Radio Waves Diagnostics of Ionospheric Plasma 1Space Research Center, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland 2 Swedish Institute of Space Physics,


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Presentation transcript:

Radio Waves Diagnostics of Ionospheric Plasma 1Space Research Center, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland 2 Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Sweden 3 Institute of Experimental Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovak Republic Corsica, Corte June 2008 H. Rothkaehl 1, J. Bergman 2, J. Błęcki 1, J. Juchniewicz 1, K. Kudela 3 M. Morawski 1, B. Thide 2

Wave in situ diagnostics ULF and LF ion plasma diagnostics, E B field fluctuations. VLF low density plasma diagnostics HF electron plasma diagnostics, Solar radio burst. Local plasma frequency =local electron density tens kHz up to few MHz Local gyro-frequency proportional to the intensity of magnetic field tens kHz up to MHz The ionosphere represents less than 0.1% of the total mass of the Earth's atmosphere. Even so, it is extremely important!

1.Electromagnetic pollution at top-side ionosphere, H. Rothkaehl et al. 2003, Broad band emissions inside the ionospheric trough H. Rothkaehl et al.1997,Grigoryan 2003, Rotkhkaehl et al Whistler- gamma rays interaction related to the Earthquake, Rothkaehl et al Kudela, Bucik E missions triggered by lightning, Bucik 2005 The map of gamma rays fluxes in the energy range MeV detected by SONG on CORONAS-I satellite during the period from March 1994 through June 1994., K. Kudela, R. Bucik 2002 Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, interation of HF waves and energetic electrons

Radio waves diagnostic past experiments

COMPASS 2 weighting 85 kg, circular orbit with height 400 km and inclination 79 degrees for development of the methods of monitoring and forecasting of natural disasters on the base of coordinated monitoring at the Earth and from space the pre-earthquake phenomena. 25May 2006

Human activity can perturb Earth's environment. CORONAS

The ratio of emissions coefficients S,for scattering of subthermal electron on Langmuir and ion-acoustic turbulence for different ratio of Te to Ti for ionospheric plasma of ω f pe =1.3MHz. The emissions coefficients for scattering of subthermal electron on the Langmuir j l k,  and ion-acoustic j s k,  turbulence for different k vector for T e =8000 °K, T i =1200 °K, f pe =1.3MHz n eo =0.1n e.

Earthquake E, 26 S Earthquake UT -180 long, -22 lat Earthquake HF diagnostics long, -17 lat

Ionospheric response to seismic activity  HF increasing of wave activity (whistler mode)  Enhancement of gamma rays in Mev  Increase of local electron density over epicentre  Wave-like change of electron density at F2 layers, enhancements of Es  More pronouns effect during quit geomagnetic condition Parallel to the well-known effects related to the seismic activity in the top side ionosphere such as small-scale irregularities generated due to acoustic waves (Hegai 1997), and large-scale irregularities generated by anomalous electric field (Pulinets at al 2000), the modification of magnetic flux tube are also common features (Kim and Hegai 1997, Pulinets at al. 2002). So it seems that changes of the magnetic flux tube topology correlated with seismic activity can lead to the increase in the precipitation of energetic electron fluxes and, as a consequence, can yield excitation of the HF whistler mode., H.Rothkaehl 2005

IONOSPHERIC TROUGH Rothkaehl et al.1997 Magion-3

Alfven waves, LHR, UHR, EMIC Double trough structure

The global distribution over Europe of mean value of the electromagnetic emission in the ionosphere in the frequency range MHz on during strong geomagnetic disturbances, recorded by SORS-1 instrument on board the Coronas_I satellite. The characteristic increase of emission over Euroasia is visible and the conjugate point in southward hemisphere. The area where maximum particle flux was registered is indicated by cross points. The resolution is 5x5 deg; the units are DB/μV Africa

The global distribution of electric component Eh and magnetic component Bx registered during very quit condition from 11 till 13 January 1982 on the board AUREOL-3 satellite in the wide frequency band from 9 to 16 kHz. The intensity of detected emissions is in log(mV/m/√(Hz)) for electric component and log(nT/m//√(Hz)) for magnetic component. ARCAD-3 quite geom. conditions

LIGHTNING INDUCED HARD X-RAY FLUX ENHANCEMENTS: CORONAS-F OBSERVATIONS, Bucik X rays enhanced emissions keV Geographic locations of X ray counts (during two consecutive CORONAS-F orbits in each panel on November 9 (left), November (middle), and November 12 (right). Colored scale matches the log of the counts. Lightning discharges detected by the LIS are shown as a red/blue The crosses on south indicate conjugate points of the northern lightning flashes.. Trakhtengerts at al. 2003

LIGHTNING INDUCED HARD X-RAY FLUX ENHANCEMENTS: CORONAS-F OBSERVATIONS, Bucik VLF emissions triggered by lightning X rays enhanced emissions

UNIMAIsat-1 Mass < 10 kg Ionospheric orbit, km

Define the main goals of the experiment Design the instruments Test the prototype Design the mode of operation Wave Recorder concept Vector Digital Receiver concept OBSTANOVKA on ISS General Mass [kg]5.4 (+10% / - 30 %) Power [W]12.0 (+30% / - 50 %) Voltage [V]28.0 ( +/- 20%) Dimension [mm]190.0x150.0x115.0

Radio waves are 3D EM vector waves! about 66% of the total information content is lost if only single polarised antennas are used

Angular momentum Angular momentum for EM field = 0 planar waves, no components other than those along the axis of propagation ≠0, small non-zero components perpendicular to the axis of propagation

By providing a software configurable sensor and emitter infrastructure distributed in southern Sweden with Växjö, LOIS will enhance the atmospheric and space physics capabilities of the huge, new-generation digital radio telescope LOFAR (Low Frequency Array), currently being built in the Netherlands. LOIS is a large radio telescope array that will operate in the MHz frequency range. Its 13,000 dipole antennas will be clustered in roughly 100 stations spread over a region 400 km across. Test station operated in Vaxjo

Twisted RF is the rotation of the plane of polarisation within a transmitted or received non planar waveform This concept has been demonstrated at optical and sub-millimetre wavelengths. B. Thide at al. 2007

“Sura” operated by the Radiophysical Research Institute in Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia, will be used for systematic studies of the ionosphere; A 1.2 MW HF ionospheric research radio transmitter, “Heating”,operated by the EISCAT (European Incoherent Scatter) scientific organisation in Tromso, northern Norway. This instrument is used for systematic studies of the ionosphere. access to the following high- power radio sources in the 5-30 MHz frequency range: A 0.5 MW HF broadcast radio transmitter at Hörby, southern Sweden, operated by the Teracom company.,


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