Student-Focused System Leadership: Transformation Through Strategic Coherence BCSSA & BCASBO Fall Conference November 13th, 2014
Which Are You? Which better describes your district: “system of schools” or a “school system”? Introduce yourself to each other. Explain your choice.
Participants will: understand how a governance position of (Abbotsford’s) Board of Education drives system-wide change; understand how the alignment of student-focused system leadership can move the strategic planning process; reflect on your learning today and apply to your own district context Learning Intentions
How do we get the whole system moving in the right/same direction? How do we have the board lead and govern for system transformation? How do we engage the board and senior staff in doing important work that supports classroom instruction? Our Driving Questions 4
Preparing and inspiring our students for a lifetime of success through respect, opportunity, and innovation. The Mission 5
A world-class, innovative, and individualized educational experience for every student. The Vision 6
The Strategic Plan ( )
Teaching excellence (Early learning; quality induction) Leadership excellence Technology empowered learning Flexibility and Access Community & parent engagement High Level Priorities/Themes 8
How do we create system coherence to drive the educational transformation agenda? How do we ensure a level of system alignment with our strategic direction? What measures will we use to demonstrate that the system is making progress towards its strategic goals? How do we ensure long term sustainability of our efforts? Driving Questions 9
Student-Focused System Leadership
Bringing it to Life 11 MissionVisionStrategic ThemesOperational PlansSchool PlansMeasures and TargetsStrategic Initiatives High Altitude District/Board Level Ground Level Classroom Level
Governance Provides the framework and process for the allocation of decision-making powers. Structures and processes by which an organization is directed, controlled and held to account.
Improving our Governance Model Improving Board Governance – WHY? It is the Board’s responsibility to have good governance. Increased focus on student achievement and overall system improvement. Expectation for the Board to: – Provide Leadership – Demonstrate Accountability & Stewardship – Provide transparency
Improving our Governance Model Developed Policies that: Articulate VISION and GOALS. Define the Board’s work (accountability & assurance) Define Board/Superintendent relationship Are important to the Board.
Improving our Governance Model The Board’s Role The Board’s Role: Developed Strategic Plan & Organization goals Established accountability framework for reporting results – Superintendent reports on how programs/services & departments are meeting the expectations established by the Board. – “Our work is the Board’s work”
Governance in Action Strategic Plan Operational & School Plans Budget Development
Excellence in Teaching Excellence in Leadership Flexibility and access to programs & services Ethical and innovative use of technology Parental & community engagement Our (Revised) Strategic Plan
Student-Focused System Leadership: The Balcony and the Dance Floor
A Bold Vision “Only a commitment to a process of continual improvement truly rewards.” W.E. Deming “All Students Meeting Expectations for Literacy by the End of Grade Three ” Abbotsford Board of Education 2013
Our Provincial Vulnerability Ranking (Wave 5)
Grade 4 FSA Reading (Fully Meeting+)
Student-Focused System Leadership
Moving from Pockets… Theories of Action How we will move from our current state to our desired future…
#1: Moving from Pockets… …to a system of brilliance
Complete the M&M Variance Activity on your tables First as an individual Then as a table group look for patterns…. #2 Reduce Variability: The M&M Variance Study
Discuss the following question: What do you control variability for in your district? Moving from Pockets
#3 Moving from Pockets…A Provocation It matters which classroom students are in.
Only 3 ways to improve student achievement at scale: 1.Increase the level of knowledge and skill that the teacher brings to the instructional process 2.Increase the level and the complexity of what students are learning 3.Change the role of the student in the instructional process - City, Elmore, Fiarman & Teitel, 2010 Moving from Pockets…
“Building Leaders That Inspire Learners”
Student-Focused System Leadership
Moving from Pockets Norm of isolation and autonomy Norm of coherent learning environments for both adults and students
Common Picture; Common Language: Accountability & Assurance Early Learning Dept. Parent Engagement Community Engagement
Impact on Leadership Behaviours/Accountability Measures Elem PVPs will: engage all teachers and educational assistants to develop their understanding and consistent implementation of a common language and common standards for excellence in early literacy curriculum, assessment and instruction. Continue to engage in personal professional inquiry related to developing their instructional leadership competencies (change leadership).
Moving from Pockets… Your Turn Theories of Action How will you move from your current state to your desired future?
Driving Renewal 35 Quantitative Measures Qualitative Measures Process Measures Organizational Perspectives Resource Allocations & Limitations
What Questions Do You Have?