1 WUSM RA Forum March 2006 Grants & Contracts
2 NIH Update
3 Beginning February 1, 2006, National Institute of Health (NIH) will stop sending summary statements and Peer Review Outcome letter to Principal Investigators. Note: As of December 13, 2005, the National Cancer Institute is no longer distributing Summary Statements and notification of scores/percentiles. Therefore this info can be accessed via NIH eRA Commons
4 Advantages to Registering in the NIH eRA Commons: The NIH eRA Commons automatically alerts Principal Investigators by when a Summary Statement is released and is available for viewing, printing, or downloading; Principal Investigators can access Summary Statement within about 8 weeks of the NIH Scientific Review Group (SRG) meeting and scores within about 5 working days after the meeting; and The NIH eRA Commons improves consistency and timeliness of communication between NIH, PI’s, and institutions during the grant application process. Registration in the NIH eRA Commons is required in order to submit grants electronically to NIH
5 The following resources may be helpful when registering in the NIH eRA Commons: Home Page for registration and updates: (choose Grantee Organization Registration) Frequently Asked Questions: NIH eRA Commoms Helpdesk: , or via Registered Institutions: Support Page (Users Guide and more):
6 Multiple Principal Investigators
7 Why is NIH planning to allow multiple-PIs on individual research awards? To maximize the potential of “team science” efforts. Selection of the multiple-PI versus single-PI option will be the decision of the investigators and their institutions To what specific type of research efforts are the multiple-PI model aimed ? The full range of such activities will be announced by NIH at some point in the near future.
8 Will it be piloted first before applying it more broadly? NIH will make the multiple-PI option available for applications submitted in response to a selected group of Requests for Applications (RFAs) or Program Announcements (PAs) in May or June Why not restrict the model to only those grants with direct costs exceeding $500K? Team science is not synonymous with large science.
9 Why not simply have applicants use the Program Project Grant(PO1) mechanism instead of developing this new model? The multiple-PI model is not mechanism based How will Principal Investigator (PI) be defined now? The presence of more than one identified PI on an application or award diminishes neither the responsibility nor the accountability of any indivisual PI. For applications designating multiple-PIs, a section titled Leadership Plan must be included. The administrative, technical, and scientific responsibilities for each specific aim or activity should be delineated for the PIs and other members of the scientific team.
10 Will there be a required minimum percent effort? NO! However, as a PI of a research project, a percentage of effort is required. (See NIH Grant Policy Statement definition for Key Personnel) Will there be a ceiling on the number of PIs? No upper limit is currently planned for the number of PIs Within the Multiple-PI model, can we keep the Co-Investigator (Co-PI) designation? NIH has never formally recognized a Co-PI designation, and this policy will continue.
11 Can there be a Lead PI within the Multiple-PI model? No, however there may be an identified leader of components of the project and a coordinator of the overall team. Without a single, designated person in charge, how will decisions be made? The NIH will ask for a Leadership Plan to describe: roles and areas of responsibility of the named PIs, the process for making decisions on scientific direction, allocating resources, resolving disputes, and other information related to the management of the proposed team science project.
12 What is the role of the Contact PI? “Contact PI”. This person is responsible for communication between the PIs and the NIH, but serving as Contact PI confers no special roles or responsibilities within the project team.
