Solvent-A substance in which the solute dissolves in to. Solute-The particles are dissolved in a solution. Solute and solvent Example : Sea water is a solution and the salt is the solute and water is the solvent.
1. A poor conductor of electric current is solid sodium. 2. When the sodium chloride dissociates in water the sodium and chloride ions can begin to move on their own. 3. When they begin to move they can conduct electric current. 4. Hydrogen gas is the same way when it is by its self it is a poor conductor but when its with water it is a better conductor. Conductivity
Freezing pointBoiling point While driving a car it may over heat so like every other car it needs a liquid to cool the engine. Most are made up of water,ethylene, glycol. The ethylene and glycol also lowers the freezing point of water. When roads freeze over salt trucks spread salt in scientific form magnesium chloride. when the magnesium chloride breaks down by melting the icy or the snow that are on the roads it turns into Mg2. Mg2 C l- Freezing point and boiling point
In order for a solution to form both the attractions among solute particles must be broken. Heat of solution
The formation of a solution energy is either released or adsorbed. Heat of solution 2
When dissolving a cube of sugar into water the dissolving takes place at the surface of the cube. The greater the surface area of a solid solute the more frequent the collisions are between solute and solvent particles. Factors affecting rates of dissolving
For the solute to dissolve into water the solute and solvent particles must attract one another. The particles with in the solute are attracted to one another and the particles with in the solvent are attracted to one another. So before a solution can form the attractions that hold the solute together and the solvent together must be over come. Dissociation of ionic compounds
Hydrogen chloride HCI is a molecular compound in which a hydrogen atomic and a chlorine atom share a pair of electrons. Recall that hydrogen atom has only one proton and one electron. When HCL gas dissolves in water the hydrogen proton from each HCL molecule that reacts a hydronium ion H3O and a chloride ion CL are produced. Ionization of molecular compounds
1. Where dose the dissolving take place on a cube of salt? 2. What do the particles do within the solvent? 3. What do Hydrogen chloride share? 4. Define Solute. 5. Define Solvent. 1. Name one example of solute and solvent. 2. What’s A poor conductor of electric current? 3. What's the scientific name for what they put on the roads when they freeze over? 4. What are most engine coolant made of? 5. In order for a solution to form what needs to happen? Questions ???
1.Sea water 2.A poor conductor of electric current is solid sodium. 3.MG2 CL 4.water,ethylene, glycol. 5.Break down 6.On the surface 7.Attract 8.A pair of electrons 9.Solute-The particles are dissolved in a solution. 10.Solvent-A substance in which the solute dissolves in to. Answers