Reliability Modeling of an ADS Accelerator SNS-ORNL/Myrrha Linac (MAX project) EuCARD 2, GENEVA (20-21 March 2014 ) CERN
Step 1.SNS Linac modeling (MAX Task 4.2) – Input Data – Methodology – SNS Fault Tree – Reliability Analysis – Modeling results evaluation; SNS Logbook Data – Conclusions Step 2.Myrrha Linac modeling (MAX Task 4.4) – Model Assumptions – Fault tree; Quantification data – Control System; Fault tolerance
SNS Linac reliability analysis - feedback on SNS Linac reliability performance - modeling tool for Myrrha Linac (Task 4.4). Draft preliminary conclusions and recommendations: - Maximize the reliability/availability and the safety of the MYRRHA accelerator - Guidance for designing MYRRHA accelerator. MAX Task Existing accelerator reliability modeling (methodology currently applied for NPPs – modeling with Risk Spectrum) The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS – ORNL) Linac was selected 1. SNS Linac Modeling (MAX Task 4.2)
SNS Linac Modeling – Input Data
SNS Design (Systems and Functions) System functions and interfaces Components No. (by type) Degree of redundancy Data Source: SNS public info; SNS Design Control Documents (DCDs) Reliability Data (Quantifying model ) Failure - MTTF and repair times – MTTR Data Source: SNS Operation team (SNS BlockSim model – George Dodson, John Galambos) SNS Operating Data Component failures modes - cause, type of component, time to repair, etc Failures causing acc. trips: cause, component and system concerned, duration of trip (Availability data) Data Source: SNS Operation Data collection ( SNS BlockSim Model SNS Linac Modeling – Input Data
The Results from modeling - evaluated with respect to the SNS Logbook operational data - accelerator trip failures and overall availability - recorded during the period October 2011 – June General Assumptions Not modeled – SNS Ring - RTBT, stripper foil, etc. (not relevant for Max project purposes) Risk Spectrum Type 1 reliability model – Repairable (continuously monitored) – for all SNS Linac components Failure/Repair processes – exponential distributions; failure/repair rates ct. It is assumed q=0 ¨Mean Unavailability¨ type of calculation (unavailability values for the basic events): Q=λ/(λ+µ (Long-term average unavailability Q is calculated for each basic event) SNS Linac Modeling – Methodology
SNS Module 1- first modeling step: RFQ + MEBT + DTL Gradual development of the SNS Linac model In-depth understanding of the SNS design and functioning for an accurate model. SNS Fault Tree (complete model) - graphical representation of the SNS systems functional structure describing undesired events (“ system failures") and their causes. SNS Linac Modeling – Model development
SNS Linac Fault Tree – main level SNS Linac Modeling – Fault Tree
DTL RF Fault Tree Structure SNS Linac Modeling – Fault Tree
1. SNS Linac Modeling Analysis Case – Results Q = 2.60E-01 = 0.26; Q = 26 % A = 1 - Q = 73 % (Mean Availability) Minimal cut set (MCS) analysis - generate minimal cut sets of the fault tree and perform a point-estimate quantification of the top event. SNS Linac Modeling – Reliability Analysis
SNS Linac Modeling – Analysis Results
In line with the conclusions from the SNS RS Model runs: RF system and electrical system failures - most frequent Electrical systems failures - most contributing to accelerator downtime Accelerator trip failures frequency (by system) SNS Linac Modeling – Results evaluation; SNS Logbook data (Accelerator trip failures) Accelerator downtime contribution (by system)
RF System failures (no. & duration-hours) In accordance with the SCL RS analysis: Most affected subsystems of the SNS Linac (by failures leading to accelerator trips): SCL-HPRF (Superconducting Linac - High Power Radiofrequency) - short failures frequency HVCM (High Voltage Converter Modulator - duration of trips SNS Linac Modeling – Results evaluation; SNS Logbook data (Accelerator trip failures)
The reliability results show that the most affected SNS Linac parts/systems are: SCL, Front-End systems (IS, LEBT, MEBT), Diagnostics & Controls RF systems (especially the SCL RF system) Power Supplies and PS Controllers These results are in line with the records in the SNS Logbook Reliability issue that most needs to be enforced in the linac design is the redundancy of systems, subsystems and components most affected by failures Need for intelligent fail-over redundancy implementation in controllers, for compensation purposes Enough diagnostics have to be implemented to allow reliable functioning of the redundant solutions and to ensure the compensation function. SNS Linac Modeling – Conclusions
1. SNS Linac Modeling Activities Design & reliability data base (Sources: SNS, Max team, suppliers, conservative assumptions / reliability targets) Myrrha Linac model - based on the SNS RS Model; considering the SNS reliability analysis results and conclusions. Iterative process – Myrrha Linac Model updating during design work Myrrha Linac Risk Spectrum fault tree – 95% completed; preliminary results in line with previous Reliability analysis to be performed, with due consideration of reliability challenges Special attention - design of advanced Diagnostics and Control systems Overall approach Fault Tree, based on SNS model + Max design Basic Events: Component / Function failures Undeveloped Events/Systems: Reliability targets Reliability model: Availability / Failure frequency (Linac shutdown) Reliability Analysis: Design Optimization Myrrha linac - Reliability challenges: Injector Switch Fault tolerance/compensation function SSAs (Solid State Amplifiers) reliability 2. Myrrha Linac Modeling (MAX Task 4.4)
1. SNS Linac Modeling Myrrha Linac Modeling – General Assumptions Modeling Assumptions -RF System: considered SNS (except Klystrons, modulators, & related) SSAs (spec. RFQ : Myrrha 4-rod (176MHz) vs. SNS RFQ (4-vane) ) -AUX syst SNS, modified for Myrrha (current design) -Missing Reliability data Assumptions (Equipment overall Reliability data from manufacturer available? (IS ECR, RFQ, SSAs) Targets (to be further considered) /// (detailed design developing the fault trees (rel. data?)
1. SNS Linac Modeling Myrrha Linac Modeling (Fault tree; quantification data) Missing Data: - No significant impact expected - (Comps/Assemblies level of details) - Undeveloped Events - Relevant impact (INJ switch-magnet, Fault tolerance/Comp. syst., Control syst) – Assumptions/Targets
1. SNS Linac Modeling Myrrha Linac Modeling (Control Syst.; Fault tolerance) CTRL System modeling - Fault tree development (Myrrha control philosophy) - Rel. Targets to be assigned for: Diagnostics, Data Acquisition & Processing, C-C signals transm., local Control modules, etc.) - Defined Diagnostics are currently being included in the general CTRL syst. fault tree
1. SNS Linac Modeling ACKNOWLEDGMENT We would like to thank G. Dodson and J. Galambos (SNS) for their help in completing the SNS Reliability Study. Thank you A.E. PITIGOI – EA P. FERNANDEZ RAMOS – EA