13 To read more about Multiple PIs Go to
14 eSubmissions Update
16 Grants.gov – the Federal government’s single on-line portal to find and apply for Federal grant funding. Used by all 26 Federal grant-making agencies. eRA Commons – the NIH electronic Research Administration system that allows applicants/grantees to electronically receive and transmit application and award information. Used by NIH and other HHS components Grants.gov – The Federal government’s single on-line portal to find and apply for federal grant funding. Used by all 26 Federal grant-making agencies. NIH eRA Commons – The NIH electronic Research Administration system that allows applicants/grantees to electronically receive and transmit application and award information. Used by NIH and other HHS components NSF FastLane – The research administration business system that facilitates the electronic exchange of information between the National Science Foundation and it’s client community- including researchers, reviewers, research administrators, and others doing business with NSF. Grants Budgeting- The W.U. Research Administration Systems (RAS) component that will provide a means to consolidate proposal data and documents for the purpose of electronic proposal submission to Federal Funding agencies via Grants.gov. Multiple Systems Working Together
18 Grants.Gov Form Families SF-424 R&R Family Legacy SF-424 Family V1.0 SF-424 Individual Family SF-424 Mandatory Family SF-424 Short Organizational Family SF-424 Family
19 SF 424 (R& R) Family
20 Expected Turnaround Times Grants.gov response to application submission - up to 2 business days NIH eRA Commons response to application submission - up to 2 business days Principal Investigator (PI) and Authorized Organization Representative (AOR)/Signing Official (SO) Verification of application - within 2 business days of availability in NIH eRA Commons
21 Where to Go for Help Forms transition and questions on NIH’s overall plan for electronic receipt: –NIH Grants Information – NIH eRA Commons registration and post-submission questions on NIH eRA Commons functionality: –Support Page: –Help Desk Phone: OR Grants.gov registration and submission questions –Grants.gov Customer Service –Visit:
22 G&C Update
25 As Announced by NIH on January 9, 2006 Non-competing awards for every Research Project Grant will be awarded at a level of 97.65% of the amount indicated for the FY 2006 budget period in the Notice of Grant Award for the previous budget year. The amounts indicated for future budget periods will also be adjusted by the same factor.
26 SNAP – Modular Grants Budgeting Document Lump sum, or detailed direct cost budget - Per the Notice of Grant Award (NGA) Recommended Amount (Total Costs), with appropriate F&A rate/s* Award Stage Funds will be budgeted according to the Notice of Grant Award (NGA)
27 SNAP - Non-Modular Grants Budgeting Document Lump sum, or detailed direct cost budget - Per the NGA Recommended Amount (Total Costs), with appropriate F&A rate/s* Award Stage G&C will apply the budgetary cut to either BU 34 or 35 depending on which has the most money
28 Non-SNAP - Non-Modular Grants Budgeting Document Full, categorical, detailed budget - Per the NGA Recommended Amount (Total Costs), with appropriate F&A rate/s* Award Stage Funds will be budgeted according to the Notice of Grant Award (NGA)
29 * For Federal Non-competing continuation applications, projects that have a competitive start date: before 7/1/98 rate = 56% F&A for the life of the grant from 7/1/98- through 12/3/01 = 54% F&A for the life of the grant from 12/4/01 through 6/30/04 = 53% F&A for the life of the grant beginning 7/1/04 new rates apply based on chart below
30 Scenario Budget period: 1/1/06 through 12/31/06 BUDGET JUSTIFICATION PAGE MODULAR RESEARCH GRANT APPLICATION Initial Period2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th Sum Total (For Entire Project Period) DC less Consortium F&A (Item 7a, Face Page)(Item 8a, Face Page) Consortium F&A Total Direct Costs 175,000150, ,000 $825,000
31 To find this sample Go to “ Click on “Application Process” Click on “NIH Sample Checklist with Multiple F&A Rates”
32 To print this form Go to “ Click on “Application Process” Click on “What to Submit to G&C”
33 Research Involving Human Subject
34 Q. What steps does G & C take when handling Multiple Project Proposals and Identical To’s ? A.If there is a discrepancy between the title, funding source, or PI of an IRB approved protocol and a grant application/award, G & C will ask the department to complete the Certification of Grant Protocol Correspondence form
36 Q. What items does G & C review on an IRB approval? A. G & C reviews the following items; PI (Principal Investigator) Title of Human Subject Protocol Type of protocol review (i.e. full board) Funding Source listed on Human Subject Protocol Approval Date of Human Subject Protocol
37 Q. What are the various options for handling multiple funding sources (i.e. AHA, MOD)? A.Whenever there is a discrepancy with a funding source G & C will ask the department to complete the Certification of Grant Study Correspondence form
38 Q. The PIs human subjects research is “in-concept only”. Should the face page of the grant application say yes or no to human subjects? A.The face page should say yes to human subjects. Prior to funds being released the following form should be submitted to G&C.
40 Research Administration