Council Housing for Tomorrow Informal Briefing April 2014
What are we trying to achieve? Deliver quality affordable housing in areas of high local need Redevelopment of Council owned sites Best use of land Grant funding for Cornwall from the Homes and Communities Agency
Housing Need – Liskeard Homechoice Data - Liskeard Band1 Bed2 Bed3 bed4 bed5+ BedTotal A B C D E Total %30.5%10.7%5.1%1.1%
Why is affordable housing important? Many reasons Our future, the next generation Quality of life Life Opportunities Good health Basic need
Affordable Housing Programme What is on offer? £1.7b nationally Outcomes required Increase supply of affordable rented homes (up to 80% market value) Build what is needed Provide value for money Why bid? Funding stream Reputation How do we make a successful bid?
Affordable Housing Programme How do we make a successful bid? Must have site specific schemes Must have certainty of ownership Need certainty of delivery& early delivery Tactics - phase 1 (Firm) & phase 2(Continuous Market Engagement) Value for money Use of public land Use of right to buy receipts Rent model
So….. We have housing need …… We have an opportunity for additional funding…. We have council ownership of land But ….we need certainty on identified sites; agreed numbers Community support Deliverability in 2015/16
What sites can we consider? Council Owned Identified as available assets Already under consideration Car parks
Rapsons, Liskeard
Car Park sites - resolving issues Is there political support to find solutions? Assess site conditions Assess planning potential Review deliverability of sites
Next Steps Assess feedback Assess potential deliverability Review risks and potential measures to overcome risks Check site viability