Welcome to the PSA demo networked, for whole-school use This demo shows you how to get the most out of Primary Spelling Assessment On-screen tests and individualised follow-up
PSA is a unique series of spelling tests and support materials from Year 2 to Year 6. PSA has 9 standardised tests which report Spelling Ages and Standardised Scores for monitoring and progress tracking. PSA Pupil Reports give diagnostic information and advice as to ‘next steps’ to help pupils learn the spelling patterns where errors have been made. PSA has 100 worksheets to support ‘next steps’ for personalised learning. PSA has 37 check tests to confirm that personalised learning has been successful. What is PSA? Exit
PSA is matched to DfE advice on spelling from the Literacy Strategy and the 2013 Programme of Study. PSA generates detailed pupil reports and ‘next steps’ advice, plus comprehensive class and whole year-group listings and analyses. PSA has been standardised nationally to ensure secure, reliable results. PSA provides the right test to use during the school year, as well as providing a coherent programme from Year 2 to 6. All good reasons to move to PSA! Why choose PSA? Exit
1. Pupil completes test: reports are generated automatically. 2.Report shows: mark, standardised score, spelling age, words spelled correctly and incorrectly, and a profile of the pattern of success against the main spelling categories. 3.Where words were spelled incorrectly, a list of worksheets is provided for teacher to give to the pupil to help them practise spelling patterns. 4.Pupil works with worksheet(s) and checks with teacher that learning is secure for these words. 5.Pupil takes the check test shown on a worksheet to confirm they know the spelling pattern. Pupil progress is updated in computer record, ready for the next spelling test. How PSA works Exit
Viewing Test Results for a pupil Exit
Let the computer do all the work! Intuitive navigation and colourful presentation engages the pupils and makes the tests accessible. The target words are clearly spoken and answered by typing into Cloze sentences or labelling pictures. Pupils can hear any word again or replay a whole passage. All reports and performance analyses are immediately available. The report shows the words spelled correctly as well as those that are incorrect. Your data can be printed or exported at the touch of a button.
Exit Installation puts two PSA icons on your desktop: Clicking on the Admin icon will show this menu screen: This demo and the manual can be accessed via this screen by all teachers on the network.
Getting Started A Wizard takes you through the data-entry process step by step – it couldn’t be easier. The toolbar at the top of the screen gives you access to all of the core functionality of PSA: from here you can add pupils, print reports and result lists – and much more. Below the toolbar, the buttons let you access each test, plus the Overview screen. Exit
Entering Pupil Details All the pupil details needed to populate PSA, and to produce reports, are added via this screen. If the details are already available in an electronic format, they can be imported directly. Exit
The Navigation Tree As you add pupils to the database, they are listed in the ‘tree’ to the left of your screen. The Cohort node lists all cohorts in the school, split by class. The Pupil node lists all pupils in the school alphabetically. Exit
Assigning a test You assign one test on each occasion – to an individual pupil, a class or a whole year group.
Exit Taking a test – 1 Each pupil logs in by selecting their gender and day of birth, and takes the test you have assigned. The tests are untimed – but most pupils will finish a standardised test comfortably in 30 minutes.
Exit Taking a test – 2 Practice screens introduce each test – apart from Test 1, these can be skipped if pupils have taken a PSA test before.
Pupil Report – 1 You can view/print a Pupil Report, giving a complete summary of each pupil’s performance on a PSA test. Exit
Pupil Report – 2 The Pupil Report also provides a list of targeted worksheets to support learning where pupils have got words wrong. Exit
Pupil Report – 3 The Pupil Report also gives a complete summary of each pupil’s performance on the present or previous PSA main tests. Exit
Worksheets 100 targeted A4 worksheets focus on eleven broad categories of spelling: Exit High Frequency Words CVC Words Consonant Digraphs Consonant Clusters (Blends) Vowel Digraphs Common Prefixes Suffixes and Common Word Endings Medium Frequency Words Homophones Double consonants Apostrophes
Progress Overview The Overview screen is shown on the next slide, and is purpose-designed to help you track each pupil’s progress. It summarises all the PSA tests taken by a pupil and plots them on a graphical display. The record of success with each spelling category is also updated following a pupil’s taking a main or check test. The Overview report can also be printed, giving much finer detail. Exit
Group Performance – 1 As well as the individual reports, you can run a number of group performance analyses and listings. To look at group performance, select the Cohort or Class in the ‘tree’, as shown on the left. Then select the test date(s) you want to include in the analysis. Exit You will then see a screen like the one on the next slide. It shows the key summary statistics for the group – for all pupils, and can be split by gender – with graphs showing the total mark and standardised score distributions.
The Concern? column shows pupils whose spelling age is a year or more behind their chronological age. Exit Use the Result List button on the toolbar to select the listings you require. Your data can also be exported to a.csv file, which can be opened by most spreadsheet packages, including Excel.
Class Report Detailed performance data relates class to cohort and national performance, summarised by gender and by standardised scores and spelling ages. Exit
Technical details PSA is fully networkable for whole-school use: it comes with a two-year licence. A helpful Teacher’s Manual, which includes case studies, is supplied on the CD as a pdf (Adobe Acrobat Reader ® required) and also provides full information on how to install, use and get the most out of the program. Installation requires system administrator access: we strongly advise that your network administrator undertakes the program installation and initial set-up. This program is a 32-bit Windows® application that requires the.Net framework to be installed on your PC in order to run: this will checked during installation and you will be prompted to install it if necessary. To run the framework and application, you require a PC running Windows® Server 2003 (or later), XP, Vista™ or Windows 7, with a 1.5 GHz or faster processor, with at least 256 Mb of memory (512 Mb recommended) and approximately 100 Mb of disk space to install the program (and an extra 250Mb if you need to install the.Net framework) and 100 Mb to run it. The application has also been tested on 64-bit systems. For quicker results you will need a PC with a faster CPU and more RAM. If you are working through a server, this may have an additional effect on the perceived speed. You will also need a mouse and SVGA monitor, set to a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher. technical support helpline:
Thank you for your interest in You can find out more at To order, go to or telephone You may also orders to Note: PSA is priced by school size (total number of pupils on roll), and is for a two-year site licence. For a quotation, ring now. Primary Spelling Assessment