦ 1417 kcal, 354 g carbohydrates ◦ 515 kcal, 129 g protein ◦ 644 kcal, 72 g fat
Calorie Consumption: ◦ The pt. is currently consuming 4247 kcal ◦ Prescription: Reduce caloric intake to 2558 kcal Fat Intake: ◦ Current Intake: 242 kcal (150 g) ◦ Prescription: 70 kcal (35 g) Protein Intake: ◦ Current Intake:167 kcal (42 g) ◦ Prescription: 129 kcal (32 g) Fruit and Vegetable Intake: ◦ We recommend he adds fruits and vegetables to his diet. Meat: ◦ We are encouraging him to eat lean meat instead of medium meat. Milk: ◦ We are encouraging a higher milk consumption
Number of exchanges ProteinCarbohydrateFat Meat856 g--24 g Milk432 g48 g-- Vegetable48 g20 g-- Starch1133 g165 g11 g Fruit g Fat g TOTAL42129 g353 g70 g
ExchangeFood Breakfast 3 starch 3 fruit 2 milk 1 fat Lunch 3 meat 2 starch 2 fat 1 vegetable 1 fruit Snack 3 fruit 1 milk 1 fat Dinner 5 meat 4 starch 2 fat 2 vegetable 1 milk 1 fruit Snack 2 starch 1 vegetable 1 fat
11 starch exchanges : 11 g 8 meat exchanges : 24 g 7 fat exchanges : 35 g 4 milk exchanges (skim) : 0 g TOTAL : 70 g
5-10% weight reduction, short term goal Glucose maintained to desirable limit Achieve and maintain desirable lipid levels, through diet and therapeutic lifestyle changes ◦ LDL cholesterol < ◦ HDL > 40 ◦ Triglycerides < ◦ Cholesterol < ◦ Blood Pressure /85-89
Patient will regularly see RD, 4-8 times within 6 month period. Set timeline with RD for setting goals, and visits Record 3-day or weekly diet record for first visit showing understanding of prescription Lab values will be taken to ensure BGL and lipid profile are effectively being reduced.