Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang Dr. Jenny Barnett Dr. Ruth Geer 8/27/2015 1
CONTENT Introduction Key Literature Review Research Design Results & Discussions Conclusion 8/27/ Trang Nguyen
The explosion of information and communications technology (ICT) and its ability to facilitate English language learning and teaching. English language teachers around the world are exploring new teaching methods that utilise ICT. Vietnamese government and educators have been aware of the need to incorporate ICT into the language curriculum. However, ICT integration into classroom learning in Vietnam is confined to the big cities and remains limited in rural areas. INTRODUCTION 8/27/ Trang Nguyen
However, ICT integration into classroom learning in Vietnam is confined to the big cities and remains limited in rural areas. The issue of implementation of ICT in language learning and teaching has not yet received appropriate consideration especially for primary education in the rural areas in Vietnam. INTRODUCTION 8/27/ Trang Nguyen
to foster the process of ICT integration by investigating the conditions likely to favour the successful integration of ICT in English language learning and teaching in rural Vietnamese primary schools. To gain insight into optimal integration and how to create circumstances whereby ICT aids in developing a student-centred classroom to provide primary English teachers in rural schools with a chance to reflect on their use of ICT in language teaching and learning, and to yield suggestions on how ICT can best be implemented in learning and teaching in rural areas of Vietnam. INTRODUCTION 8/27/ Trang Nguyen
KEY LITERATURE REVIEW The availability of the learning materials makes ICT very stimulating through images, animation, audio and video clips. ICT can help students to increase their self- confidence and self-esteem. ICT provides authentic learning and teaching environment. ICT can facilitate different activities. The availability of different rich texts, different topics, quizzes, exercises helps in saving the teachers’ time and compensating for low English proficiency among teachers. (Lee (2000), Ibrahim (2010) and Becta (2004)) 8/27/ Trang Nguyen
KEY LITERATURE REVIEW The teacher is the gatekeeper who has the choice to allow educational innovations and ICT use to occur in the classroom making professional development essential for ICT implementation in schools (Rodriguez, 2000) With PD, teachers' beliefs and attitudes toward the value and usefulness of ICT integration may be positively affected, positioning them to be more willing to increase their knowledge about implementing ICT (Miller, 2007; Pisapia, et al., 2000) 8/27/ Trang Nguyen
KEY LITERATURE REVIEW PD should not be conducted primarily through short workshops. But rather professional development should be ongoing and address adult learning principles (Haughey, 2002) PD activities may need to provide more opportunities for ongoing, collegial sharing. Research has mentioned the concept of ‘high- quality professional development’ which is ‘long duration, follow-up support, active engagement in relevant activities, access to new technologies, collaboration and community building among participants, shared understanding of student achievement’ (Martin, et al., 2010). 8/27/ Trang Nguyen
KEY LITERATURE REVIEW If school administrators understand how to create conditions that generate positive attitudes in teachers toward ICT integration, the integration of technology into the classroom is more likely to happen (Pisapia, et al., 2000). 8/27/ Trang Nguyen
RESEARCH DESIGN 2 stages: a large-scale school survey and case studies in selected schools. The first stage used a questionnaire approach to explore the regional context of the implementation of ICT in English teaching and learning and how professional development activities have happened in the rural areas. The second stage will be case studies of schools. 8/27/ Trang Nguyen
RESEARCH DESIGN primary school principals & English teachers in rural primary schools in Tien Giang province 8/27/ Trang Nguyen
RESEARCH DESIGN A list of 100 primary schools in 8 rural districts of the province was randomly selected. An approval from the Department of Education and Training of Tien Giang Province for the research to be conducted in the primary schools in the province had been achieved before the data collection. Questionnaires were translated into Vietnamese and sent to principals and teachers in the list via post in the second semester of the school year 2010− /27/ Trang Nguyen
FINDINGS & DISCUSSIONS The teachers’ self-rating for ICT skills (using Likert Scale: 1 for novice user and 5 for expert) 8/27/ Trang Nguyen
Strongly Disagree DisagreeNeutralAgree Strongly Agree ICT help me conduct my lessons.0% 2%70%27% ICT help me with lesson planning.0%2%5%53%40% ICT help me save time in class.0%7% 52%34% Using ICT allows me to be more attentive to students during lessons. 2%7%11%55%25% ICT are useful for reinforcing material previously taught.0%7%9%45%39% Students retain information better when ICT are used.0%4%2%60%33% I can easily adjust the pace of lessons using ICT.2% 19%44%33% I can easily use other materials in my class together with ICT.0%2%0%64%34% ICT make teaching more fun.0% 2%50%48% Table indicates the teachers’ awareness of the benefits of ICT in English teaching: FINDINGS & DISCUSSIONS 8/27/ Trang Nguyen
Table shows the teachers’ awareness of the importance of professional development for technology-enhanced English language teaching: Strongly Disagree DisagreeNeutralAgree Strongly Agree Teachers should be allowed to take part in the professional development as much as they can. 0% 2%39%59% Professional development for teachers is very important. 0% 32%68% Professional development can help teachers enhance their teaching performance. 0% 36%64% Professional development can help teachers to learn and implement new strategies for teaching English. 0% 4%29%67% Teachers’ positive attitudes toward professional development can help teachers build passion for teaching. 2%0%11%33%53% Teachers are left on their own to seek professional development. 2%0%14%48%36% I have adequate access to teaching resources such as reference books, teaching journals, Internet, etc. for my professional development. 0% 14%55%31% Professional development has a crucial role in improving the use of ICT in teaching of English. 0%9%14%41%36% FINDINGS & DISCUSSIONS 8/27/ Trang Nguyen
comparison of the awareness of the benefits of ICT in English teaching between teachers and principals FINDINGS & DISCUSSIONS 8/27/ Trang Nguyen
Comparison of the awareness of the importance of professional development for technology-enhanced English language teaching between teachers and principals FINDINGS & DISCUSSIONS 8/27/ Trang Nguyen
FINDINGS & DISCUSSIONS Comparison of the awareness of the importance of professional development for technology-enhanced English language teaching between teachers and principals 8/27/ Trang Nguyen
Professional development should be tailored to fit the needs and competence levels of the teachers. A needs-based assessment will be carried out to understand what is required and relevant to teachers in their particular context. categorise teachers into appropriate groups based on both their English proficiency and ICT competence levels. IMPLICATIONS FOR STAGE 2 OF THE STUDY 8/27/ Trang Nguyen
limited English proficiency competent ICT skills competent English proficiency Category 3Category 1 Category 4Category 2 limited ICT skills Framework for estimating developing English proficiency and increasing ICT competence. IMPLICATIONS FOR STAGE 2 OF THE STUDY categorising teachers into appropriate groups based on both their English proficiency and ICT competence levels. 8/27/ Trang Nguyen
IMPLICATIONS FOR STAGE 2 OF THE STUDY investigating how teacher professional learning happens in the ICT-enhanced teaching and learning environment is the Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework. 8/27/ Trang Nguyen
Figure : The TPACK framework (Mishra & Koehler, 2009, p. 63) IMPLICATIONS FOR STAGE 2 OF THE STUDY 8/27/ Trang Nguyen
IMPLICATIONS FOR STAGE 2 OF THE STUDY PD planners need to provide teachers with ongoing technical and instructional support when training them to integrate ICT into the classroom (HRDC, 1999) Providing an online forum as a continuous support and an avenue where teachers can openly and confidently talk about their views and opinions amongst each other as an on-going professional development activity. 8/27/ Trang Nguyen
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Contact: Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang 8/27/ Trang Nguyen