Introductions Matt Wells Wendy Watt ▪ Coordinator of Career Technical Education- Snowline Joint Unified School District ▪ Coordinator – Apple Valley High School Medical and Health Science Technology Academy ▪ Chair- High Desert Student Health care Intern Pipeline ▪ HOSA Advisor
High Desert Student Health Care Intern Pipeline
The Partners
Project Timeline OSHPD June 2013
What is SHIP? ▪Collaborative group of K12 educators, post- secondary educators, industry, and students ▪Focused on building health care opportunities for students ▪Monthly meetings to continue the work
Why form SHIP? ▪Need for trained healthcare professionals to return to OUR community ▪Help ease districts having to vie for opportunities on their own ▪Consistent student competency ▪Build on regional resources to help “our” students
Project Timeline OSHPD June 2013 Kick-off Meeting January 2014
Steps to get everyone to the table ▪Find an industry partner who believes in education! ▪Write it into a grant! ▪Ask your superintendent to host a kick-off event ▪Send out MULTIPLE invitations in various formats ▪Ask industry to invite industry ▪Rely on your network ▪Ask industry to co-host kick-off (venue, food, and facilitator) ▪Make sure everyone, including industry, have clear ways to actively contribute and help make progress
Prior to the kick-off…
During the kick-off
Follow-up… Thank you letters contact Meeting the VERY next month Assign each partner a critical task: Venue for meetings Refreshments Facilitate Student representatives Reflection
Project Timeline OSHPD June 2013 Kick-off Meeting January 2014 Monthly meetings begin Feb 2014
Each organization hosted a monthly meeting and made a presentation Students have been involved at every stage of the development of SHIP Frequent meetings provide opportunity for developing relationships Open communication about cooperative process vs. competitive culture Getting to know you...
Project Timeline OSHPD June 2013 Kick-off Meeting January 2014 Monthly meetings begin Feb 2014 CCPT Grant Awarded Regionally May 2014
●CCPT grant awarded regionally for 5 industries ○Healthcare ○Aviation ○Automotive ○Green Technology ○Manufacturing ●SHIP acting as potential model for other regional industry committees RAMP UP
Project Timeline OSHPD June 2013 Kick-off Meeting January 2014 Monthly meetings begin Feb 2014 CCPT Grant Awarded Regionally May 2014 Applied for Explorers Post/ Learning 4 Life October 2014
Challenges identified by industry and education: Liability Standardized competency Supervision Maintain benefits of HOSA-Future Health Professionals Learning for Life- Medical Explorers Post 7447
Structure ▪ Coordinator ▪ Facilitator ▪ Coach ▪ Board of Directors ▪ Explorers Post Leader ▫ Explorers Sub-committees
Project Timeline OSHPD June 2013 Kick-off Meeting January 2014 Monthly meetings begin Feb 2014 CCPT Grant Awarded Regionally May 2014 Applied for Explorers Post/ Learning 4 Life October st Regional Advisory Council November 2014
●Action-packed event ○Gallery walk of each district’s courses ○General Q&A session ○Industry update provided by Industry Representative ○Program update by representative from each district (including lower grades) ●Benefits to industry representatives ○Only one advisory meeting to attend ○Could make connections with other industry reps in the area ○Industry reps not active part of SHIP get introduced to what we are working on Regional Health Care Advisory Meeting
Project Timeline OSHPD June 2013 Kick-off Meeting January 2014 Monthly meetings begin Feb 2014 CCPT Grant Awarded Regionally May st Regional Advisory Council November 2014 Applied for Explorers Post/ Learning 4 Life October 2014 Established sub- committees January 2015
●Operations ●Curriculum ○Pre- post admission ○Intern learning objectives ●Outreach/ Marketing Explorers committees
Project Timeline OSHPD June 2013 Kick-off Meeting January 2014 Monthly meetings begin Feb 2014 CCPT Grant Awarded Regionally May st Regional Advisory Council November 2014 Applied for Explorers Post/ Learning 4 Life October 2014 Established sub- committees January 2015 Elected Provisional Board of Directors February 2015 Established as an official project - High Desert Community Foundation
Formalizing the organization ●Need for formalized roles and procedures ●Grant application pushed the issue ●Board of Directors established ○Brief initial term ○President, Treasurer, Secretary, Industry Rep, Education Rep ○Split representation from education and industry ●Sponsoring agency ○High Desert Community Foundation ○501(c)(3) non-profit designation
Project Timeline OSHPD June 2013 Kick-off Meeting January 2014 Monthly meetings begin Feb 2014 CCPT Grant Awarded Regionally May st Regional Advisory Council November 2014 Applied for Explorers Post/ Learning 4 Life October 2014 Established sub- committees January 2015 Elected Provisional Board of Directors February 2015 Established as an official project - High Desert Community Foundation Applied for grant February 2015
Funding Sources In-Kind Staff Facility Use Learning 4 Life Direct School site grants Community grants Private donations Student Fundraising
Projected Timeline Grant Notification April 2015 First Explorers Post meeting April 2015 Summer Boot Camp hosted by VVC July 2015 Student Application Process for September 2015 Monthly Post meetings begin October 2015 Year II Explorer Intern placement January 2016 Men in Medicine Mentoring Upcoming Projects Health Care Careers ConferenceExpand Explorers to Jr. Explorers Apply for grants ONGOING Launch HD SHIP website September 2015
IT’S YOUR TURN! ASK: ●Who are educators I can partner with in my geographic region? ●What industry support do I already have? ●Who can I add to my list? ●What project could be focused on as a start?
Plan: ●Who will be invited? ●What will the agenda be? ●When will the initial meeting occur? ●Where will the meeting take place/ ●What will be decided at the meeting? ●Who will facilitate the meeting? ●Why should industry invest in MY vision?
Thank you! For further information contact: Wendy Watt Matt Wells Kim Walker