Assessment Overview Drake CPHS
Overview Overview of IDEA Data Assessing college-wide teaching goal Advising Results Q&A
Drake Background IDEA System – Course evaluation system: Heavily researched – Used by ~ 7 SOP/COP; 320 institutions – Measures progress against faculty objectives IDEA at Drake – Since 2004 – Paper and on-line (35-45 courses/semester)
IDEA Background Students' feedback on their own learning progress, effort, and motivation, Student perceptions of the instructor's use of teaching methods and strategies. Rather than teaching style or personality, IDEA focuses on student learning and the methods used to facilitate it.
Progress on Relevant Objectives vs. IDEA National Database Converted Scores Much Higher (10% of courses) 8.2%5.5%1.6%1.4%1.1% Higher (20% of courses) 34.3%34.2%26.6%18.3%24.2% Similar (40% of courses) 43.8%42.5%43.8%57.8%50.6% Lower (20% of courses) 5.5%12.3%15.6%15.5%15.4% Much Lower (10% of courses) 8.2%5.5%12.5%7.0%8.8% Goal Progress 86.3% ✓ 82.2% ✓ 72%77.5%75.9%
Actions What actions have been taken? – Faculty Development & meetings on: Soul searching on what I’m trying to achieve How to choose objectives (right ones, right number) Should Teaching methods be adjusted? Linking content and methods to the objective More use of IDEA resources (POD notes, etc.) Tie action to faculty annual goals Initiate FIF’s early in semester Good discussions and culture of assessment
Primary Instructional Approach (11-12)
Instructor Related Course Requirements (Some or Much required)
Percent of CPHS classes selecting objective as either Essential or Important (FIF)
1=no progress 2=slight progress 3=moderate progress 4=substantial progress 5=exceptional progress Student ratings of progress on objectives chosen as Essential or Important
AY AY AY AY AY Average% of classes below 3.0 % of classes 4.0 or above Amount of Reading CPHS % 41% 46% 42% 46% 8% 16% 22% 23% 19% IDEA3.233%15% Amount of work in other (non-reading) assignments CPHS % 32% 39% 28% 42% 28% 20% 8% 13% 11% IDEA3.421%18% Difficulty of subject matter CPHS % 33% 35% 29% 35% 33% 31% 26% 28% 25% IDEA3.420%18% Values are similar if within 0.3 1=Much less than most courses, 2=less than most, 3=about average, 4=more than most, 5=much more Amount and Difficulty of Course work: Student Ratings
2012 Trends towards more on-line evaluations Average response rate was down to 62% (57% online rate) Average Class size was 77 Average number of objectives by faculty 3.7
Advising: Interactions with Advisor over the last AY Meetings sPhone calls OtherTotal HSCI (n=72) * Pre-Pharm (n=159) * Pharmacy (n=249) * Total: * Significantly different between all majors at 0.05
Advising: Lowest agreement HSCIPre-PharmPharmacyTotal knows where to refer me for campus-wide support services (writing center, supplemental instruction, counseling center, disability resource center, academic achievement office). 63%70%55%61% has discussed professional involvement with me % knows where to refer me for College support services (Student Services, Admissions, Professional and Career Development, etc.) % has helped me assess my career goals % is knowledgeable about the campus general education program (Drake Curriculum) %
Advising: Highest agreement HSCIPre-PharmPharmacyTotal treats me as an individual.85%96%94%93% is available for appointments % encourages me to make my own decisions % is willing to spend sufficient time with me to deal with my questions and concerns % knows where to refer me for information on college policies and programs %
General Advising Effectiveness HSCIPre-PharmPharmacyTotal I am pleased with the overall nature of my meetings with my faculty advisor. 69%88%80%81% Overall, I have a good faculty advisor. 69%90%82%83%
Future/ongoing areas Identifying embedded assessments Re-evaluate our educational outcomes? Populate new AAMS system (AACP’s Assessment and Accreditation Management System) Re-write (condense) our Assessment Plan HSCI Program Review PharmD Accreditation ( )