SAM 2010 v1.5 Student Walkthrough
Initial Set Up 1.Ensure that you are connected to the Internet. 2.Launch your web browser (Internet Explorer 7 or 8 or Firefox). 3.Enter to visit the SAM 2010 login page. Important Notes: You must use Microsoft Word 2010 to successfully complete all requirements for this assignment. Copying of assignments from others will not be tolerated. Each file is specially coded, and any attempts to copy or submit another student’s file will be detected by SAM upon submission. In such cases, SAM will notify the instructor, and he/she will change the grade to a 0 (zero).
Login Page Log into your SAM 2010 account. If you have not completed registration of your account, download and follow the “SAM Getting Started” guide from your instructor’s website.
Home Screen You should now see the SAM Home screen, where you will begin each SAM session. If the necessary Flash Player (v10) is not yet installed on your computer, click the links under Software to install it.
SAM Assignments To begin your SAM Assignments, click the SAM Assignments link on the left. You can sort the assignments based on name, type of assignment (Exam, Training, or Project), availability, and due date by clicking the appropriate heading: As shown above, there are 4 links for the lab 1 assignment. The 3 projects are required, but the training is optional. Click on the name of the appropriate project or training assignment to get started.
SAM Projects Workflow SAM Assignments Download (or Save) Instructions and Start Files Complete Project Submit for grading Review grades Follow these steps to complete each project in the Lab 1 Assignment (see subsequent slides for more details): You may submit up to 5 attempts for each project in the Lab 1 Assignment.
SAM Projects After you click the link for the SAM Project, you will want to download or save the Instructions & personalized Start Files to your desktop or other location (USB drive, MyDocuments, etc.) We will get to the submission information later.
Sample Download #1: The Instruction File will explain what changes/additions to make to the Start File (the following is just example; it may differ from the Instruction File associated with your assigned projects).
Sample Download #2: Be sure to follow all the steps in the instructions and Save your file once you’ve completed it. Note: Depending on the project, your Start File may be a blank document, or it may already contain text.
Submit for grading When you’ve completed your project and saved your changes, you will revisit the SAM site and Browse for your file, then Submit it for auto-grading.
Graded file—Summary After it’s graded, the Downloaded File will be available in “Reports” and will indicate which tasks were completed correctly and which ones were incorrect. Go to Reports, then change the dropdown to Download Submitted Projects and click on the name of the Project to download. It will look something like this: Note: Scrolling down below the checklist will allow you to see the comments embedded in the document you submitted. If your grade is lower than 100, you may make corrections and resubmit. A maximum of 5 submissions is allowed for each part of the lab assignment.
SAM Training To begin a SAM Training assignment, click the link from your SAM Assignments page. When you’re ready to begin your Training, click OK. This will launch the Training window. Note: SAM Training assignments are for practice only. They are designed to help you become familiar with the tasks related to the projects for lab 1. Training assignments are optional, and no credit will be given for their completion.
Training interface The first screen will always provide a written description of the task. Along the bottom: Observe- allows students to watch and listen how to perform a task Practice- allows students to follow along with guided prompts to learn a skill Apply- students perform actions, unprompted to prove that they know the skill You can show/hide the task list and move between questions with the arrows. You may use the controls to replay, rewind, forward or pause the movies in progress.
Congratulations! You have now successfully logged into SAM 2010 and accessed the projects for the lab 1 assignment. If you have any questions, please contact your instructor.