1 Some Useful Information for Newcomers Bin Guo Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611
2 Search Papers Databases IEEEhttp://ieeexplore.ieee.org SCIUFLIB -> Databases -> Database Locator EIUFLIB -> Databases -> Database Locator JStorhttp:// google Full Papers IEEE UFLIB -> Journals -> Electronic Journals Google
3 Latex Software Ctex: WinEdt, GSview, … BibMacros: Manage your.bib files Templates: IEEE, color
4 Using Latex Equations in.ppt Texpoint: Convert Latex equations to.ppt equations Using “color” template to change the color of the equations Following is a sample (double click the equation to see the source codes):
5 Convert Tex to Word Tex2Word: Convert Latex files to Word.doc files This software need MathType to convert the latex equations to word equations.
6.eps Figures Matlab figures can be saved as.eps directly Visio is a good software to draw figures. (see next page for how to get visio free) OLETex is a good software to convert the visio figures to.eps figures. (please read the help carefully to install the.eps printer)
7 Software College of Engineering students and faculty can use many Microsoft softwares for FREE UF faculty and staff (including TA/RA) can buy MS Office Professional with only $7 in Bookstore.
8 VPN Use this software to securely "tunnel" into campus over commodity networks, such as the Internet, and access services as if they were on campus. For example: access IEEE website in home.
9 ResearchPlagiarism There are some materials about Research and Plagiarism Research and Writing Papers
10 Personal FTP ftp:// Please use SSH to upload files to this following workstations (use username and password): mercury.dsp.ufl.edu mars.dsp.ufl.edu venus.dsp.ufl.edu atlas.dsp.ufl.edu pluto.dsp.ufl.edu Post the files at: /home/sal/yourusername/public_ftp
11 Personal Homepage Use any FTP software to upload your files to this server, Use your Gatorlink username and password.
12 Thanks !