Active Reading Strategies!
Why do I need to know how to read actively? Great Question – It’s about a Lexile! Lexile ratings are important to REAL life activities! You want to get your driver’s license? Get a job? Understand how to work your iPad? Check these out!
So, why do I care about my Lexile? 750 – Toy Assembly Instructions 830 – PlayStation Install Instructions 1020 – Drivers’ License Manual 1040 – 11th Grade American Lit. Text 1100 – 11th Grade Chemistry Text 1130 – iPod Installation Manual 1160 – Car Warranty Application 1220 – Scholastic Homepage 1270 – Application for Student Aid 1380 – The New York Times 1410 – State Job Application 1460 – College Text College Application Lexile Range 9 th th th th
Okay, I get it…but how? The key to increasing your ability is to … READ ACTIVEly
A is for… A sk Questions! Ask three questions that you are EITHER unsure or curious about. They should be thick questions, which means they Provoke discussion Cannot be answered with a yes or no (thin)
C is for…Making C onnections! As you read this text, think about what it reminds you of. T-S: T-S: Discuss how the text relates to something you’ve experienced in your life. T-T: T-T: Discuss how the text relates to something you’ve seen in a movie or read before. T-W: T-W: Discuss how the text relates to a world issue or event. T-H: T-H: Discuss how the text relates to an historical event. T-P: T-P: Discuss how the text reminds you of someone you know.
T is for … T racking Down Meaning Find a paragraph or section you don’t understand. first time After the first time, write a response (what you got from it.) second time After the second time, write any new information you’ve gathered from it. third time After the third time, your understanding should be clearer than at first. Write a final response. word look it up If it’s a word that stumps you, write it down – then look it up !
I is for … M I is for … Making Inferences Find one passage that foreshadows something in the text. Write the page/paragraph number down. Write what you predict. Write why you predict that, using evidence from the passage you just listed. Symbols to use on sticky notes ? Questions ** (asterisk or star) drawing conclusions ! Something to note: imagery, plot summary info
V is for … V isualize Find a place in the text that uses powerful imagery, language that appeals to the five senses. Copy a quote from that section. Illustrate the quote.
E is for … E ureka!! Putting it all together. This should be the last note you add, at the end of each chapter, section, text. Think about what the text was about (main points only). Write a sentence of exactly 15 words to recap the main idea.
Now you are ready to be an ACTIVE Reader!
Do You “judge a book by its cover”? What does this book cover say?