Passionate Pirate Worksheet Assignment 2 Austin Baker
Content Passion I would say that the primary passion I hold for my content is teaching and mentoring employability skills through both class and FFA. I believe it is one of the most valuable skill sets we provide for our students. Second, I have a passion for biology I like to incorporate the biologically sciences into all my courses that are not specifically biology. I do prefer however genetics and ecology, but generally I am excited about all biological concepts I teach. Finally, while I am fond of all my electives including vet science and horticulture, I really love floral operations. I feel that through floral you can teach cross curricular content. Including all sciences biology, chemistry, physics, you can teach art, reading, writing, and math all in one class and directly apply it to its relevance in the industry. Within floral I enjoy balloon work and the design principles. Within your subject matter, what are you passionate about teaching? In other words, of all the topics and standards you teach as part of your curriculum, which are the ones you most enjoy?
Professional Passion What I am passionate about is helping students discover their passions and life purpose. Students have a lot on their mind when it comes to their future and in reality not a lot of time to explore and understand career possibilities. I like to teach the standard do what you love and love what you do. Helping guide students towards subjects and content in which they enjoy in hopes a career or hobby can spark from it. Within your profession, but not specific to your subject matter, what are you passionate about? What is it about being an educator that drives you? What ignites a fire inside of you?
Personal Passion I am very passionate about genetics. I have recently overcome my large fear of snakes to breed and raise ball pythons for the pet hobby and understand their vast genetics which have blossomed in the industry over a very short period of time. I am the same way about rabbits. In high school I raised rabbits in hope of perfecting the breed through genetics and it has always fascinated me. If anyone is curious please google world of ball pythons to see the several colors and patterns which have come about from genetics. I am passionate about nature I like to just get out and see the natural world in all of its wonder and like to see the different interactions and patterns natural can provide. It is something that I honestly do not take advantage of enough in my free time and would like to pursue further. Completely outside of your profession, what are you passionate about?