Co-channel interference as a major obstacle for predictable reliability, real-time, and throughput in wireless networking Reliability as low as ~30% in current wireless scheduling/MAC protocols, thus not suitable for real-time, safety-critical networked control Despite decades of research and practice, high-fidelity interference models that are suitable for distributed, field-deployable protocol design are still missing Ratio-K model (i.e., protocol model) is local but not of high-fidelity SINR model (i.e., physical model) is of high-fidelity but non-local PRK-Based Scheduling for Predictable Link Reliability in Wireless Networked Sensing and Control Hongwei Zhang , Xiaohui Liu , Chuan Li , Yu Chen , Xin Che , Feng Lin*, Le Yi Wang *, George Yin Department of Computer Science, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, *Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, Department of Mathematics, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, From Open-loop Sensing to Closed-loop Sensing and Control Key idea: use link reliability requirement as the basis of instantiating the ratio-K model Model: given a transmission from node S to node R, a concurrent transmitter C does not interfere with the reception at R iff. Control-Oriented Wireless Networking: Physical-Ratio-K (PRK) Model Distributed PRK-Based Scheduling for Predictable Link Reliability Behavior of Ratio-K-Based Scheduling Physical-Ratio-K (PRK) Interference Model Challenges of PRK-Based Scheduling Optimality of PRK-Based Scheduling Throughput loss is small, and it tends to decrease as the PDR requirement increases Ratio-K-based scheduling is highly sensitive to the choice of K Highest throughput is usually achieved at a K less than the minimum K for ensuring a certain min. link reliability, and this is especially the case when link reliability requirement is high (e.g., for mission-critical sensing and control) From passive to active safety: lane departure warning, collision avoidance From single-vehicle control to platoon control & integrated infrastructure- vehicle control: networked fuel economy and emission control From wired intra-vehicle networks to wireless intra-vehicle networks Multiple controller-area-networks (CANs) inside vehicles 50+ kg of wires increased, reduced fuel efficiency Lack of scalability: hundreds of sensors, controllers, and actuators Wiring unreliability: warranty cost, reduced safety Connected VehiclesSmart grid: From centralized generation to distributed generation Grand societal challenges Power grid With ~2,459 million metric tons of CO 2 emission per year, electricity generation accounts for ~41% of USA’s total CO 2 emission Over 60% of today’s energy is wasted during distribution Transportation Car accidents cause over 1.4 million fatalities and 50 million injuries per year across the world Motor vehicles account for >20% of the world’s energy use and >60% of the world’s ozone pollution On-the-fly instantiation of the PRK model parameter Dynamics and uncertainties in application requirements as well as network and environmental conditions Protocol signaling in the presence of large interference range as well as anisotropic, asymmetric, and probabilistic wireless communication S R C PRK model instantiation: As minimum-variance regulation control Basic problem formulation Reference input: desired link reliability Control output: actual link reliability Control input: PRK model parameter Interference from outside exclusion region treated as disturbance Minimize variance of while ensuring its mean value of Challenge: Difficult to identify closed-form relation between control input and control output Refined control problem formulation Leverage communication theory result on the relation between and receiver-side SINR (i.e., ) “Desired change in receiver-side interference ” as control input Linearization of the non-linear f(.) Minimum-variance regulation controller The control input that minimizes while ensuring and the minimum value of is Protocol signaling via local signal maps Local signal map: maintains wireless signal power attenuation between nodes close-by Simple approach to online estimation of wireless signal power attenuation PRKS: architecture of PRK-based scheduling Predictable link reliability in PRKS Convergence of distributed controllers Comparison with existing protocols Larger networks