Some reflections on discrimination and religion Paul Lappalainen ECRI Deputy Member, Sweden (Scientific advisor to ECCAR, Board member AHIE, Senior advisor – Swedish Equality Ombudsman) Some reflections on discrimination and religion
In small places, close to home... they are the world of the individual; the neighborhood he lives in; the school or college he attends; the factory, farm, or office where he works. Such are the places where every man, woman, and child seeks equal justice, equal opportunity, equal dignity without discrimination. Unless these rights have meaning there, they have little meaning anywhere."
ECRI is an independent human rights monitoring body specialised in combating racism, xenophobia, antisemitism and intolerance. ECRI is composed of independent and impartial members. There is one member for each member State of the Council of Europe. Also deputy members. ECRI’s action covers all measures necessary to combat discrimination and prejudice faced by persons or groups of persons on grounds of colour, language, religion, nationality or national or ethnic origin.
People form structures, structures form people Structures/institutions Norms, routines, accepted behavior patterns Individuals behavior, attitudes
Hi, I’m applying for the job Sorry! Blackskull !
Hi, I’m applying for the job Sorry! Soon pregnant!
You always know immediately when the personal chemistry just doesn’t work!
Do you have prejudices? Do you apply them?
Who is free from prejudice? Harvard Implicit Association Test ( ) People with openly racist and sexist opinions have the same levels of underlying prejudices as “non-racists” and “non-sexists” Difference between the man on the soap-box and those in the crowd?
Blindspot: the hidden biases of good people (2013) I know my own mind. I am able to assess others in a fair and accurate way. Based on current research about hidden biases as well as their connection to behaviour, the authors seriously challenge these self-perceptions.
European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) The independent human rights monitoring body of the Council of Europe in the field of combating racism and intolerance
ECRI is an independent human rights monitoring body specialised in combating racism, xenophobia, antisemitism and intolerance. ECRI is composed of independent and impartial members. There is one member for each member State of the Council of Europe. Also deputy members. ECRI’s action covers all measures necessary to combat discrimination and prejudice faced by persons or groups of persons on grounds of colour, language, religion, nationality or national or ethnic origin. ECRI issues General Policy Recommendations (guidelines addressed to Member State govts)
In so far as racism and discrimination based on religion is concerned, ECRI’s mandate refers specifically to antisemitism. Furthermore, ECRI has consistently interpreted the concepts of racism, racial discrimination and intolerance as covering violent crime, hate speech, discrimination and intolerance against all religious groups.
According to ECRI’s General Policy Recommendation No. 7, religion is one of the grounds upon which racism and racial discrimination should be prohibited by national legislations.
Recommends that, among others, governments take measures to ensure that freedom of religious practice is fully guaranteed, to eliminate any manifestations of discrimination on grounds of religious belief in access to education, to employment and in the workplace and to ensure that religious instruction in schools respects cultural pluralism
Recommending that Governments of give a high priority to the fight against antisemitism and enact legislation to penalise antisemitic crimes such as the public denial, trivialisation, justification or condoning of the Holocaust and the desecration and profanation of Jewish property and monuments. ECRI reiterates the recommendation made in its GPR No. 7 on national legislation to combat racism and racial discrimination for racist motivation to constitute an aggravating circumstance.
In these reports ECRI stresses the importance of the application and development of criminal law provisions to counter racism in public discourse (hate speech). See Denmark, Hungary and Serbia reports ECRI also stresses the importance of ensuring that discriminatory provisions in laws are removed Where religious intolerance is identified recommendations are made concerning solutions so that the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion under Article 9 of the ECHR is respected.
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance. 2. Freedom to manifest one's religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety, for the protection of public order, health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
The answer – it depends. Sikh wearing a turban as a bus driver? Are all religions treated equally? Is it wrong? Headscarves – do you have a right to wear them in public, in an education, at work? Should religions be able to discriminate? Why? When? How? How clear is the ECHR and the ECtHR?
1. Civil rights movement 2. Women’s movement 3. Disability movement 4. LGBT movement 5. Starting Line Group
”Alla människor kan diskriminera”
1. Empowerment – civil society advocacy 2. Focus on changing behaviour in making strategy choices 3. Put responsibility at the top – otherwise lose to the principle of least resistance 4. Discrimination must cost 5. Understand the interplay between different measures as well as grounds
Aha! Now I see them...!
That was easy! Thank You! Fundera citatet från Eleanor Roosevelt. Mänskliga rättigheter förverkligas lokalt. Lika rätt är ett måttstock. Och kommuner och landsting står i frontlinjen.