Getting Planning Tools Closer To Real-Time and Operation CIM User Group Meeting Austin, TX October 23-26, 2007 Loris Arnold (516)
Privileged and Confidential September 27, Who Is LIPA? State utility located on Long Island New York Long Island Power Authority owns T&D National Grid (former KEYSPAN) owns the power plants and manage T&D for LIPA
Overview of the LIPA T&D System
Privileged and Confidential September 27, Company Overview Customers 1,103,162 Population:~3 M (est. 2005) Peak Demand: 5,792 MW (Aug. 2006) Seven Ties: 2 DC, 5 AC
Privileged and Confidential September 27, Company Overview Facilities Substations 177 Distribution Circuits 848 Overhead ~75%, Underground ~25% Distribution Automation >1200 switches System Voltages Transmission345kV, 138kV, 69kV Sub-Transmission 34.5kV, 23kV Primary Distribution 13.8kV or 4.3 kV Secondary Distribution120/208, 120/240, 277/480 Generation KEYSPAN Generation…………….5461 MW Total Available Generation……….5656 MW Seven Interties…………………….2062 MW Standard Area Substation Design 2-4 bank, design 28, 33, 56 MVA transformers Southampton Substation Canal Substation, 2005
Getting Planning Closer to Real-Time and Operation
Privileged and Confidential September 27, Initial Project Track network changes to recreate historical model Build CIM model from GE Harris EMS Retrieve Measurement Data from PI Historian Run PSS/O to support Operations with real-time load flow analyses Create PSS/E load flow models for Electric Planning Establish access to asset condition data via CIM Integration Bus PSS™ODM SE & LDFW (for time T1) PSS/E Equivalent Case (for time T1) CIM Model (at time T1) PI Historian (at time T1)
Privileged and Confidential September 27, Initial Architecture EMS ICCP CIM/ODMS Power Models IBIB PSS/O DMS PSS/E CIM Power Models CIM PI Adapter Archive PI Power Models Measurement Data Measurement Data Equipment Models CIM AM Virtual Data Warehouse Analysis Applications Power Model s MMW Maximo TOTS Others Measureme nt Data Utility Integration Bus
Privileged and Confidential September 27, Expanded requirements: Real Time System Stability is what System Operations Wanted Currently the System Operator has a very good handle of thermal constraints, however he has less of an understanding of System Stability during off peak maintenance work Requirement to Perform System Stability during N-1 and N-2 contingencies Request for easy interpretation of stability analysis Extended requirements: Support ESO with Stability runs: Real time Voltage Stability runs using the PSS/O output (RAW file) Day ahead Stability runs using the PSS/O output (RAW file) System Stability assessment and support ESO clearance during major construction projects Extend the CIM to include Stability Data: –Include Stability Data which will allow CIM compliant application to run Stability without using external machine data files Model On Demand: –Enable use the current system configuration as base to maintain future planning system configurations Use the historical data to evaluate: Event reconstruction Load forecasting Loss studies and system optimization to reduce real and reactive losses
Privileged and Confidential September 27, Example of real-time substation modeling, includes distribution transformers to capture losses
Privileged and Confidential September 27, CONTOURS DEMO
Privileged and Confidential September 27, System Planning Vision of CIM IB Integration Bus (UIB) Real-Time Operation Optimization (OPF) Model Updates (Current, Future, Historical) Real Time Stability (QuickStab) Physical Operating Margins POM (Real time) Virtual Data Warehouses Desktop CIM ASU DATA (Distr. Autom. Real Time) (CYMEDIST) PI/EMS EGIS Probabilistic DISTRIBUTION Reliability Model Substation Reliability (SUBREL) Assets Condition and Reliability Data Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Transmission (PRA)
Privileged and Confidential September 27, One View of Real Time Stability Presentation BASE CASE Steady State Stability Representation Used to Asses System Stability WORST CONTINGENCY Stability Representation from Selected Contingency List 15% Instability Margin System Unstable
Privileged and Confidential September 27, Linear Representation of East End Load Pocket Stability
Privileged and Confidential September 27, Bar Chart Ranking of components based on their impact on stability
Privileged and Confidential September 27, Some of Future Applications Load Flow Optimization for Operators: –Perform Operation Optimization (OPF) in real time –Expected better management of loading/overloads and system losses Load Forecasting for Operation: –Short-term load forecast Hours and minutes in the future One and two days in the future –Feeders, Circuits, Transformers Real time Boundaries of Operation: –Use POM software (Physical and Operational Margins) for real time evaluation and visualization of margins and boundary of operation Voltage Profile on demand: –On selected distribution circuits –Near-real-time data and system models, on-demand calculation Asset condition/reliability impact on system modeling and analysis –Real-time updates for system models Integration of Distribution, Sub transmission, and Transmission Models Probabilistic Assessment studies for T and D –Transmission System: use EPRI PRA software –Distribution System: use CymeDist with additional Reliability Module and enhancements for probabilistic analysis Exchange of Load Flows with neighboring utilities (XML File)
Privileged and Confidential September 27, Questions and Answers ?
Privileged and Confidential September 27, Naming Conventions and Definitions CIM – Common Information Model PSS/E = Power System Simulator for Engineering (Version 29+) PSS/O = Power System Simulator for Operations (Version 7+) ECI = EPRI CIM Installer (a base set of ODMS functionality) EMS = Energy Management System PI = XA/21 EMS Real Time Data Repository PNA = Power Network Analysis PSM = Power System Model MMW = Maintenance Management Workstation XA/21 = General Electric Network Solution EMS System. UIB = Utility Integration Bus GDA = General Data Access TSDA = Time-Series Data Access HSDA = High-Speed Data Access GID = Generic Interface Definition GES = Generic Event Sequencer ESO = Electric System Operations LIPA = Long Island Power Authority DPE = Distribution Performance Engineering EP&F = Electric Planning and Forecasting VDW = Virtual Data Warehouse ODBC = Open Data Base Connectivity XML = Extensible Markup Language PRA = Physical Reliability Assessment PRI = Physical Reliability Index POM = Physical and Operational Margins V&R Energy = EPRI Contractor which develop POM EGIS = Electric Geographical Information System CYMEDIST = Distribution Analysis Software ASU = Automatic Sectionalizing Unit SUBREL = Substation Reliability