Giving Circle Since: 2010 Supporting: Women & Teen Girls Serving: Metropolitan Boston Annual Giving Goal: $100,000 Annual Membership Goal: 100 What we are Womenade Boston is a giving circle, a collective giving organization that enables members to pool individual contributions in order to make significant grants to Boston-area organizations dedicated to empowering teen girls and women. Womenade members learn about community needs, the organizations serving those needs, and how to support those organizations.Each year, Womenade Boston undertakes a six month long, competitive grant-making process during which a committee of members reviews grant applications, makes site visits to applicants, and narrows the pool down to a set of finalists to present to the full giving circle membership. At the June Voting Meeting, members hear presentations from the finalists and then cast their votes to award the year’s grants. Who we are Womenade Boston is dedicated to supporting programs that empower teen girls and women. We are the “on ramp” to philanthropy for women from all walks of life with an instinct to give, a hunger to learn, and an interest in the exponential power of collective giving. How it works Each year, members make a contribution at one of 2 levels: $1100 for Standard members, and $600 for Young Philanthropists under 30 years old. Womenade pools these contributions, and members vote to make grants to worthy organizations vetted through our grant-making process. Womenade Impact Womenade Boston grantees are organizations working to address these kinds of systemic problems and change the landscape for teen girls and women. Through their innovative programs, women and teen girls build self-confidence and resilience, and gain access to opportunities and the support they need to thrive. RECRUITMENT Sharing our story with friends, co-workers & family to recruit new members. Three components work together to make Womenade Boston sustainable: EDUCATION Creating opportunities for members to learn from practitioners and thought- leaders. ENGAGEMENT Connecting as a community and providing members the chance to participate actively in our giving. “Women working together, pooling their resources, are a powerful force and source for change.” - Womenade Boston member Did you know….. Our Grant Recipients My Life My Choice / Science Club for Girls Girls’ LEAP / Bird Street Community Center GRLZ Radio / Mothers for Justice & Equality Found in Translation / Community Rowing’s G- ROW / Compass Working Capital / ROCA Young Mothers / Victim Rights Law Center / Healthworks Community Fitness / The Second Step Help the circle grow – join today! Visit or to learn Giving To Date Total Granted: $386,000 Sustainability The average age of girls recruited into the sex industry is years old? The healthy, safe development of urban girls is compromised by both the violence that surrounds them and the media which ties girls’ worth to appearance and sexual appeal? 80% of the fastest growing jobs in the next decade require capabilities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics yet girls are systematically opting out of these fields? Programs are available to residents of Federally-subsidized housing allowing them to allocate rent increases to a Family Self- Sufficiency savings account and escape the “poverty trap” but most people don’t know about or take advantage of them?