ELD Standards ISIC
1. English Learners (ELs) are held to the same high expectations of learning established for all students. 2. ELs develop full receptive and productive proficiencies in English in the domains of listening, speaking, reading & writing. 3. ELs are taught challenging academic content that enables them to meet performance standards in all content areas. 4. ELs receive instruction that builds on their previous education and cognitive abilities and that reflects their language proficiency levels. 5. ELs are evaluated with appropriate and valid assessments that are aligned to state and local standards and that take into account the language development stages & cultural backgrounds of the students. 6. The academic success of ELs is a responsibility shared by all educators, the family and the community. English Learner Master Plan, 2012, Pages 2-3 Guiding Principles
Phase-In Plan for ELD Standards Awareness Transition Implementation
Let’s ask questions! The California Department of Education (CDE) was required to update, revise, and align the state's 1999 English Language Development (ELD) standards to California's Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English-Language Arts (ELA).
Work in groups of 4-5 to produce questions based on the statement. Remember the rules: Rule 1: Ask as many questions as you can. Rule 2: Do not stop to discuss, judge, or answer any question. Rule 3: Write down every question exactly as it is stated. Rule 4: Change any statement into a question Select one priority question from your list. Produce Questions
As a group select one question you want/need to answer first. Record the priority question from each group. Prioritize Questions
With your elbow partner… Look through the proficiency level descriptors. What do you notice about the descriptions? Highlight or underline the differences between the proficiency level descriptors.
Watch Video unit-persuasion unit-persuasion Pay attention to the students. Pay a particular attention to Efrain (Boy in blue checkered shirt) What does he say? What does he do? Write down his words and actions
With your elbow partner… Look through the proficiency level descriptors. Where might Efrain be on the proficiency level descriptors continuum? What is the evidence? Look through the collaborative strand of the 6 th grade ELD standards. Underline what Efrain can do. Circle where Efrain can improve. Share with your table
Watch Video unit-persuasion unit-persuasion Pay attention to what the teacher is doing and saying.
With your elbow partner… In what ways did the teacher support the language needs of Efrain? What access strategies might the teacher use to support students in moving along the continuum? Share out
Overview & Proficiency Level Descriptors (PLDs): Alignment to CCSS for ELA & Literacy CA’s EL Student Proficiency Level Descriptors (PLDs) Structure of the grade level standards Grade Level Standards Section 1: Goal, Critical Principles, At-a-glance Overview Section 2: Elaboration on Critical Principles Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways Part II: Learning About How English Works Part III: Using Foundation Skills Appendices: Appendix A: Foundational Literacy Skills Appendix B: Learning About How English Works Appendix C: Theory and Research Appendix D: Context, Development, Validation Glossary of Key Terms CA ELD Standards Overview
Turn to pages 1-3 from your grade level and scan the text What do you notice? What stands out to you? Question to consider: Why do you think looking at the structure of the standards is important? Share Out Layout of the CAELD Standards
Part I of the ELD Standards: Interacting in Meaningful Ways. It is the same at each grade level. It lists 3 Modes (Ways of Using Language) A.Collaborative B.Interpretive C.Productive The same Goal is listed at each grade level The same Critical Principles for Developing Language and Cognition in Academic Contexts is at each grade level Part II: Learning about How English Works. It is the same at each grade level. It lists 3 Processes (Purpose for using Language) A.Structuring Cohesive Texts B.Expanding and Enriching Ideas C.Connecting and Condensing Ideas The Strands appear beneath. For every Grade level, the ELD Standards have the same ‘Section 1’ { Part III: Using Foundational Literacy Skills The only thing that differs on page 1-2 of the ELD Standards for each grade level is the CCSS standards it corresponds to.
Proficiency levels Teacher Resources Language of the Standards Modes Strands Section II
Checking for Understanding (With a Partner) (Question #1)Part I of Section 1 (Interacting in Meaningful Ways - Modes) is divided into: ____________,_____________, and ___________ (Questions #2) Which section has the specific grade level CA ELD standards? A.Section 1 B.Section 2 (Question #3) True or False – The only thing that differs on Section 1 of the ELD Standards for each grade level is the CCSS standards it corresponds to. Collaborative Interpretive Productive TRUE! Partner Talk
Ready for More?... Checking for Understanding (On your own) (Question #4)How many proficiency levels are there? (Look at question #5 for hint) (Question #5) What are the proficiency levels? ____________, ______________, _______________ (Question #6) Part 2 of Section 1 (Learning About How English Works - Processes) is divided into: ___________________ Structuring Cohesive Texts Expanding and Enriching Ideas Connecting and Condensing Ideas Emerging Expanding Bridging
At your table Discuss: 1.Write the name of one EL student in your class. 2.Where do you think that student is in the continuum? Why? 3.Think and write one thing that you would do differently for that student to move along continuum? 4.How might this impact student learning? 5.What other supports might you need?
Back to the Question The California Department of Education (CDE) was required to update, revise, and align the state's 1999 English Language Development (ELD) standards to California's Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English-Language Arts (ELA).
This work will continue, Thank you! as we transition this year,