Life Skills Sgiliau Bywyd Croeso Welcome Medi / September 2010 – Bangor & Casnewydd / Newport
Rhaglen/ Programme 10.55amCroeso/ Welcome Tracey Morris, Uwch Swyddog Gwybodaeth a Digwyddiadau / Senior Information & Event Officer 11.00amCefndir a Throsolwg / Background & Overview Sally Thomas, Swyddog Polisi / Policy Officer 11.20amCyflwyniad y Prosiect / Project Delivery Colette Davies, Swyddog Grantiau / Grants Officer 11.40am Cwestiwn ac Ateb / Questions and Answers 12.00pm Diwedd / Close
Tracey Morris Uwch Swyddog Gwybodaeth & Digwyddiadau / Senior Information & Event Officer
Sally Thomas Swyddog Polisi/ Policy Officer
Introduction Background Overview Delivery Method Geographical Coverage Proposed Timescale Next Steps Questions and Answers Contact Details Cefndir Trosolwg Dull Cyflwyno Ardal Ddaearyddol Amserlen Arfaethedig Camau Nesaf Cwestiwn ac Ateb Manylion Cyswllt Cyflwyniad
Background £7 million invested in skills development through Stepping Stones Programme 2 successful bids made to Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO) for European Social Funds (ESF) Buddsoddiad o £7 miliwn mewn datblygu sgiliau trwy’r rhaglen Cam wrth Gam 2 gais llwyddiannus i Swyddfa Cyllid Ewropeaidd Cymru (WEFO) am arian Cronfa Cymdeithasol Ewrop (ESF) Cefndir
Life Skills: The knowledge, skills and aptitudes that enable a person to: Function independently Adopt healthy behaviours Integrate with other people Communicate effectively Develop thinking and learning skills Fully participate in community life Improve their training and employment opportunities Sgiliau Bywyd: Yr wybodaeth, y sgiliau a’r doniau sy'n galluogi unigolyn i: Weithredu'n annibynnol Mabwysiadu ymddygiad iach Integreiddio gyda phobl eraill Cyfathrebu'n effeithiol Datblygu sgiliau meddwl a dysgu Cymryd rhan yn llawn ym mywyd y gymuned Wella eu cyfleoedd hyfforddiant a chyflogaeth
Overview First time BIG money matched with European money at source £14 million available 4 Target Groups Education, learning, volunteering, employment Trosolwg Tro cyntaf i arian cyfatebol gael ei ddarparu gan y Gronfa Loteri Fawr ac Ewrop o’r ffynhonnell £14m ar gael 4 Gr ŵ p Targed Addysg, dysgu, gwirfoddoli, gwaith
Target groups Carers and Former Carers returning to work Care Leavers Economically Inactive Families Older People Gofalwyr a chyn ofalwyr sy’n dychwelyd i’r gwaith Y Rhai sy’n Gadael Gofal Teuluoedd sy’n Anweithgar yn Economaidd Pobl Hŷn Grwpiau targed
Target groups Older People Budget – approximately £3.4 million Convergence and £950,000 Competitiveness (inclusive of VAT) Target 3000 & 900 participants respectively Grwpiau targed Pobl Hŷn Cyllideb – tua £3.4 miliwn o arian Cydgyfeirio a £950,000 o arian Cystadleurwydd (gan gynnwys TAW) Yn targedu 3000 a 900 o gyfranogwyr yr un
Aims Enable participants to develop their skills, increase their confidence and re- engage and continue to access education, learning, volunteering or employment Develop individual long- term support plans to enable participants to continue to access and remain in education, learning or employment opportunities Galluogi cyfranogwyr o'r grwpiau targed i ddatblygu eu sgiliau, cynyddu eu hyder, dychwelyd i addysg, dysgu, gwirfoddoli neu gyflogaeth a pharhau i’w hygyrchu Mewn cydweithrediad ag asiantaethau eraill, datblygu cynlluniau cefnogi hir dymor er mwyn galluogi buddiolwyr i barhau i hygyrchu, ac aros mewn, cyfleoedd addysg, dysgu neu gyflogaeth Amcanion
Colette Davies Grants Officer / Swyddog Grantiau
Delivery Methods Not a grant-making programme Strict competitive tender process (Restricted Procedure Process) Open to all sectors Dulliau Cyflwyno Nid rhaglen dyfarnu grantiau yw hon Proses tendro cystadleuol lem (y Broses Gweithdrefn Gyfyngedig) Yn agored i bob sector
