1 西方文明史 第二講: 兩河與埃及 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用 CC 「姓名標示 -非商業性-相同方式分享」臺灣 3.0 版授權釋出】創用 CC 「姓名標示 -非商業性-相同方式分享」臺灣 3.0 版 劉 慧 教授
Some geographic names: Sumer, Uruk; Akkad, Babylon; Assyria, Nineveh 2 The first Civilizations in Mesopotamia
3 The Uruk period, BCE – The Sumerians built half a dozen cities – Development of cuneiform writing 3300 inscription on flat clay tablets; 3100 reed stylus leaving wedge-shaped impression – making abstract and standardized signs Pictographs, abstract notion, phonetic sounds, auxiliary marks 2600/2500: cuneiform script fully evolved Cuneiform script was in use for over 3,000 years. Sumerian remained the dominant written language until about 1900 BCE; Akkadian was written with the script from 2800
5 Proto-cuneiform: 85% of the documents from Sumer ca are inventories & other economic records
8 90 ° turn – From hand held to being propped up on table New shape – Easier to write More signs; each sign serving more purposes – Semantic extension From concrete to abstract notion – Phonetic extension Acrophony – Over 1000 signs Morphograms Phonograms (syllabogram) Determinatives Egyptian writing system. Stimulus diffusion
9 1.The Uruk period: BCE – Highly theocratic society; each city had one patron god from the Sumerian pantheon 2.Early Dynastic Period – Intense competition between city-states – rise of successful war leaders, e.g. Gilgamesh Royal tombs of Ur – Each king strove to establish supremacy; could then exact tribute. Conquered cities revolted, warfare began again 3.Akkadian Period : the first empire – Systematic conquest of Sargon. Direct rule: appointed governors, pulled down fortifications, collected taxes 4.Ur Dynasty – Ur-Nammu’s ziggurat 5.Babylonian king Hammurabi ( ) unified Sumer and Akkadia – The law code: kings as protectors of the weak and arbiters of justice
10 6.The Kassite and Hittite Interlude BCE – 1595 the Hittites destroyed Babylon; empire comprising Anatolia and Syria Light-chariot warfare Manufacture and trade of iron – the Kassites ruled most of Mesopotamia No noteworthy contributions to later civilizations – New Kingdom Egypt and the Hittite empire The ‘international system’ and the Amarna Letters
11 7. The Assyrians ; empire BCE united northern Mesopotamia Indirect overlordship in Akkad and Sumer until early 7 th c BCE 9 th c: conquered Syria, southern Anatolia 7 th c: conquered all western Asia Splendid capital Nineveh – built by Sennacherib BCE – water supply; library Constant uprisings – Centered at Babylon – alliance with the Medes in Iran
12 Military-religious ethos; Assur ‘calculated frightfulness’ – ‘Frightfulness’: brutality in art and policy Starting in Sennacherib’s reign Sculptured reliefs Inscriptions celebrating military victories
13 Assyrian winged bulls
14 8. The Chaldeans/New Babylonian Empire, The Chaldeans – Negative image: Nebuchadnezzar ( ) conquered Jerusalem. The Babylonian Captivity The city of Babylon – The wall covered with glazed bricks and the Hanging Gardens, built by Nebuchadnezzar Astronomy/astrology: to measure and interpret the universe – First 5 planets linked with the powers of 5 gods – Motions of the planets and stars suggested cosmic events such as floods and famines, and fortunes of nations
15 頁碼作品版權標示作者 / 來源 2 Kohler History ( , visited. 3 WIKIPEDIA / Marie-Lan Nguyen ( b1932.jpg ), visited. b1932.jpg 4 Flickr / listentoreason ( , visited. 4 WIKIPEDIA ( , visited. 4 Flickr / johnurlock ( , visited. 版權聲明
16 頁碼作品版權標示作者 / 來源 5 Flickr / johnurlock ( , visited. 6 Karen Whimsy ( , visited. 7 WIKIPEDIA / Matt Neale ( g) , visited. g 7 Hentz-humanities-wiki / DJGreen ( , visited. 8 Google Library ( NAL+SUMERIAN+CUNEIFORM+SIGNS&source=bl&ots=sWueecdaWh&sig=ivlo5MDVYZogempe lyK0m5W0wng&hl=zh- TW&sa=X&ei=07dWT9j8Na_ImAWn8OjzCQ&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=MULTIFUNCTIONAL%2 0SUMERIAN%20CUNEIFORM%20SIGNS&f=false) , NAL+SUMERIAN+CUNEIFORM+SIGNS&source=bl&ots=sWueecdaWh&sig=ivlo5MDVYZogempe lyK0m5W0wng&hl=zh- TW&sa=X&ei=07dWT9j8Na_ImAWn8OjzCQ&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=MULTIFUNCTIONAL%2 0SUMERIAN%20CUNEIFORM%20SIGNS&f=false visited. 依據著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條合理使用。
17 頁碼作品版權標示作者 / 來源 9 Kohler History ( , visited. 9 WIKIPEDIA ( , visited. 10 WIKIPEDIA ( , visited. 10 WorldHistoryatYHS ( , visited. 11 WorldHistoryatYHS ( , visited.
18 頁碼作品版權標示作者 / 來源 12 WIKIPEDIA ( , visited. 12 WIKIPEDIA ( , visited. 12 Socials-La Wiki ( , visited. 13 Flickr / mitko_denev ( , visited. 14 WIKIPEDIA ( , visited.
19 頁碼作品版權標示作者 / 來源 14 Flickr / Rictor Norton & David Allen ( , visited.