Understanding Genres Grades 3-5 By Mrs. Paula McMullen Library Teacher Norwood Public Schools
What is a genre? A genre is a type of writing that is different than other types of writing Two major genres are: fiction and nonfiction Realistic, mystery, fantasy, historical and science fiction are smaller genres of fiction books Biography, poetry, drama and folklore are smaller genres Autobiographies and collective biographies are special biography books Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools2
Fiction Genre Imaginative stories created by authors are in fiction genre Interesting characters and problems Engaging plots Thoughtful themes Can be divided into smaller genres including: realistic, mystery, fantasy, historical and science fiction Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools3
Other Fiction Books Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools4
Realistic Fiction Genre Realistic fiction is smaller genre of fiction books Characters behave in believable ways Settings reflect recognizable places Problems are believable Descriptions are vivid Dialogue is accurate Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools5
Other Realistic Fiction Books Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools6
Mystery Fiction Genre Mystery is smaller genre of fiction books Same characteristics as realistic fiction but: Characters all involved in solving puzzle Each event is linked to solving the mystery Writer drops clues End with believable conclusion Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools7
Other Mysteries Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools8
Fantasy Fiction Genre Fantasy is smaller genre of fiction books Contain elements that are not realistic Major events could not happen in real life Characters use magic or other impossible strategies Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools9
Other Fantasy Fiction Books Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools10
Science Fiction Genre Science fiction is smaller genre of fiction books Based on impact of actual or imagined science Setting is the future or on other planets Explores advanced space travel or extraterrestrial beings Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools11
Other Science Fiction Books Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools12
Historical Fiction Genre Historical fiction is smaller genre of fiction books Stories take place in an identifiable period of the past Characters may all be fictional or some may have been real Have authentic problems, description and dialogue Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools13
Other Historical Fiction Books Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools14
Nonfiction Genre Books that provide facts and information are in nonfiction genre Subjects researched by author Facts organized clearly Often provide contents page, index and glossary Have helpful illustrations Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools15
Other Nonfiction Books Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools16
Biography Genre Biography is smaller genre of nonfiction books Tell about a real person, past or present Based on facts Recount key incidents in person’s life Include major influences in person’s life (people, places, and events) Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools17
Other Biographies Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools18
Autobiography Books Autobiography is special kind of biography where: Author writes about himself or herself Author reveals his/her feelings and reactions to events in his/her life Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools19
Other Autobiographies Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools20
Collective Biography Books Collective biography has same characteristics as individual biography books but - Contain stories of more than one person’s life Shelved by author instead of by subject Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools21
Other Collective Biographies Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools22
Poetry Genre Poetry is smaller genre Poetry is a special kind of writing that may or may not rhyme Words chosen carefully Often written in lines Sound and meaning of words are combined to express feelings, thoughts, and ideas Types include: acrostic, cinquain, limerick, free verse, haiku, concrete Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools23
Other Poetry Books Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools24
Folklore Genre Folklore is smaller genre Includes: folktales, riddles, rhymes and songs Folktales are best-known kind of folklore Passed down orally through the years - no known authors Set in distant past Have identifiable motifs: special numbers, magical creatures or objects, quests, enchantments Share moral, lesson, or belief Reflect a culture’s values and traditions Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools25
Other Folklore Books Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools26
Drama Genre Drama is smaller genre Dramas also called plays Stories written in dialogue Written in poetry or prose Written for performance on stage Provide little description Emotions, characterization and events expressed through dialogue and action Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools27
Other Plays in Drama Genre Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools28
Remember - A genre is a type of writing that is different than other types of writing Two major genres are: fiction and nonfiction Realistic, mystery, fantasy, historical and science fiction are smaller genres of fiction books Biography, poetry, drama and folklore are smaller, special genres Autobiographies and collective biographies are special biography books Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools29
Acknowledgements Huck, Charlotte. Children’s Literature in the Elementary School. Fort Worth, Texas: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers, Sutherland, Zena. Children and Books 8 th ed. NY: HarperColllins Publishers, ClipartHeaven.Com Discoveryschool Clip Art Gallery Follett Library Resources Kidsdomain Clip Art Microsoft Office Clip Art Mrs. McMullen, Library Teacher, Norwood Public Schools30