Key differences We will award contracts not grants All bidders have access to the same level of information Pre qualification questionnaires and invitations to tender are submitted No direct support for potential bidders Prif wahaniaethau Byddwn yn dyfarnu contractau nid grantiau Bydd gan bob cynigiwr posib fynediad i’r un lefel o wybodaeth Cyflwynir holiaduron cyn- gymhwyso a gwahoddiadau i dendro Ni ellir rhoi cefnogaeth uniongyrchol i ddarpar gynigwyr
Cyhoeddi Hysbysiad Contract i OJEU a GwerthwchiGymru/ Issue Contract Notice to OJEU & Sell2Wales Dyddiad cau ar gyfer derbyn yr Holiaduron Cyn-gymhwyso (HCG)/ Closing date for receipt of Pre-Qualification Questionnaires (PQQ) Gwerthuso HCG yn unol â’r meini prawf a hysbysebwyd a phennu'r rhestr fer tendro (y darpar gynigwyr a fydd yn symud ymlaen i'r cam Gwahoddiad i Dendro) Evaluate PQQ by advertised criteria and determine tender shortlist (those potential bidders who will move onto the ITT stage) Cyhoeddi Gwahoddiadau i Dendro i'r rhai sydd ar y rhestr fer tendro/ Issue Invitations to Tender (ITT) to those on tender shortlist Y Broses The Process Parhau…/ cont….
Dyddiad cau derbyn Gwahoddiadau i Dendro/ Closing date for receipt of ITTs Gwerthuso'r Gwahoddiadau i Dendro Gwahodd tendrwyr i gyfweliad (os bydd angen) Penderfynu ar y tendrau llwyddiannus Hysbysu tendrwyr llwyddiannus ac aflwyddiannus Evaluate ITT Invite for tenderers for interview (if required) Determine winning tenders Notify successful & unsuccessful tenders 10 niwrnod o oedi gorfodol/ Mandatory 10-day standstill Trefniadau terfynol y contract/ Conclude contract Anfon yr Hysbysiad Dyfarnu Contract i OJEU o fewn 48 niwrnod Dispatch Contract Award Notice to OJEU with 48 days
Proposed timescales Two Contract Notices for each participant group Convergence – published 10 th August PQQ deadline 16 th September ITT’s – 6 th December 2010 All contracts completed by 2015 Amserlenni arfaethedig Dau Hysbysiad Contract ar gyfer pob gr ŵ p cyfranogwyr Cydgyfeirio – cyhoeddwyd 10 Awst Terfyn amser yr HCG 16 Medi GID – 6 Rhagfyr 2010 Pob contract i’w gwblhau erbyn 2015
Proposed timescales Two Contract Notices for each participant group Competitiveness – published 25 th August 2010 PQQ deadline 1 st October 2010 ITT’s – 15 th December 2010 All contracts completed by 2015 Amserlenni arfaethedig Dau Hysbysiad Contract ar gyfer pob grŵp cyfranogwyr Cystadleurwydd – cyhoeddwyd 25 Awst 2010 Terfyn amser HCG 1 Hydref 2010 GID – 15 Rhagfyr 2010 Pob contract i’w gwblhau erbyn 2015
Wales-wide coverage EU Convergence Framework Regional Competitiveness Framework Cymru-gyfan Fframwaith Cydgyfeirio’r UE Fframwaith Cystadleurwydd Rhanbarthol Ardal ddaearyddol Geographical coverage
PQQ Tips Awgrymiadau HCG Clearly read the PQQ & Questions. Demonstrate experiences not proposals. Answer all the questions & provide requested supporting information. Ensure within the word count. If applying as consortium; ensure their experiences are included within response to question, not just lead bidders. Darllenwch yr HCG a’r cwestiynau’n glir. Dangoswch brofiadau nid cynigion. Atebwch yr holl gwestiynau a darparwch yr wybodaeth ategol y gofynnir amdani. Cadwch at y terfyn geiriau. Os yn ymgeisio fel consortiwm; sicrhewch fod eu profiadau wedi’u cynnwys yn yr ymateb i’r cwestiwn, nid dim ond y cynigwyr arweiniol.
Next steps GwerthwchiGymru / Sell 2 Wales Bravo Solution html / WCVA WEFO BIG Camau nesaf
Contact Details Tracey Morris, Senior Information & Events Officer E: T: W: Tracey Morris, Uwch Swyddog Gwybodaeth a Digwyddiadau E: Ff: G: Manylion Cyswllt