Treasurer’s Report Denise Allen, September 2014 By
Cash in the Bank 1 st September 2013 Agenda Items Analysis of year’s income Analysis of the year’s expenditure Taking stock Summary Opening Position Income Expenditure
Our starting position… Cash balance brought forward from 2012/13
Income for the Autumn term Autumn is traditionally the busiest term of the year. Halloween Party Christmas Wrapping & Card Sales Christmas Fayre
Halloween £350 (breakeven) Ticket Sales for Juniors Party Christmas Wrapping Sales £1089 (surplus £229) Northbrook fundraising Christmas Cards Project £1400 (surplus £309) Christmas Fayre £ (surplus £4317) Autumn term Income
Income for the Spring term Spring – a quieter term, consolidating and planning for summer! Seniors Disco Quiz & Curry Night Easter
Seniors Disco £200 (£46 deficit) Ticket Sales for Seniors Disco less cost of DJ & equipment and food provided Quiz & Curry Night £1076 (surplus £924) Ticket sales & Cash Games, less cost of food provided. Quiz provided in-house. Easter £zero (deficit £268) A non-charge event held during School day, less cost of Easter Eggs, Food & activities Spring term Income
Income for the Summer term Summer – straight back with the May Fayre & Singathon! Singathon Open Morning May Fayre
Singathon £650 (surplus £650) Sponsorship / donations May Fayre £4846 (surplus £2849) Summer term Income
Other income streams Commission & the introduction of Gift Aid generated by 63 registered supporters
Commission on craft supplies generated in a full year. Low awareness, needs promoting. Other income streams
A summary of Event Income & Expenditure Event HalloweenCards & Wrap Xmas Fayre Senior Disco EasterQuiz & Curry Sing- athon May Fayre TOTAL Income Costs SURPLUS / DEFICIT (46)(268)
FDPS Running & Equipment Costs for the year £1,733
FDPS BIDS awarded in the year £10,911
Our finishing position… Cash balance available, carried forward into Balance b/fwd£9,006 Add Funds generated£9,663 £18,669 Less running expenses (£1,733) Less bids awarded (£10,911) Balance avail c/fwd £6,025 add back o/s cheques £989 Balance at Bank 31/8/14 £7,014