Values of Historical Fiction b Helps children experience the past b Encourages children to think as well as feel comparison with the present b Helps children see and judge the past more clearly
Values (cont.) b Helps children see that times change but universal needs of man remain relatively unchanged respectrespect lovelove belongingbelonging freedomfreedom securitysecurity
Values (cont.) b Enables the interdependence of humankind “no man is an island” b Can help children see themselves and their present place in time as a part of a larger picture
Types of Historical Fiction b Author weaves a historical story around actual events and people of the past b Fictional lives are lived with little or no reference to historical events or real persons b Authors may have lived the experience or know someone who lived the experience
Criteria for Evaluating b Plot b Characterization b Setting b Theme b Style
Involving Children b Providing Background Through Illustrations b Unit of Study b American History in Folk Songs