Elements and Compounds Science Chapter 3 Grade 6
Difference between Element , compound & mixture Module Objectives .What is Atom ? Elements & Compounds Difference between Element , compound & mixture Classification of Element Chemical Pictures Chemical Symbols Chemical Symbols -Rules Molecules and Molecular formula Valency Worksheets
What IS ATOM ? Atoms are the smallest bits of ordinary matter and are made from particles called 1 Protons (which carry a positive electrical charge) 2 Neutrons (which carry no electrical charge) 3 Electrons(which carry a negative electrical charge). The protons and neutrons cluster together in the central part of the atom, called the nucleus, The electrons 'orbit' the nucleus. A particular atom will have the same number of protons and electrons . Most atoms have at least as many neutrons as protons.
Elements & COmpounds .
Elements & COmpounds An element is a substance that is made entirely from one type of atom. For example, the element hydrogen is made from atoms containing just one proton and one electron, Block A &C A compound is a substance made from two or more different elements that have been chemically joined. Some examples of compounds are water (H2O) ,table salt (NaCl). Block B
Difference between Element , compound & mixture Consists of only one kind of atom, Cannot be broken down into a simpler type of matter by either physical or chemical means, and Can exist as either atoms (e.g. argon) or molecules (e.g., nitrogen). Compound : consists of atoms of two or more different elements bound together, can be broken down into a simpler type of matter (elements) by chemical means (but not by physical means), has properties that are different from its component elements, and always contains the same ratio of its component atoms.
Continue… Mixture : Consists of two or more different elements and/or compounds physically intermingled, Can be separated into its components by physical means, and Often retains many of the properties of its components. Example : Mercury is a Liquid element . Silver & gold is solid element , people wear silver and gold chain. High flying Balloons which has hydrogen filled in. Water H20 is a Liquid Compound Element Carbon dioxide is a Gas Compound element. Salt water is a Mixture , can be separated by evaporation. Note : As hydrogen is highly inflammable, now a days helium is used in balloons instead of hydrogen
Activity 1 -Classification of Element Copper Solid Aluminum Gold Silver Oxygen Gas Nitrogen Mercury Liquid Platinum Magnesium Manganese
Know This Robert Boyle was the first scientist to use teem elemen Lavoisier , a french chemist, was the first to give definition of an element . he defined an element as basic from of matter that cannot be broken down into simple substances by any chemical Lavoisier Robert Boyle
AcTIvity - Burning Sugar Take Half a spoon of sugar in the test tube and heat it using spirit lamp. What happens It becomes liquid Continue heating it becomes Brown Still continue heating , you will see black residue. Reheat this residue strongly, does color change ? No, remain as it is, this Black residue is the element Carbon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4r4uvuzRZg
Chemical Pictures It is difficult to mention the names of elements in all situations. There was a need for international method to identify elements . hence scientists have given symbols to denote them. Simple Pictures used to denote element was started by Greeks and continued by Johan Dalton. as more element were discovered difficulty arose to remember them.
While writing the symbols of element we have to follow certain rules : Chemical Symbols A Swedish chemist J .J. berzilius replaced these Pictures by symbols. As his system is good and it is used event today. While writing the symbols of element we have to follow certain rules : Rule 1. Generally symbols of element should be represented by first letter of their names. Hydrogen H Fluorine F Nitrogen N Carbon C Iodine I Boron B
Chemical Symbols – Rule 2 Difficulty arose then the names of 2 or 3 elements began with the same letter. Rule 2 if the name of 2 elements begin with the same letter when first 2 letter are taken. the first letter is always written in capital and the second letter should be written small Carbon and cobalt, both begin with C. then what should be the symbol of cobalt? Note : There is a lot of difference between Co, the metal cobalt and CO, the deadly gas carbon-monoxide Aluminum Al Radium Ra Silicon Si Cobolt Co Bismuth Bi
Chemical Symbols – Rule 3 If the First 2 letter of the elements are the same then next prominent letter should be taken. Ex : Magnesium and Manganese have the first 2 letters the same. In this case symbol of manganese is Mn and Magnesium is Mg. Cadmium Cd Chromium Cr Magnesium Mg Manganese Mn
Chemical Symbols – Rule 4 Symbols of some elements are derived from their Latin origin. while writing symbols using Latin names the same rules are followed. Copper Cuprum Cu Silver Argentum Ag Gold Aurum Au Mercury Hydrargyrum Hg Potassium Kalium Ka Iron Ferrum Fe Lead Plumbum Pb
Molecules Molecules form when two or more atoms form chemical bonds with each other. It doesn't matter if the atoms are the same or are different from each other. if the atoms of the same kind combine, a molecules of that element is formed. H2O (water) N2 (nitrogen) O3 (ozone) CaO (calcium oxide) C6H12O6 (glucose, a type of sugar) Single atoms of elements are not molecules. A single oxygen, O, is not a molecule. When oxygen bonds to itself (e.g., O2, O3) or to another element (e.g., carbon dioxide or CO2), molecules are formed.
