1 Front Line of ESD in Japan Prof. Shuichi NAKAYAMA Hiroshima Univ. of Economics At German-Japanese ESD Symposium Japan German Center, Berlin Japan German Center, Berlin August 19,
ESD: Major Achievements in Japan 1. Mandated CSR Report since National Movement since Japan’s Action Plan for UNDESD Revision of the National Curriculum Paradigm Shift in Life-Style to Eco-Life
Central Government Framework for ESD Environment Basic Law st Environment Basic Plan 1994 (Environment, Parasitism, Participation) 3 rd Environment Basic Plan 2006 (Sustainable Society) 2 nd Environment Basic Plan 2000 (International Cooperation) Environment Education Promotion Law 2003 Environment =CSR Report Law Japan’s Action Plan for the UNDESD 2006 Revised National Curriculum 2008 National Movement Team Minus 6%
1. Mandated CSR Report since 2004 Responsibility by (1)Central and Local Governments to publicize CSR Report for promoting Sustainable Development (2) Corporate Sector should publish CSR Report and take business actions on the basis of CSR Report of others (3) Citizens should take seriously CSR reports when they take economic activities ●Activities can be seen at the Website “CSR Project” by Nippon Economic Newspaper Co. 4
2. National Movement : Team Minus 6% since 2005 ● Six Recommended Actions for CO 2 reduction 1. Set air conditioners to 28 degrees C in summer and to 20 degree C in winter. 2. Turn off the faucet every time you finish using it. 3. Drive your car more efficiently. 4. Choose eco-friendly products. 5. Say no to excessive packing. 6. Unplug electric appliances when no in use. ◆ Team Member as of June 30, 2008 Individual 2,302,513 Businesses/civil groups 21,795 5
3-1. Purpose of ESD in the Japan’s Action Plan for the UNDESD (2005) ●To ensure that anyone can benefit from quality education, and that the principles, values, and actions necessary for promoting sustainable development are incorporated in all forms of education and learning environment, thus bringing about a revolution of action for realizing a sustainable future with respect to the environment, economy and society. ( p.3) 6
3-2. Goals by the Final Year Every one to come to participate in the creation of a sustainable society. 2. Educational institutions, NPOs, enterprises, and administrative organizations incorporate in their programs actions for building a sustainable society. 3. Everyone to extend their willingness of participate for building a sustainable society in developing countries. (Japan’ Action Plan p.4) 7
3-3. Key Points in Japan’s Action Plan for UNDESD (2005) ● In Chapter 3 Guidelines for Implementing ESD ◆ How to learn & teach = ① Willingness to participate ② Problem-solving abilities ③ One-on-one dialogue ◆ Abilities to be developed = systemic thinking, critical thinking, data analysis, communication skills ◆ Sense of ESD values = respect for human life and dignity, diversity, non-exclusiveness, equal opportunity, & environment 8
4. Revised Course of Study 2008 ● The importance of ESD : A special mention was made at subjects in Junior High School : Science, Geography and Civics. ● In Civics = Building a Sustainable Society is a perfection of social studies ◆ Senior High School : to be implemented by December 2008
5. Paradigm Shift to a Nation of “HERB” Japan’s Ultimate National Goal is an Advanced Environmental Country or A Nation of “HERB” Healthy, Beautiful, Rich + Ecology and Economy “ An Image of Sustainable Society ” ( 3 rd Environment Basic Plan 2006, pp.4-5) 10
Concluding Remarks(1) Image of ESD Paradigm Shift 11 Old Principles and ValuesNew ESD Principles and Values Mass ProductionReduce Mass ConsumptionReuse Mass WastageRecycle Old Type SocietyNew ESD Type Society Strong Business SocietyRecycled Type Society More Convenient SocietyLow Carbon Society Military Strong SocietyCo-existence Society Old PhilosophyNew ESD Philosophy Competition on Freedom Competition on Harmony
Concluding Remarks (2) Curriculum Shift toward ESD in Japan Every subject area must take a paradigm shift of contents and teaching methodology on the basis of Japanese Image of ESD World from the traditional principles to the new ESD principles 12