ACTION PLAN Compiled by Huma Zaheer Level: Prep I,II,III Physical Education The City School Gulshan Prep Girls
Importance of Physical Education Physical education leads to self knowledge in students. They discover, accept and try to improve their capabilities, their potential and their limitations.
By using 21st century approach I want to make my students to be perfect players, strong collaborators to apply all their abilities that can make them best Athlete of high caliber with strong sports man spirit. Goal
LONG TERM GOALS IMPROVE SPORTS Through different drills By encouraging students to become independent players By collaborative and co-operative environment through 21st century approaches Develop team spirit Develop sportsman spirit Determine the most appropriate learning experiences for each student
SHORT TERM Goals Stamina Confidence Characterize their strength Collaborative learning skills Patience Technical game
Learning A ppearances II will create the ability among the students to think critically and collaborate meaningfully with team members and the other teams. MMore information/ideas sharing after or before the match.
Evaluating Blooms taxonomy ball
Students Evaluated Through; Friendly matches House wise competition Inter branch competition Inter school competition Sind and National games
Analyzing Strategies Activity based learning in P-E class Individual and Group wise drills Organize competitions and play matches Additional coaching classes
Recommended strategies
Moral development: Through helping pupils gain a sense of fairplay based on rules. Develop positive sporting behaviour.learn to support referees, Conduct sporting competitions. umpires and judges. Social development: Through helping to develop social skills and activities, involving co-operation and collabration,responsibility,loyalty and team work. Thinking skill: Through helping pupils consider information and concept. Generate and express their own ides and opinions about tactics,stretegy and composition. Spiritual development : Through helping pupils gain a sense of achievement and developing positive attitude. GENERAL TARGETS FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION
TIME LINE November/ December Netball March /April Cricket January /February Basketball
Instructional Strategies and Tasks Topic Approach /Skill Instructional strategies Netball Observation and Intervening skill Encouraging skill Encouraging skill Awareness about the basic rules and regulations Develop the match temperament Play practice matches and apply all the taught skills Do attacking,tackling and passing techniques while playing match. Basket ball Observation and Questioning skill Encouraging skill Utilize and improve all the taught skills and techniques while playing matches Do fast dribbling with both hands Learn all types of passes(chest,bounce,over head,right,left) Official FIBA rules 2010 Official FIBA rules 2010
Cricket Listening and applying skill Advance bating and bowling. Body position in fielding. Rules and regulations
–C–C–C–Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision. –M–M–M–Muhammad Ali, American Boxer
ChallengesSolutions Participation of maximum students in P.E period(35 minutes) I will divide the class in to two teams and let them to play match. Most of the student don’t want to play with some one or together. I will Create collaborative environment. Student’s motivation Encouragement by certificates. Clashes in club classes. Select the best team. I will make 2 or 4 teams and will organize friendly matches. I will select the best team through friendly matches. Observation I will observe the students in P.E periods all the time and prepare branch team. Parent’s approval I will send the Circular to the Parents. Injury during P.E I will keep an appropriate First aid for safety.
RESOURCES Computer Intel Manual Internet ICT Lab Multimedia
Acknowledgment Headmistress Ma’am Huma Arshad Master trainers Ms.Iffat & Ms. Uzma Lab assistant Mr.Kamran Colleagues All Family members
Conclusion By using the latest methods of teaching and learning to satisfy the creative instinct of my students, I would be in a better position to assess the ability of my learners.
“ Talent wins games, but teamwork and Intelligence wins championship.” Michael Jordan American Basketball Player