The file server model July 14, 2011 © 2011 The File Server Model Presented for the PCCC Program Notes We recommend that you print these slides before the presentation. Then you can take notes from the presentation and be prepared to implement the suggestions when you get home. This presentation is archived at: Last updated 7/10/11 These notes may be revised up to the moment of presentation. Check back for the latest version.
The file server model Demonstrated on Windows Presented by: Bill Barnes Demonstrated on Linux Presented by: Cliff Johnston Presented to Personal Computer Club of Charlotte July 14, 2011 © 2011 The File Server Model Presented for the PCCC
July 14, 2011 © 2011 The File Server Model Presented for the PCCC The File Server Model Who needs it? 2+ users and 2+ computers Multiple valuable files Files need to be backed up
July 14, 2011 © 2011 The File Server Model Presented for the PCCC The File Server Model Why? Same files available by same path for every user on every user. Never have multiple copies of shared files. Single point for backup.
July 14, 2011 © 2011 The File Server Model Presented for the PCCC The File Server Model Field trip!
July 14, 2011 © 2011 The File Server Model Presented for the PCCC The File Server Model Preparing your server Select a computer to be “server.” Create 1-3 folders to hold all your data. Recommend they be under “Public” or “All Users” or on a separate partition. Do not put in “My Documents.” Right-click on folders and choose Properties > Sharing. Click (Advanced) Share and create a share name. Click Permissions and apply appropriately. Repeat permissions on Security tab.
July 14, 2011 © 2011 The File Server Model Presented for the PCCC The File Server Model Preparing your clients. Create the same user name(s) and passwords on all your clients and server.user name(s) In Windows Explorer find your server under Entire Network or by entering address \\[server name]. Right-click on the shared folders and choose Map … Use the same letter for the same share on each client. You can create folders and define permissions from the client.
Linux: The good, Bad and, What ? no Ugly! The 4 best Desktops for Linux, then Let's Install one together This has been created in OpenOffice Impress
Alternative to MAC & Microsoft. First, I’m a big believe in What Works. I use Linux on my desktop not because I find its free and open-source software foundation is morally superior to the proprietary competition from Apple and Microsoft. I use it because it works better for me. When it comes to technology, I’m a realist, not an idealist Cliff Johnson, PE, CSE
I used to love SUSE It was my first Linux desktop OS. I wish I could say I love SUSE 11.4, but I can’t. It’s just feels a little too… klutzy. That said, it makes a excellent internet server
I like it, because if the Linux desktop has any chance of pushing Linux over the 1% mark of total desktop use, it will be because of Ubuntu in general and Unity specifically. I think it has a good chance of doing it.
its interface is easy to use. It is also built on Ubuntu. This means that it gets support for the most popular open-source programs, such as Firefox and Libre Office, as soon as they’re available. It also includes codecs for DVDs
MEPIS is bedrock stable. The only reason I don’t rate it higher is that it’s a one-man shop.. That means it’s fine for experienced Linux users who can handle their own support. But, if you’re new to Linux, or just not sure of yourself, I cannot recommend MEPIS
Why in the first place 1. Easier to learn and use for most people because it is Menu driven with ICON shortcuts. 2. Installs with just (1) CD for all major applications and hardware drivers. ( no antivirus software required) 3. It Will run well on older computers, and is faster than most new popular OS (Operating Systems) 4. There is an equivalent to most Microsoft applications. 5. New Applications are located via the internet and downloaded and installed with a click of the mouse and authenticated with your password. 6.Of course it is free; (Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning 'humanity to others'.)
Let's Get 1. Download Ubuntu 11.4 from 2. Since it is a Mirror File it must be Burned to a CD. 3. The CD is then used to boot the computer you plan to install Ubuntu on. 4. It will boot to a menu that will allow you to install it, try it (run from the CD) or check the disk or memory of the computer. 5. I suggest you try it first and if it works well you can test the sound, networking and video. If all works well, then click the Icon on the desktop to install it side by side the other OS that you have installed on the Computer.
Now we get to install Presentation made to the Personal Computer Club of Charlotte. NC July 14, 2001 by Cliff Johnson Workshop to follow
The file server model July 14, 2011 © 2011 The File Server Model Presented for the PCCC Backup Strategies Demonstrated on Windows 7 and Ubuntu Linux Questions after final presentation Presented by: Bill Barnes and Cliff Johnston This presentation is archived at: