Explored alternative data collection for Family Development efforts in ETO with 3 pilot centers Conducted focus groups with FRC Family Development Specialists and Directors exploring how family support programs are implemented Analyzed outcomes of the CFSA
Presentation on Strengthening Families Protective Factors by the Center for the Study of Social Policy Adoption of the Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening and Support by FRCA membership Completed Literature Review conducted by Dr. Fred Pampel and OMNI Institute resulted in publication: Key Components of a Family Resource Center
Certification on Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening and Support for all FRC Directors Developed the Colorado FRC Logic Model incorporating Key Components of Family Resource Centers, Standards of Quality for Strengthening and Support, and Strengthening Families Framework
Undergoing revisions to the Colorado Family Support Assessment Conducted factor analysis and initial review of domain categories for objectivity and clarity Polled FRC staff during July regional meetings regarding changes to CFSA domain categories; priority domains; and new domains Conducted focus group calls with Family Development Specialists to review domain language in difficult to assess areas and develop definitions for new areas
Certification training on the Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening and Support for FRC staff during upcoming regional meetings Communicate FRC Logic Model to stake holders and funders Develop future evaluation, training, and support efforts based on FRC Logic Model
Finalize CSFA revisions Develop specialized trainings for Family Development Specialists to enhance knowledge, skills, and abilities related to family support Conduct scientific reliability study to test the inter-rater and test-retest reliability of the CFSA
Develop and pilot screening process, including a “readiness” measure to assess a family’s readiness for Family Development program services Development of a Family Development Program Logic Model Revised and tested CFSA and screening tool ready for implementation