Sherry Gettemy – Marcia Torgrude –
What are the Common Core State Standards and how do they impact my classroom? For which concepts will each grade level be held accountable? How do K-12 concepts spiral? Which standards are we going to assess for mastery and at which grade levels(Power Standards)? What are the essential K-12 vocabulary terms? Why explore my teaching practices?
Think about what we have already done with the SMP and what you have been reading about the CCSS. What are questions and concerns you have? We will try to respond to these in the next few days. What we can’t answer now, we will work toward in the future.
Standards and gaps rds_review.aspx rds_review.aspx Scroll to McCrel Gap Analysis 3 colors – Highlight the CCSS for your grade – green – I am comfortable – yellow – I am a bit concerned – red – OMG! I haven’t done this We will revisit the reds at the end of our days!
A proven process for prioritizing the standards Read Chapter 3 Break
– Power Standards (essential skills) – Vocabulary – Structure for capturing work K-12 Alignment Scope and Sequence- only for the power standards you develop
Would You Agree? – Isn’t depth of a lesser number of key concepts and skills preferable to “Covering” superficially every concept in the book? – Typically in U.S., teaching has been “inch deep, mile wide” – Wouldn’t “inch wide, mile deep” better meet students’ learning needs? – Would you agree?
“Given the limited time you have with your students, curriculum design has become more and more an issue of deciding what you won’t teach as well as what you will teach. You cannot do it all. As a designer, you must choose the essential.” Heidi Hayes Jacobs, 1997
All standards are not equal in importance! Narrow the standards by distinguishing the “essentials” from the “nice to know” Teach the “nice to know” in the context of the essentials! Prioritization, not elimination!
Good set of Power Standards will address about 88% of the items on the state test, but not 100% If you go after that extra 12%, you will have to cover many more standards and have less time to teach the truly essential ones Rationale: better to be proficient at 88% of what will probably be on the state test versus exposure to 100% of what could be on the test.
“What knowledge and skills do this year’s students need so they will enter next year’s class with confidence and a readiness for success?”
Given all the standards in every grade and content area, how do you decide what is most important for student to know and be able to do?
Which standards are critical for our students to know and understand? Which standards represent concepts and skills that endure? Consider looking at all the standards through the common “lens” of: – Endurance, leverage, and readiness for the next level of learning
Defines something a student will need to know for a longer period of time. Certainly beyond preparation for a test. For example, students need to know the relationship between fractions, decimals, and percents and when to use each throughout their lives.
The standard is taught and used in more than one curricular area. The “Bang for Your Buck” standard For Example – reading graphs in math and applying the skill in science.
Standards necessary for next level of learning. In first grade, learning place value is necessary to begin adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing.
Work on your grade level or high school content area to determine your power standards Use your professional judgment. Remember – Endurance, Leverage, and Readiness Place power standards on large sticky notes List vocabulary for each power standard on small sticky notes – attach to corresponding power standard.
Sherry Gettemy – Marcia Torgrude –
Share your power standards and vocabulary in the following groups and refine through conversation: – K-2 – 3-5 – 6-8
Check for flow in domains Check for gaps in power standards Check for overlaps in power standards – which are essential? Check for flow in vocabulary (do we need to define vocabulary so everyone is using same verbiage)
Sherry Gettemy – Marcia Torgrude –
Guernsey Google Spreadsheet Share your power standards – refine through discussion Refine vocabulary How do you feel about your vertical alignment of power standards? Access to the spreadsheet –
Scope and Sequence – pacing guide to mastery Discuss where to assess for mastery – is this your scope and sequence with the old state standards?assess for mastery The Mathematics Common Core Toolbox Ohio Examples – quarterly: Compare their work to yours What curricula are you using? Where is the scope and sequence within this curricula? How can you refine this scope and sequence to meet your power standards? Begin with the Number and Operations and the Number System.
Discuss in the following pairs: – K-1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, (Up and Back per pair or group) – K-1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, (Up and Back per pair or group) Refine your scope and sequence to confirm all power standards within number and operations and number systems are met. If time permits, move to other power standards.
(McCallum, 2011)
So where do we go from here? Continue your scope and sequence How do you fill the gaps between Common Core and former state standards? – K-2 totally immersed in common core – Focus on big gaps and move toward the CC Determine continued math work – What support would you need? Did we answer all the questions?
Kathy Richardson Planning Guide – K-2 NCTM Handouts ntPage ntPage s.html s.html resources/common-core-by-state resources/common-core-by-state