SciFinder Web Version Pootorn R. Book Promotion & Service Co.,Ltd. Thailand
Web version of SciFinder The new version of SciFinder runs in a web browser No need to download and distribute desktop software Easy access via the web Your scientists can access both the web and client versions The new version can be reached at
Interface of SciFinder Web Three ways to explore information Tool bars Start to explore Enter the search query Add search limit Answer sets and KMP
Explore research topic Find out the nanotechnology research on the drug delivery systems
Explore research topic 2. Enter the search query Use the preposition to separate the search concepts 1. Select “Research Topic 3. Add more search limits if you have
Select research topic candidates SF search each concept in the title, abstract and indexing terms in all records Research topic candidates analyzes the relationship of concepts, allows you to select the relevant answers set based on your interest As entered: Exact phrase as entered Closely associated: Terms closely associated in the text (Same sentence or same unit) Anywhere: Terms anywhere in the text (same document)
Search answer page SciFinder “Smarts” will retrieve.. Synonyms, alternate word forms, irregular plural forms, CAS standard abbreviations, truncation.. In the result, pharmaceutical, and nanocarriers and nanoparticles are highlighted
Analyze answer sets by 11 ways Analyze features… Sample analysis bar appears automatically on the right Click “Full Analysis” to get the number of answer
Analyze by Index Term I am interested on the antitumor research… Selecte click for “antitumor agents” or Click “Show More” to see the full analysis chart
Analyze by Index Term Narrow down the answer set to 1263 records More precise answer set, target to the particular research intererst
Keep selected the records After analyzing, we can “Select all” the records and “Keep Selected” for further processing
Refine answer set by 7 ways Narrow down the answer set by adding more search limit Refine the publication year to only to see the most recent literature
A patent record Original patent abstract involves “ too technical and legal wordings” CAS editors have rewritten the abstract using scientific wordings, which are more meaningful to researchers
A patent record CAS editors index each records (Human Indexing) Highlight the new findings and novel concepts from the literature Users can extract the main ideas of the literature easily CA subject headings Index term, and description Substance index, with CAS Registry number Description Role taken in this research literature
A journal record Get more related information of this record from the above toolbar icon Save, print and export the record
Export Answer Key eXchange: Reopen and use in SF PDF Format: Export as pdf document Answer Keys: as an accession number (for reference answers) or a CAS Registry Number (for substance answers) Quoted Format and Tagged format: Reopen and use by most spreadsheet program, like excel, and also Endnote Recommend to use the PDF format
Search History Keep track for the search step Click to navigate the search backwards
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Explore chemical structure
Explore substances Install Java plugin for drawing the chemical structure
Structure searching SciFinder enables you to choose a search type for your substance search, regardless of whether you use the structure drawing editor to create the substance structure Import a.cxf or.mol file on the Explore page as part of the Chemical Structure search and then choose search type Use the structure drawing editor (recommended) and specify the search type in the lower-right corner of the structure drawing window Three choices for the substance search types are available: Exact Substructure Similarity
Draw a structure run on JAVA applet
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Results with substance info
Physical and Chemical properties
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