From abacus…
…to apps
Online Editions
What are the trends in education? Mobile Learning Social Media Professional Development Discipline Math and Science Education
Three big takeaways from the ISTE conference – mobile learning, social media use and technology training for teachers – should have a dramatic impact on programs at schools in the years ahead. m/ education-technology- trends-computer-explorers-franchise/ Mobile learning, including educational apps, smart devices and netbooks will become more popular with teachers and students… m/news/school-trends htm Trends in Education
The world has become a very Appy place!
Total Apps Approved for US App Store: 626,901 Total Active Apps (currently available for download) : 489,509 Total Inactive Apps (no longer available for download) : 137,392 Number of Active Publishers in the US App Store: 112,383 OCT. 17, 2011 How many apps are out there?
How many apps are submitted per day? Yann Lechelle, Co- founder of Appsfire.com “These days, a typical run-rate of ‘new’ apps per day is around ” apps-are-submitted-to-Apples-App- Store-on-an-average-day
How many math apps are out there? 2026 math apps for iPad 4041 apps for iPhone Oct 18 - Apple App Store
How many math curriculum apps are out there? One and only One!
Let’s go live to the app
Algebra 1 Fuse pilot
400 students learning from iPad and HMH Fuse™ Fuse pilot
600 students learning from HMH Algebra I textbook Fuse pilot
Jeannetta Mitchell Teaching with Fuse Students less intimidated by content Use of Math Motion, Notes, Videos Students more participatory Students worked in teams Able to assign less homework Students made real progress
Student comments When you get stuck on a problem, how’s the iPad different from a book? “With a book, I would just skip it, and wait to figure out what’s happening in class for Ms. Mitchell to explain. But now I can go back and look at examples. It’s actually more fun than a book. A book’s kind of boring.” - Kate - Kate “I watch the videos. They help me understand a little more. They give you step-by- step instructions. Sometimes I don’t understand the step- by-step the teacher gives me, but I watch the videos over and over again and I can get it. Plus it’s a lot lighter than a math book.” - Kyle - Kyle
“Participating in the HMH Fuse: Algebra 1 pilot has been very exciting and rewarding…our students are reporting that the HMH app is a great tool that far surpasses traditional textbook learning. One of our primary goals as educators is for students to be engaged and joyful learners - this app really makes that possible. It’s simply remarkable.” Richard Carranza Deputy Superintendent San Francisco Unified School District Administrator comment
“We’re focused on students and making sure they have 21st century technology, we shouldn’t be asking them to power down when they come into the school building.” “Our students deserve to be successful. If it takes this technology to get them engaged, we’re going to try it.” Jhone Ebert Chief Technology Officer Clark County School District Administrator comment hope-ipads/
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…to apps From abacus…
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