The Project Pathways Program “A Stepping Stone to Success” 125 South Old Glebe Road Arlington, Virginia Located on the Thomas Jefferson Middle School Campus, Trailer #125 Teachers: Eleanor W. Dasenbrook: English and Social Studies James Clyburn: Math and Science James Clyburn: Math and Science Dasenbrook and Clyburn: Physical Education and Community Service Elective Dasenbrook and Clyburn: Physical Education and Community Service Elective Counselor: Bette Schmidt Administrator: Sharon Monde’
Program Description A 45-day behavior intervention program designed to meet the immediate emotional, instructional and developmental needs of selected students at the middle school level Students often have a history of repeated and serious disruptive behaviors and anger management issues
Program Description: Student is provided with: A restrictive and supportive environment with close supervision Crisis intervention Emotional support Behavior restructuring and anger management Middle school curriculum based on the Va. Standards of Learning Continued monitoring by Pathways counselor
Instructional Program Reflects APS guidelines and Virginia Standards of Learning After initial assessment, student continues work with grade level objectives, within Pathways guidelines Program encourages critical thinking, problem solving, cooperative learning and team building
Pathways Staff Two full time teachers A.4 counselor Support services: guidance dept. staff, mental health, social work, school law enforcement, Jefferson’s administrative staff Parental, family and community support
Placement Student must have a documented record of seriously disruptive behaviors Referrals made by middle school principal, Office of Student Services or the Superintendent’s Staff Placement committee meets with referred student and parents, for consideration If stated guidelines are met, student is accepted for minimum of 45 days
PATHWAYS FACILITY Housed on the centrally located campus of Thomas Jefferson Middle School Student remains in Pathways classroom for the school day except for the counseling period
Parental Involvement A strong partnership between parents and educators insures success Communication with Daily Point Sheet Shared high expectations and goal setting for student
The Pathways Program “A Stepping Stone to Success”