COMPUTER VIRUS A Virus is a computer program written to alter the way a computer operates without the permission or knowledge of the user. Viruses can either be considered a Nuisance or Destructive. They can Corrupt files Destroy data Display irritating messages Corrupt computer systems Some viruses replicate themselves which means that they copy themselves over and over.
TYPES OF VIRUSES Not all computer viruses behave, replicate, or infect the same way. There are several different categories of viruses and malware. Click on the clipart below to discover eight of the most common types of viruses. Read the information and give a brief description in your own words of each type on your study guide.
TYPES OF VIRUSES Trojan Horse-Has the appearance of having a useful and desired function. Secretly the program performs undesired functions. Does not replicate itself. Worms- A program that makes copies of itself through disk or to . Bootsector Virus-Attaches itself to the first part of the hard disk that is read by the computer during the boot up process. Macro Virus-Uses another application’s macro programming language to distribute themselves. They infect documents such as MS Word, Excel, etc..
TYPES OF VIRUSES Memory Resident Viruses- Viruses that reside in a computers RAM. They stay in memory after it’s initiating program closes. Rootkit Virus-An undetectable virus which attempts to allow someone to gain control of a computer system. Disguised as operating system files. Polymorphic Viruses-Copies itself by creating multiple files of itself. It changes its signature making it hard for antivirus software to detect. Logic Bomb/Time Bombs- Programmed to initiate at a specific date or when a specific event occurs.
SPREADING VIRUSES Viruses spread because people distribute infected files by exchanging disks and CDs, sending attachments, and downloading files from the Internet. Viruses attach themselves to files with.exe,.com, or.vbs filename extensions When you open the infected file, the virus opens and waits to infect the next program you run or disk you use. Viruses have the ability to lurk in a computer for days or months, quietly replicating (copying) themselves. You may not even know your computer has a virus, thus making it easier to spread the virus.
HOW VIRUSES SPREAD Click on the clipart below to discover 11 ways viruses are spread in our computer systems. Using a your own words, write a brief description of each on your study guide.
HOW VIRUSES SPREAD Attachments-May be carried in attachments to messages. Rogue Websites-A virus may be lurking on untrustworthy websites. Just clicking on them may infect your computer. Networks-Your computer may be infected through a network which spreads from another computer connected to that same network. Keeping the networks anti-virus software updated can help the situation. Infected Boot Disks-A virus can be spread if an infected disk is in your hard drive and you attempt to restart. Always know the origin of any media you use with your computer system.
HOW VIRUSES SPREAD Phishing Schemes-Schemes to get your personal information from you through messages pretending to be legitimate sites. When you visit these sites, spyware, adware and viruses are automatically installed on your computer. Infected Software-Freeware of shareware may infect your computer system. One download from trusted sites. Hackers-The best way to protect yourself is to have a firewall and up to date antivirus software installed at all time. Instant Messaging-Target for hackers see it as an easy way to get people to click on links. Only chat with people you know and don’t follow links you don’t recognize. Fake Anti Virus Software
HOW VIRUSES SPREAD Fake Anti Virus Software- Only download antivirus programs from trusted sites or from websites that you know are complete legit. Mobile Devices-When plugging in peripheral devices into our computer be sure that your antivirus software is up to date to resolve any virus that may be installed when you plug in your device for the first time. Friends and Relatives-Viruses may come from family and friends attachments or using social media sites. If you get an attachment with a.exe or.dll extension. DO NOT open it.
PROTECTING YOUR COMPUTER Just as you protect yourself from illness and disease, there are ways you can cut the chances of your computer systems being infected. Click on the clipart below to discover 11 suggestions for protecting your computer. List them on your study guide.
PROTECTING YOUR COMPUTER 1. Install trusted anti-virus program 7. Install updates coming from your operating system software programs 2. Install anti-spyware and malware programs 8. Know what to look for 3. Avoid suspicious websites 9.Stay away from Cracked Software 4. never open attachments without scanning them first 10. Install a Firewall 5. Set up Automatic Scans 11. Be prepared to lock down 6. Watch your downloads
COMPUTER THEFT & PRIVACY The most popular tech item to steal are Laptops which are then most often sold. Theft of personal information can also be stolen through unsecured use of wireless services. Others may be able to access the files you have open in these situations. Use passwords to keep your files and information safe and to keep most people out of your files. View the 5 minute video on the importance of using strong passwords to help protect your privacy. Record at least three things you learned.
HACKING Hacking Hacking means finding out weaknesses in a computer or computer network, though the term can also refer to someone with an advanced understanding of computers and computer networks. Hackers may be motivated by a multitude of reasons, such as profit, protest, or challenge. Their objective is to do damage or steal personal information. The Penalty The federal punishment for hacking into computers ranges from a fine or imprisonment for no more than one year to a fine and imprisonment for no more than twenty years. This wide range of punishment depends upon the seriousness of the criminal activity and what damage the hacker has done. Hackers cost business money because of downtime and loss of data
INTERNET CONTROLS Types of controls for internet safety Firewalls: forms a barrier between two networks Filters: controls what can be viewed on Internet Parental Control: Software allows parental control over what kids do on the Internet
FREEWARE & SHAREWARE Freeware is copyrighted computer software which is made available for use free of charge for an unlimited time Shareware Software Is typically obtained free of charge, either by downloading from the Internet or other source. A user tries out the program, and thus shareware has also been known as "try before you buy". A shareware program is accompanied by a request for payment, and the software's distribution license often requires such a payment.