An Introduction to American Literature Instructor: Monica
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An Outline of American Literature I. The American Literature in Colonial and Revolutionary Period II. The Literature of Romanticism III. The Literature of Realism IV. Twentieth Century Literature Modernism and Experimentation V. American Literature since 1945
Part I. The American Literature in Colonial and Revolutionary Period Historical background American Puritanism The Influence of American Puritanism on American thought and Literature The characteristics of American literature in this period The Major Representatives in the Early American Literature Thomas Paine; Thomas Jefferson; Benjamin Franklin; Philip Freneau
Part II The Literature of Romanticism Chapter One: The Literature of the Early Romanticism Historical Background The Characteristics of the Literature in this Period The Major Representative writers: Washington Irving: The Legend of Sleeping Hollow; James Fenimore Cooper: The Leather of Stocking Tales; William Cullen Bryant: Thanatopsis; To a Waterfowl
Part II The Literature of Romanticism Chapter Two: American Transcendentalism The meaning of Transcendentalism and its Influence The Major Representatives Writers Emerson: Nature, Self-reliance Thoreau: The Walden Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter Melville: Moby Dick Poe: To Helen; The Fall of the House of Usher Longfellow: A Psalm of Life Whitman and Dickinson
Part III The Literature of Realism (1860—1914) Chapter One The Literature of Realism (1860— 1890) The Principle of Realism The Local Color Movement: Mark Twain The Psychoanalytical Realism: Henry James
Chapter Two The Literature of American Naturalism (1890—1914) The Rise of American Naturalism: Stephen Crane, and Frank Norris The Tenets of Naturalism Jack London: The Sea Wolf Theodore Dreiser: Sister Carrie
Part IV Twentieth Century Literature Modernism and Experimentation (1914—1945 ) Chapter One A merican Poetry between the Two Wars Modernism Imagism in poetry Ezra Pound; T S Eliot; Robert Frost; Carl Sandburg
Part IV Twentieth Century Literature Modernism and Experimentation (1914— 1945 ) Chapter Two American Fiction between the Two Wars F. Scott Fitzgerald Ernst Hemingway John Steinbeck William Faulkner
Reference Books An outline of American literature /High, Peter B. /London :Longman,1986 美国文学史 =The history of American literature/ 常耀 信著 / 天津 : 南开大学出版社,1998 The Cambridge handbook of American literature / Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ;Cambridge University Press,1986. A Brief Introduction to Modern American Literature/B. BOOZ/ 上海 : 上海外语教育出版社
Reference Books 美国文学大纲 / 吴定柏编著 / 上海 : 上海外语教育出版 社,1998. 美国文学背景概观 / 史志康 / 上海 : 上海外语教育出版 社,1998. The Discourse of American Literature./Bruce A. Ronda/ 上海 : 上海外语教育出版社,1991 The Oxford Companion to American Literature /Hart, James D. /New York: Oxford University Press1965