Highlights of WIOA Reforms for Adult Education Spring 2015 Administrators’ Meeting
Quick Facts Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) revised and reauthorized the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) (July 2014) Seeks to improve coordination between primary federal programs Created to help an individual acquire a combination of basic academic, critical thinking, digital literacy, and self-management skills
Core Programs The Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth formula (Dept. of Labor—Title I) The Adult Education and Literacy (Dept. of Ed.—Title II) The Wagner-Peyser Act employment services program administration (Dept. of Labor--Title III) The programs under Title I of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act administered by ED under Title IV.
Key Principles of WIOA Program Alignment Creates unified strategic planning across programs Enhances role of State & Local WIBs in developing and implementing a Unified State Plan Increased Accountability Establishes common measures Increases accountability and transparency through reporting and evaluations Enhanced Service Delivery Promotes engagement of employers and education alignment Strengthens partnerships and investments in one-stop delivery system
AEFLA: Unified State Plan Align content standards for adult education with state-adopted academic standards Fund local activities using considerations for grants Programs for corrections education English literacy and civics education Integrated education and training Use funds to carry out State Leadership Activities Assess the quality of adult education providers
Some of our State Partnerships Adult Education Division (AED) Apprenticeships Arkansas Career Technical Institute (ACTI) Arkansas Community College (ACC) Arkansas Rehabilitation Services (ARS) Career Technical Education (CTE) Chamber of Commerce Dept. of Education Dept. of Workforce Services (DWS) Workforce Investment Boards (WIB) AR Economic Development Commission
Title II-Retains AEFLA Purposes Assist adults to become literate and obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and economic self-sufficiency Assist adults who are parents or family members become a full partner in the education development of their children Assist adults in completing high school
Expands AEFLA Purposes Promote transitions from adult education to post secondary education and training through career pathways Assist immigrants and English Language Learners Improve reading, writing, math, speaking, and comprehending the English language Acquire understanding of American government, individual freedom, and responsibility Activities must be provided in combination with Integrated Education and Training (IET) activities
Key Changes for Adult Education Strengthens alignment of adult education with postsecondary and workforce activities Strengthens career pathways and integrated education and training Links English Literacy/Civics with integrated education and training
Key Changes for Adult Education Requires specific state leadership activities: Alignment of services with the workforce system Quality professional development Technical assistance to local providers Monitoring and evaluation of local providers Requires that the local adult education plans be reviewed by the local workforce board to ensure alignment.
Key Changes for Adult Education Supports educational and career advancements for incarcerated individuals Encourages establishment of a high-quality local adult education delivery system 13 Considerations must be met Activities that promote IET; coordination with education, training, employers, and social service providers to promote career pathways
Important Title I Definitions Individual with Barriers to Employment Career Pathway One-Stop Partner Supportive Services Workforce Development System
Individual with Barrier to Employment A member of one or more of the following populations: Displaced homemakers Ex-offenders Long-term unemployed Low income individuals Homeless individuals, or homeless children and youth Individuals within 2 years of exhausting lifetime eligibility under the SSA, title IV part A Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians Youth who are in or have aged out of foster care Single parents (including single pregnant women) Individuals with disabilities, including youth English language learners, individuals with low levels of literacy, and individuals facing substantial cultural barriers Such other groups as the Governor determines to have barriers to employment Older individuals Migrant and seasonal farm workers
Career pathway A combination of rigorous and high quality education, training, and other services that-- Aligns with skill needs of industries in the State and regional economy Organizes education, training, and other services to meet the particular needs of an individual to accelerate educational and career advancement Prepares individuals to be successful in secondary or postsecondary education options, including registered apprenticeships Enables an individual to attain a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, and at least 1 recognized post secondary credential Includes counseling to support in achieving the individual’s education and career goals Helps and individual enter or advance within a specific occupation or occupational cluster Includes education offered concurrently with workforce preparation activities and training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster
Supportive Services
Membership of State Boards Reduces the size of State Workforce Development Boards State Director of adult education and local adult director have seats on the board Include business majority, labor organizations, an apprenticeship (new), organizations serving individuals with barriers tor employment Includes the lead State official with the responsibility for the core programs
Functions of State Workforce Board Develop and implement State Plan Align core programs and develop and improve workforce system Develop career pathways Develop and implement one-stops Identify economic development regions and local market areas Establish state performance measures and targets to assess effectiveness of core programs
Functions of State Workforce Board Cont. Develop policies to coordinate services Align technology and data systems across one-stop partners Technological improvements for digital literacy, accelerating learning, accessibility, and professional development
Ultimate Goal Help individuals gain the education and skills they need to transition into postsecondary education/training and/or workforce.
Group Discussion What opportunities exist for partnering with external stakeholders in your region in implementing the new WIOA law? Challenges? What are the high-skill, high-wage job industries in your area that can be used to develop career pathways? What specific resources do you need to assist students and employers? How do you see your role in the implementation of the new law?
References http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ovae/pi/AdultEd/wioa-reauthorization.html AskAEFLA@ed.gov National Council of State Directors of Adult Education (NCSDAE) www.ncsdae.org www.doleta.gov/WIOA http://www.ed.gov/aboutst/offices/list.osers/rsa/wio-authorization.htm. Career Clusters http://ace.arkansas.gov/cte/careerClusters/Pages/default.aspx
References One-Stop Center Service Design Quick Start Action Planner (QSAP) http://qsap.workforce3one.org/page/planner Adult Education and Family Literacy Act: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) Comment Expires: June 15, 2015 https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2015/04/16/2015-05540/programs-and-activities-authorized-by-the-adult-education-and-family-literacy-act-title-ii-of-the Search for Proposed Federal Regulations http://www.regulations.gov/