Can you tell me what these are? Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion and Petition Right to keep and bear arms Conditions for quarters of soldiers Right of search and seizure regulated Provisons concerning prosecution Right to a speedy trial, witnesses, etc. Right to a trial by jury Excessive bail, cruel punishment Rule of construction of Constitution Rights of the States under Constitution
Standard: SSSocC1: students will explain the major development and importance of culture. Explain the importance of culture as an organizing tool in society. Describe the components of culture to include language, symbols, and norms
Essential Question: How do we learn the “norms” of society?
The three carriers of culture… Language Values Rules (norms). They are what “shape society” and make up a culture.
Language Lang. is the ability to communicate using symbols…orally or in writing. A loss of language, may mean a loss of culture. Language Embodies Culture… participating in the culture means knowing the language. Language is a framework for how we view ourselves…example “African-American vs. Black”. Takes the emphasis off of color and puts it on culture. Language as a symbol of common unity… strongest bond.
Values Shared standards of what is desirable Many values are universal (security, strong family ties, etc) the way they are achieved varies greatly. Example…we all value security…in America, may = money in the bank. A traditional society it may = a large family. Values are what are important to us!!!
The rules…. “norms”. Shared rules of conduct…how we should “act”. Norms and values are related…a norm suggests the most appropriate way to reach a valued end result. There are three kinds of norms… 1. Folkways 2. Mores 3. Laws
Folkways Customary and habitual way of doing (or not doing) things. Passed down generation to generation Fireworks on the 4 th of July Shake hands when introduced to someone. Don’t pick your nose. Key concept… there is no real harm if you violate them…society may “look at you funny” or avoid you, but no “hard” punishment.
Mores (more-ays) Norms that have strong feelings of right or wrong associated with them May be reprimanded, shunned or ostracized. Behavior is offensive and can hurt others. Examples: Spitting in someone’s face. Being dishonest Making a racist or derogatory comment. The social punishment, lessens the chance you will do it again.
Laws Norms that are officially enforced by the government. Not all laws supported by the culture… example: motorcycle helmet law. Were mores once… then sentiment was so strong they become law.
Least Offensive Most Offensive Folkways Mores Laws
Social Control… Way that society makes “it’s own” follow the rules… getting you to conform to the norms of society. Conformity (to obey) is encouraged by sanctions Reward for conforming (following the rules) Punishment for deviance. (breaking the rules) Sanctions may be formal (DFCS comes to your home b/c of complaint) or informal (people avoid you because you do not wear deodorant).
Project You will violate a folkway… What social norm will you break? You will violate a folkway… NOT a more or “the law”!!!!! Start thinking about what you want to do for this project and I will give you the guidelines shortly.