EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST-2003-508833 EGEE Generic Applications Roberto Barbera NA4 Generic Applications Coordinator.


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Presentation transcript:

EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST EGEE Generic Applications Roberto Barbera NA4 Generic Applications Coordinator E-Grid Meeting, Trieste,

E-Grid Meeting, Trieste, Contents EGEE NA4 and its “virtuous cycle” EGEE Requirements collection from Generic Applications EGEE NA4 Requirements Database Examples of requirements “How to join EGEE NA4”

E-Grid Meeting, Trieste, EGEE – towards e-infrastructure Build a large-scale production grid service to: Underpin European science and technology Link with and build on national, regional and international initiatives Foster international cooperation both in the creation and the use of the e-infrastructure Network infrastructure & Resource centres Operations, Support and training Collaboration Pan-European Grid

E-Grid Meeting, Trieste, NA4 Generic Applications goals Activity NA4 focuses on the identification and support of early-user and established applications for use on the EGEE infrastructure. It has the following objectives:  To identify through the dissemination partners and a well defined integration process a portfolio of early user applications from a broad range of application sectors from academia, industry and commerce.  To support development and production use of all of these applications on the EGEE infrastructure and thereby establish a strong user base on which to build a broad EGEE user community.  To initially focus on two well-defined application areas – Particle Physics and Life sciences. The expected outcome of the activity will be the establishment of a broad portfolio of applications across a wide range of sectors suited to execution on the EGEE infrastructure meeting the needs of a broad collection of user groups from many sectors across Europe as illustrated in Figure (note the timeline for the introduction of each application domain is purely illustrative).

E-Grid Meeting, Trieste, NA4 Work Breakdown Structure

E-Grid Meeting, Trieste, EGEE “virtuous cycle”

E-Grid Meeting, Trieste, GILDA: the grid for dissemination (

E-Grid Meeting, Trieste, The GILDA Testbed

E-Grid Meeting, Trieste, Earth Observation: Ozone Building on European Datagrid experience To produce and store the Ozone profiles or columns  Enhance availability To extend the processing capabilities  Validation against other data  Mid-latitude ozone studies ... To facilitate collaboration  Including with emerging large scale European projects GOME instrument (~75 GB - ~5000 orbits/y) ~28000 profiles/day

E-Grid Meeting, Trieste, Geophysics Applications Seismic processing Generic Platform: - Based on Geocluster, an industrial application – to be a starter of the core member VO. - Include several standard tools for signal processing, simulation and inversion. - Opened: any user can write new algorithms in new modules (shared or not) - Free for academic research -Controlled by license keys (opportunity to explore license issue at a grid level) - initial partners F, CH, UK, Russia, Norway

E-Grid Meeting, Trieste, Computational Chemistry: molecular simulatorSURFACE Construction of the Potential Energy Surface DYNAMICS Dynamical properties Calculation no yes end PROPERTIES Calculation of Averaged quantities Good Results? Ar - Benzene

E-Grid Meeting, Trieste, The MAGIC telescope Largest Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescope (17 m mirror dish) Located on Canary Island La Palma 2200 m asl) Lowest energy threshold ever obtained with a Cherenkov telescope Aim: detect  – ray sources in the unexplored energy range: 30 (10)-> 300 GeV

E-Grid Meeting, Trieste, n AGNs n SNRs n Cold Dark Matter n Pulsars n GRBs n Tests of Quantum Gravity effects Cosmological  -Ray Horizon Cosmological  -Ray Horizon The MAGIC Physics Program n Origin of Cosmic Rays

E-Grid Meeting, Trieste, Example of requirements document example of requirements document

E-Grid Meeting, Trieste, Requirements Database (1/2) (

E-Grid Meeting, Trieste, Requirements Database (2/2) (

E-Grid Meeting, Trieste, Astro-particle Physics Requirements (MAGIC Telescope) The security of all distributed system is an important topic. But the astroparticle physics community is purely scientific and therefore the security problems will not be as great as in field like medicine, pharmacy or genomic applications. This offers the use of already existing security mechanisms like the Globus Security infrastructure, etc. without any longer time lag due to not available stricter Security and Privacy mechanisms.

E-Grid Meeting, Trieste, EO Applications Requirements Improvement on metadata handling (RMC, Spitfire) Improvement on security (restricted access, groups and roles within a VO) Improvement on scalability (e.g. number of files, file sizes). Improvement of the performance of most of the functionalities. Support for parallel programs (e.g. MPI, PVM)

E-Grid Meeting, Trieste, Geophysics Applications Requirements MPI with Mirinet, SCI or other fast network and Fortran 90: The simulation proposed requires the possibility to submit a script and not only the executable. Modelling and imaging are also intrinsically parallel applications using large memory, medium to large exchanges between computing nodes with MPI, local scratch disc space and are heavy cpu intensive. Another requirement, not encountered in DataGrid, is the consistency between the compiler and libraries available on the UI and the ones needed by the cluster at the working node where the job is executed. Definition of the role and permission for each partner of a VO to access metadata and data Operational databases: update, mirroring, integrity, secure access and metadata handling. Secure access to external database such as the GPS and seismological databases

E-Grid Meeting, Trieste, How to join EGEE NA4 Gen. Apps. Questionnaire to get information from new communities interested in using the EGEE Infrastructure ( Call for proposals of the next EGAAP meeting (Den Haague, 25 nov 2004) already published at Dead line 1 st nov 2004 !!