EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE How to Assess? Live and online assessment strategies TEACHING & TECHNOLOGY Kirk Davies – Slides Adapted from Patrick Lyons (Fall 2011) & Andrew Barrett (Fall 2012) EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE AGENDA o Icebreaker o Educational Technology Tools o What assessment tools are available? o Examples o How to choose EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE LEARNING OUTCOMES o Distinguish between assessment tools o Address concerns regarding the implementation of assessment tools o Outline how to choose technology for the classroom EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE ICEBREAKER Mis-computer-cation: o Get into groups of three o Think about your most embarrassing/frustrating situation while using technology o Share with your group and with the rest of the class if you dare! EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE THE SECRET… 1) Easy 2) Goal/Purpose 3) Integrate 4) Model/Participate EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE WHAT ASSESSMENT TOOLS ARE AT CARLETON? Online o cuLearn (assignments, quizzes, etc.) o cuPortfolio / Online publishing (blogs) o Online communication with students: Synchronous and Asynchronous (Discussions/Chat/web classroom) o Students working collaboratively (wiki, Google Docs, workshop) o 3D environments… EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE WHAT ASSESSMENT TOOLS ARE AT CARLETON? Devices & Software Tools o Scantron / Scanning o Mobile computing (cell phone & tablets) o SmartBoards o Engagement or Distraction: Laptops/devices in class o Clickers - Surveys / Assessments (Midterms/tests) o Accessibility / Distribution of materials EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE CULEARN TOOLS o Quizzes Multiple question types; many variations o Assignments Group or individual Online text or file submission o Lessons o Workshops (in testing) EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE CUPORTFOLIO cuPortfolio is a tool that helps students: o Document their learning, skills, accomplishments and progress o Reflect on their learning and professional growth o Engage in integrative learning – making connections between academic, professional and personal experiences o Personalize their learning – take control and be active agents in their own learning o Identify and articulate competencies developed throughout their education o Provide evidence of their academic and professional experiences o Develop an academic and professional identity EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE USING DISCUSSION BOARDS & DATABASES o To assess participation/contribution Quality vs quantity o To assess comprehension of subject matter o For peer review Engage students with their peers to engage them in the material EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE CLICKERS / POLLEVERYWHERE.COM o Usually used a formative assessment in class Check for Understanding Immediate Course Feedback Class Discussion Participation and Attendance Course Quiz EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE ASPECTS TO CONSIDER WHEN CHOOSING TECHNOLOGY FOR ASSESSMENT People Roles Subgroups Individuality Group Processes Norms/Conduct Trust Partners Technology Ease of use Requirements EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE SECTIONS MODEL o Framework for selecting and using educational technology called the SECTIONS model. Bates & Poole (2003) o Using this model offers analysis for what technology would be best, based on your needs. This model can be used at levels, from administration-level strategy to course-level tactics EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE SECTIONS MODEL o What is the SECTIONS model? o S - Students: Who are the students and what do we know about them? How appropriate is the technology for this group? o E - Ease of Use and Reliability: Teachers and students must be able to use the technology without difficulty or it will detract from the actual learning. o C - Costs: How much will the technology cost in overall terms and per user? o T - Teaching and learning: What instructional needs are there? What kinds of learning are needed? What technology will best support these needs? o I - Interactivity: What kind of interaction does the technology allow? o O - Organizational Issues: What requirements or barriers has the institution placed on technology use? How can these be met or removed? Are any organizational changes required? o N - Novelty: Is the technology new? How proven is it? o S - Speed: How quickly can this technology be implemented into a course? How quickly can changes be made if required? EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE SECTIONS MODEL Bates, A. W., & Poole, G. (2003). A framework for selecting and using technology. In Effective teaching with technology in higher education (pp ). San Francisco: Jossey Bass.A framework for selecting and using technology. Please view this website for more detail on how to use the SECTIONS model in your course: work.pdf work.pdf EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE THE SECRET… 1) Easy 2) Goal/Purpose 3) Integrate 4) Model/Participate EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE THANK YOU o EDC supports a number of online and in-class assessment tools, if you have an idea or would like to implement a tool in your course, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be glad to help you out.