AM, TA, CA and I3 projects selected in previous calls
AcronymArea Instrument / Scheme RADIONETAdvanced Radio Astronomy in EuropeI3 OPTICONOptical-Infrared Co-ordination Network for AstronomyI3 ILIASInfrastructures for Astroparticle ScienceI3 HadronPhysicsStudy of Strongly Interacting MatterI3 CARECoordinated Accelerator Research in EuropeI3 EURONSEUROpean Nuclear StructureI3 LASERLAB- EUROPE Integrated European Laser LaboratoriesI3 IA-SFSSynchrotron and Free Electron Laser ScienceI3 NMI3Neutron Scattering and Muon SpectroscopyI3 EU-ARTECHConservation of the European Cultural HeritageI3 EUROPLANETEuropean Planetology NetworkCA ULTIUltra Low Temperature InstallationTA High Pressure The Structure and Properties of Materials at High Pressure TA Domain: Physics and Analytical facilities
AcronymArea Instrument / Scheme EUROMAGNETHigh magnetic fieldsI3 MNT EUROPEMicro Nano TechnologiesI3 WISSMC Braun Submicron Center for research on semiconductor materials, devices & structures TA HIGH FIELD RESEARCH High magnetic fields installationTA ENGASEnvironmental Gas ManagementTA SOLFACEHigh Flux SOLar FACilities for EuropeTA SUSPOWERSustainable Thermal Power GenerationTA Domain: Engineering, Energy & Nanotechnologies
AcronymArea Instrument / Scheme SYNTHESYSCollections and analytical facilities in Natural SciencesI3 EUFAR European fleet for airborne research in the field of environment and geo-sciences I3 EUROCHAMP Simulation chambers for investigating atmospheric processes I3 OASISOptimising Access to SPOT infrastructure for ScienceTA ALOMAR EARI Arctic Lidar Observatory for Middle Atmosphere Research TA COSTARCoal-mine Sites for Targeted Remediation ResearchTA SALVADORESeismic Analysis of the LithosphereTA ATANSAccess To Abisko Scientific Research Station (ANS)TA Domain: Environment and Earth Sciences
AcronymArea Instrument / Scheme EMMAINFEuropean Mouse Mutant Archive InfrastructureI3 ENSCONETEuropean Native Seed Conservation NetworkCA MAX-INF2Macromolecular Crystallography InfrastructureCA Domain: Life Sciences and Biotechnologies
AcronymArea Instrument / Scheme HPC-EUROPAHigh Performance ComputingI3 IHES Euro-progmathematics, theoretical physics and other sciencesTA NEURALCOMPInterdisciplinary Center for Neural ComputationTA DIECM Disseminating the integrated European Census Microdata AM CIECM Coordinating the Integration of the European Census Microdata AM Domain: Computational Sciences, Mathematics, Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities
Success rates for Integrating Activities and Transnational Access (call 1) 7/29 13/36 3/26 8/42 3/21 34/ 154