Creating Our Future Planning for 2015 and Beyond
Why should the BCHHC Create a Strategic Plan? “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there.” “Who are we? What is our ‘business’?” Engage coalition members, create intrinsic passion for the future Create alignment within the coalition Creating the Future
Culture and Core Values Primary Planning Process Voice of the Customer Environmental Analysis Mission/Vision Strategic Direction/Objectives Key Priorities Implementation Alignment Plan – Do – Study - Act Communication Process Key Indicators and TargetsExecution Process Parallel Processes Alignment of all key processes and supporting systems Creating the Future
Voice of the Customer What are the coalition’s customer’s requirements? Even more fundamental, who IS the customer? Members of the coalition? The community we serve? Providers? People in poverty? Homeless?
SWOT Analysis Lack of a clear identity for the Coalition Affordable and accessible housing Goals and objectives for the Coalition are not clear Community awareness & understanding of homelessness The non-provider community is under represented The need for greater involvement of existing members/leaders
Community Data Affordable Housing Institute Brown County LIFE Study BOSCOC – Jennifer Schmohe
Culture and Core Values Primary Planning Process Voice of the Customer Environmental Analysis Mission/Vision Strategic Direction/Objectives Key Priorities Implementation Alignment Plan – Do – Study - Act Communication Process Key Indicators and TargetsExecution Process Parallel Processes Alignment of all key processes and supporting systems Creating the Future
Vision Suggestions Don’t try to force a vision, let it present itself If it doesn’t present itself – let it go and move on A vision may emerge from dozens of seemingly random thoughts or ideas Keep on open mind – be open to creative ideas Don’t limit yourself to an extension of the past Pictures are important – pictures can engage
A Vision Option – A Preferred Future Following is our team’s collective “picture” of our desired future for the coalition: Each team members presence and contribution to the dialogue led to the proposed vision Most team members at some point have felt uncertain about the vision due to complexity
A Vision Option – A Preferred Future First ….. Listen – listen with a listening and discerning mind which is seeking to understand Then ….. Play devil’s advocate – use this as an example to challenge your own creativity and desire for the future of the coalition
Coalition Vision Can you imagine ….. A one-stop shop, where anyone with a housing related issue can come and have their questions answered or needs met. A triage station where knowledgeable “customer oriented” staff can answer any housing related question. (The 211 of housing.) Confidential private offices where people who need “housing counseling” can discuss their needs.
Coalition Vision Can you imagine ….. A case manager who can immediately lead an individual or family through an assessment. Relationships, collaboration, and defined processes such that this “one-stop shop” can represent and commit coalition partner resources. Housing choice vouchers and rapid rehousing administration being administered out of one location.
Coalition Vision Can you imagine ….. Ethical and socially responsible landlords will allow the coalition case manager to enter into lease agreements on their behalf. The “hand off” to collation partners are personal Where people feel safe, supported, and leave with solutions after ONE visit
Coalition Vision Can you imagine ….. No homeless families or individuals in Brown County?
Coalition Vision Can you imagine an organization with ….. An easily accessible and visible location … …. which is known by everyone ….. … and staff who are trusted for their knowledge and effectiveness in helping people with housing related challenges. Led by a small board of community minded leaders.
Coalition Vision Can you imagine an organization with ….. An Executive Director who is the face of the organization within the community. On-site case managers On-site rental agency experts On-site administration of Housing Choice Vouchers and Rapid Rehousing (what else?)
Coalition Vision Can you imagine an organization with ….. A “Research Center” for data collection and analysis of community needs – the driver of future “projects.” The reputation of being the “Job Center” for those in need of housing support.
Coalition Vision Every individual and family in Brown County will have access to safe and stable housing and the support services necessary for sustainable safe, stable, and affordable housing.
Voice of the Customer Who IS the BCHHC customer? Members of the coalition? The community we serve? Providers? People in poverty? Homeless?
Voice of the Customer Who IS the BCHHC customer? People in our community who are in need of safe, stable, and affordable housing.
Culture and Core Values Primary Planning Process Voice of the Customer Environmental Analysis Mission/Vision Strategic Direction/Objectives Key Priorities Implementation Alignment Plan – Do – Study - Act Communication Process Key Indicators and TargetsExecution Process Parallel Processes Alignment of all key processes and supporting systems Creating the Future
Vision Leadership Expectations Constancy of Purpose CourageCompassion
Values We will strive for collaborative relationships based on mutual trust We will lead with constancy of purpose We will lead with courage to ask the difficult questions We will listen and respond with compassion
Vision Every individual and family in Brown County will have access to safe and stable housing and the support services necessary for sustainable safe, stable, and affordable housing. Mission The BCHHC coordinates housing and support services for those experiencing poverty, or those on the fringe of poverty, in our community. Values We will lead with constancy of purpose We will strive for collaborative relationships based on mutual trust We will lead with courage to ask the difficult questions We will listen and respond with compassion
Change Leadership Process GO!
Coalition Vision and Planning Process This team MUST be prepared to: Create tension within BCHHC leaders Create a team which will include: “active, passionate, creative drivers of change“ AND credible leadership Tell the story, engaging the logical, emotional, and physical attributes of change Lead with Urgency
Coalition Vision and Planning Process This team MUST have the “discipline of execution” What are the critical few priorities, with action plans and deadlines? PM! (Credibility, urgency, discipline, & collaborative mindset) Do with a sense of urgency – do something! Build excitement through short-term wins, communicate. Only 50% of any plan will work. Study, learn, adapt. Revise the plan, and do it again.
Culture and Core Values Primary Planning Process Voice of the Customer Environmental Analysis Mission/Vision Strategic Direction/Objectives Key Priorities Implementation Alignment Plan – Do – Study - Act Communication Process Key Indicators and TargetsExecution Process Parallel Processes Alignment of all key processes and supporting systems Creating the Future
BCHHC Vision Next Steps 1.BCHHC presentation (January 14 th ) 2.BCHHC approval 3.Key decision-makers meeting and approval 4.Form a “guiding coalition” 5.Recruit an interim Executive Director 6.Develop short-term action plan
Small Groups Dialogue and Feedback 1.What is your initial reaction? 2.Do you feel comfortable voting today on the general concept and direction? 3.What additional clarification would be helpful at our next coalition meeting?
Thanks! For your attendance and participation!