Performance Management and the cycle of appraisal
Performance Management Cycle Key Dates: Tuesday 9 th September – TnL Trio Obs start Friday 12 th September – Submission date for Action Plan to meet targets. Monday 15 th September – Individual targets agreed Monday 6 th October – Formal Obs Group 1 Monday 1 st December – Formal Obs Group 2 Monday 23 rd February – Progress Check
TARGETS 1. RESULTS TARGET: 80% CAT4 TARGET across ALL Key Stages. 40% CAT4 STRETCH across ALL Key Stages. 2. Teaching and Learning Target: 2/3 Formal Observations judged as good/outstanding. 3. INDIVIDUAL TARGET Planning, curriculum, whole school contribution, pastoral, wider responsibility.
TARGETS EXPLAINED 1.RESULTS 80% of all the students (that you have subject responsibility for) must achieve their CAT4 target. 40% of all the students (that you have subject responsibility for) must achieve their CAT4 stretch target.
TARGETS EXPLAINED 2. Teaching and Learning 2 of the 3 formal observations you have must be judged as good or outstanding in order to achieve this target. If your 1 st or 2nd formal observation is ‘in need of improvement’ (3) then you can ask for another observation. You will not be able to do this for your final observation.
TARGETS EXPLAINED 3. This is your own target you have agreed with your appraiser. The target should and action plan should show: Impact on pupil progress Impact on wider outcomes for pupils Improvements in specific elements of practice, such as behaviour management Impact on effectiveness of teachers or other staff A wider contribution to the work of the school
THE ACTION PLAN – Due Friday 15 th September This will be completed on a document similar to the one which had all your targets on last year. The action plan should outline your strategy and methods you intend to use in order to achieve the target. You should also include any relevant courses that may be of use to in relation to the target. Courses are subject to approval from the leadership team and trustees.
COURSES Stating a course on your performance management document is not official notice of your intention to be out of school. A ‘staff request for leave of absence form’ (10a Staff Handbook) must be completed and submitted to the Head of Campus no less than 4 weeks before you intend to attend a course. You should also note down the date you intend to discuss the course with the Head of Campus when you return to school.
Preparing for Lesson Observations As outlined in the SIP, there will be a more rigorous approach to the monitoring of teaching and learning this year. Developing a learning culture across the school is the aim; not intended to catch people out. The ultimate goal is to have all teachers good/outstanding in the observation cycle. So up to the formal observations there will be regular drop ins, occasional learning walks, half termly monitoring weeks, and TnL Trio Observations.
Drop ins These will last around 5 minutes and will focus on the core standards (easy wins) Learning Walks Up to 15 minutes and will focus on checking pupil progress, marking, core standards. Monitoring Weeks Outlined on the calendar and will focus on the progress (equipment, uniform, planner, homework, behaviour)of a particular key stage
TnL Trio Observations - TnL Trio Observations -The same as last year’s peer observations but in 3s. How it works Your peers are selected and rotated each half term. You decide what is to be observed. Have a pre-meeting to set the scene and focus for obs. You plan your feedback agenda. You do your bit- the observation takes place. You meet with your observer for non-judgemental feedback. Repeat this cycle with the member of staff you haven’t observed. All 3 members meet, feedback and discuss outstanding practice.
What do I gain from being observed? Insight into your teaching from different perspectives Control over your professional development Feedback – benefit of focussed learning conversations Preparation for formal observations
You feel you are supporting colleagues by watching them teach You can be a student for a while You learn how people do things differently You may see things to avoid doing yourself! You get to know more colleagues Giving feedback to colleagues makes you more receptive to feedback on your own teaching You can learn a lot about subject areas different from your own. The opportunity to observe Primary teaching What do I gain from being an observer?
When can I start? Tomorrow! The first list of trios have been published and are up on the staffroom noticeboard. If you have been missed out please inform me straightaway. Sample observation feedback forms provided. Deadline for documentation: Monday 3 rd October
Formal Observations Will take place after TnL trio deadline. Book an observation on the timetables provided. Will be conducted by your reviewer. Observations can be taken again (once) if you are unhappy with the judgement (1 st and 2 nd formal obs) Final observation will be peer observed and the judgement is final. Your reviewer will arrange a time to meet for feedback.
APPRAISAL GROUPS GROUP 1GROUP 2 Miss R SmithMr K Bourne Mrs H RogersMiss K Evans Mr A HarrisonMiss C Connor Miss D RichMr D Davies Miss A GrandidierMrs C Sutherland Mr N HobsonMr P Jones Mr P HankinsonMiss R Collins Mrs L O’ConnorMiss M McKillip Mr A Ade
Your CPD Package Weekly CPD sessions Monthly bulletins Drop ins, Learning walks, Monitoring weeks, peer observations Regular feedback Appraisal meetings Courses (subject to approval)
This Afternoon Complete action plans for school and individual targets Department time Homework Wall Meet with TnL trio colleagues Arrange peer observations