Molecular Formula An expression which states the number and type of atom present in a molecule of a substance. Examples: There are 1 carbon atoms and 2 oxygen atoms CO2 A molecules of water is represented a H2O. here 2 Atoms of hydrogen are attached to 1 atom of oxygen There are 6 C atoms and 14 H atoms in a hexane molecule , which has molecular formula CH4 .
Valency The combining power of an atom of an element is referred to as its valency. Depending upon its valencies an element is called : Monovalent (Valency 1) Divalent ( Valency 2) Trivalent (Valency 3) Tetravalent ( Valency 4)
Molecular Formula Table Compound Formula Constituent element Valency Hydrogen Chloride HCl Hydrogen =1 Atom Chlorine=1 Atom Chlorine =1 Ammonia NH3 Nitrogen=1 Atom Hydrogen =3 Atom Nitrogen =3 Nitric Acid HNO3 Hydrogen=1 Atom Oxygen=3 Atom Hydrogen = 3 Potassium permanganate KMnO4 Potassium =1 Atom Manganese =1Atom Oxygen=4 Atom Potassium =4 Manganese =4 Sulphuric acid H2SO4 Hydrogen= 2 Atom Sulphur =1 Atom Oxygen =4 Atom 2 Atom 1 Atom 4 Atom
Uses of Symbols and Molecular formulae : The names of the elements and compounds can be denoted in short forms which save time and place while writing Formula indicates the names of all the elements present in a compound. The number of atoms present in the compound can be known easily the proportion or ratio in which atoms combine can be know.
Work Sheet Four Alternatives are given under each complete /incomplete statement. Choose correct answer and put a tick mark against it. 1. The liquid filled in thermometer is a) Oil b) bromine c) Mercury c) Spirit 2. The chemical symbol used to represent silver is a) Ag b) Au C) Al d) Ar 3. The Chemical symbol of the element having Latin name is a) Ru b) Np c) Fe d) Ni
Work Sheet 4. It is an example for compound a) Carbon b) Nitrogen gas c) air d) Carbon dioxide 5.The Molecular formula of carbon dioxide is a) CO b) CO2 c) CO3 d) C2O 6 . Potassium permanganate has one atom of potassium , one atom of manganese and four atoms of oxygen : a) KMno b) KMn4o c) K4Mno d) KMnO4
Work Sheet 7. Ammonia (NH3) had 3 atom of hydrogen and one atom Nitrogen . What is the valency of nitrogen? a) 1 b)2 c)3 d)4 8. One atom of magnesium combines with two chlorine atoms to form Magnesium chloride. a) Mg2 Cl b) MnCl2 c) MgCl2 d) Mn2Cl 9.In Methane One atom of carbon combines with four atoms of a) Hydrogen b) oxygen c) Nitrogen d) Carbon
Work Sheet Fill in the Blanks with suitable words : 1. Each substance is Made up of . 2. The Greek Used to represent Element. 3.The Method of representing elements by symbols was introduce by __________ . 4.The Latin name of sodium is __________. 5. The elements present in nitric acid are Nitrogen, Hydrogen and _____. 6. The Molecular formula of hydrogen molecule is____. 7. The Smallest particle that has all the properties of an element is called _______ . 8. Complete the following : a.________ + Oxygen ——> Magnesium oxide b. Hydrogen + __________ ———> Water elements picture Berzelius Natrium Oxygen H2 Molecule Magnesium Oxygen
Work Sheet Match The compounds given in list A with the molecular formulae given in list ‘B” 1. Ammonia a) NaCl 2.Sodium chloride b)CO2 3.Sulphuric acid c) Au 4.Water d)NH3 5.Carbon dioxide e) H2O 6.Gold f) H2so4
Work Sheet Match the Latin names of the following elements : 1. Potassium Aurum 2.Sodium Plumbum 3.Iron Ferrnum 4.Tin Stibium 6.Gold Natrium 7.Lead Argentum 8.Antimony Kalium 9.Silver Stannum
Work Sheet Match the chemical names of the following compound : Column no. 1 Column no. 2 1. NaOH - Copper Sulphate 2.AlCl3 - Magnesium Sulphate 3.Na2CO3 - Nitric Acid 4.CuSO4 - Aluminium Chlorite 6.MgCl2 - Magnesium Chloride 7.HNO3 - Barium Chloride 8.BaCl2 - Sodium Carbonate 9.MgSO4 - Sodium Hydroxide