Shiloh Point Kindergarten
Heather Archer - Judy Raicik Carrie Conniff - Jennifer Moeck Amy Lemay – Dawn Baker Shera Loveless – Cathi Kruise Mary McCool – Jodi Parker Amanda Summey – Joanie Fowler Maggie Tompkins – Michelle Jones Shiloh Point’s Kindergarten Team
Attendance: It is very important that your child is at school everyday. If there is a day when your child must be absent, a handwritten note must be sent with your child to school the day of their return. They have 5 school days to receive a note or it will be counted as unexcused. Backpacks: No rolling backpacks please! Please send your child with his/her backpack each day and check them after school each day! Birthdays: You are more than welcome to bring treats to school to celebrate your child’s birthday. Treats must be store bought and it helps to have them in individual servings. A new rule was passed that no homemade treats may be brought to school to share with the class due to allergies. Mini cupcakes are a perfect size for these little ones. Please make sure if you get cupcakes that they have WHITE frosting!!!
Change in Transportation: Please send in a note With your child if they will go home a different Way than usual. We MUST have a note. If we don’t have a note, your child will go home the way they usually do. Change of Clothes: Please send in a change of clothes for your child. Accidents sometimes do happen and we want to be prepared! Please include: socks, underwear and appropriate seasonal clothing. Conferences: We will have conferences in October and in March. We are happy to meet with you if you every have a concern- just let us know and we’ll schedule one! Do communicate daily with your child. Also, check your child’s folder/ your for any forms of communication from your child’s teacher.
is a reminder that in an emergency, it is important that we have current contact telephone numbers. Please inform us if address, home, work, or cell phone numbers change throughout the school year. Early Release: Typically, the last Wednesday of each month will be an early release day. is for field trips! We usually take at least two field trips per year. Information for those trips will be sent home closer to time for the trip! Fire Drills: We have 1 practice fire Drill per month. is for gym class! We will have gym class three times a week. Children should wear sneakers for gym class.
Homework! Homework assignments will be sent home. We encourage you to work with your child a few minutes each night to review & reinforce the skills we are working on in school. Be NVOLVED in your child's learning ! is for joining our PTA! Throughout the school year there will be a variety of special classroom activities, celebrations, and PTA meetings. We encourage you to attend all functions and become involved!
is for keeping up with folders! Folders are our primary means of communications. The folder will be our way of making sure things get to and from school. Anything you need me to see, including money, should be in the folder. These are checked each morning! There will also be a monthly behavior chart in the folder that you will need to sign each night. Library Books: We will be checking out books from our library each week. Keep your child’s book in their backpack for safe keeping.
is for money! On many occasions it will be necessary for your child to bring money to school. Always send it in a sealed envelope with the following information on it: name, amount, purpose, and teacher’s name. Nurse: We have a full time nurse at our school! If your student requires medication to be taken at school please make sure that you fill out the necessary forms in the office. Our nurse handles all medication. Also, if there are any allergies that we need to be aware of please let us know. Newsletters: Newsletters will be sent home weekly by way of . If you do not have , we will send home a. hard copy. is for office check-ins and check-outs! Please make sure to go to our office when you need to check-in or check-out your student.
Phone Calls: We normally do not answer our classroom phones during instructional time. If you do call and we don’t answer, please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. School Number: is for questions! Please let us know if you have any questions! We are here to make this the best experience possible!
is for recess! We will be going outside everyday unless it is raining or extremely cold. If your child is too sick to play outside, they are too sick to attend school. Please make sure your child is properly dressed for the weather! is for snacks! We ask that each child bring in a snack each day. This should be a healthy snack that is quickly eaten and easily opened. is for tying shoes! Unfortunately, this is very necessary skill that is no longer taught in school. Please work on this with your child at home. Once they become proficient at tying shoes, they will become one of our "Tying Teachers" and assist in teaching other students with learning to tie shoes.
Each child is UNIQUE and special. They enter our classrooms with different skills, personalities, experiences, backgrounds and learning styles. It is our aspiration to foster their individual strengths and help each child develop to his/her fullest potential; academically and socially. Our goal is to teach them to fall in love with learning ! is for volunteers. We love having volunteers in our school! All volunteers and visitors must check in at the office to receive a visitor’s pass. is for wearing practical clothes! We try our best to keep clothing clean throughout the day but sometimes it is impossible! Please send your child to school with that in mind!
is for having eXtra clothes! Please keep a change of clothes in your students backpack in case of an accident! is for YOU! Always remember you are a teacher too! There is no one who is more influential in your child’s life than you! is for ZzZzZz...please make sure that your child gets plenty of rest each night. Setting and keeping a bedtime helps children to be alert and ready to learn each day!