GENRE Includes stories that are written to portray a time period Includes stories that are written to portray a time period or convey information about a specific time period or convey information about a specific time period or an historical event or an historical event Time period is usually 30 years in the past Time period is usually 30 years in the past Authors infer from historical records how people of the time thought Authors infer from historical records how people of the time thought
SETTING Setting is the most important literary element Setting is the most important literary element The information about the time period must be accurate, authentic or both. The information about the time period must be accurate, authentic or both. Authors must research time period thoroughly Authors must research time period thoroughly Settings may be real or imaginary Settings may be real or imaginary
TO CREATE ACCURATE AND AUTHENTIC SETTINGS What did people eat? What did people eat? How did they live? How did they live? What kinds of homes did they have? What kinds of homes did they have? What artifacts were common in their lives? What artifacts were common in their lives? What were the customs of the time? What were the customs of the time?
CHARACTERS May be imaginary May have actually lived in the time period If they are fictional, the author created them for the telling of the story The central character may be subjected to divided loyalties within a larger historical conflict the reader is familiar with
PLOT EVENTS May be documented historical events or they may be fictional May be documented historical events or they may be fictional If they are fictional the author created the events for the telling of the story If they are fictional the author created the events for the telling of the story Plot events must be portrayed authentically as if they actually could have happened Plot events must be portrayed authentically as if they actually could have happened
Questions Which events and/or characters are fictional and which are not?