1 Seismic monitoring in Serbia Seismological Survey of Serbia
2 Seismological Survey of Serbia consist of two networks: SEISMIC NETWORK ACCELERATION NETWORK
3 Seismological Survey of Serbia Spatial distribution of seismological instrument in territory of Serbia (Mart 2013)
4 Seismological Survey of Serbia SEISMIC NETWORK
5 Seismological Survey of Serbia Systematic collecting of data started after Svilajinac earthquake 1893 Construction of special building for the Seismological Institute started in 1906 First instruments where installed in 1909 First earthquake was recorded in 1910
6 Seismological Survey of Serbia SEISMIC NETWORK Total number of stations 22 (average - 1 station on km 2 ): VBB – 1 (DIVS) BB – 6 (BARS, BBLS, FRGS, GRUS, SJES, BOVS) LP – 2 (BEO, DJES) SP – 13 (SELS, SVIS, BORS, ZAPS, KMIS, TRUS, IVAS, TEKS, KUBS, BOSS, KOVS, ZAGS, SUBS)
7 Seismological Survey of Serbia SEISMIC NETWORK VBB DIVS - STS-1+Q680 BB BBLS, GRUS, SJES- STS-2+Q330HR BARS, FRGS - STS-2+Q330 BOVS - PBB-200S+Q4120
9 Seismological Survey of Serbia SEISMIC NETWORK All stations have Internet connection in real time with two national centers, Beograd and Divcibare (7 satellite, 6 wireless, 11 ADSL) Automatic location (within 5 min.) 24 hours manual analysis
10 Seismological Survey of Serbia Internet presentation SEISMIC NETWORK
11 Seismological Survey of Serbia Acquisition software Seiscomp ver. 2.1 and Seiscomp ver. 3 Analyzing software Seismic Handler Automatic location software Seiscomp 3 SEISMIC NETWORK
12 Seismological Survey of Serbia
13 Seismological Survey of Serbia Data exchange Established data exchange with countries from region : Austria Bosnia and Hercegovina (Republic of Srpska) Bulgaria Croatia Macedonia Greece Hungary Montenegro Romania Slovakia Slovenia SEISMIC NETWORK
14 Seismological Survey of Serbia Publication of data Publishing data on Survey’s internet presentation: Sending automatic alerts to EMSC (M>2.3 for region and M>5.0 for world earthquakes up to distance 103 o ) Sending automatic s and SMS to Ministry of Interior’s Sector for Emergency Management and to media ( local earthquakes M>2.3) SEISMIC NETWORK
15 Seismological Survey of Serbia ACCELERATION NETWORK
16 Seismological Survey of Serbia ACCELERATION NETWORK Number of accelerographs – 47 Number of locations – real time data transfer
17 Seismological Survey of Serbia ACCELERATION NETWORK Number of Instruments from former Project (BSHAP) is :12 ETNA accelerographs
18 Seismological Survey of Serbia Distribution of accelerographs in territory of Serbia.
19 Seismological Survey of Serbia ACCELERATION NETWORK Number of Instruments: 5 EpiSensor (MiniSEED format) 39 ETNA (.evt format, MiniSEED format) 3 SSA-2 (.evt format)
20 Seismological Survey of Serbia ACCELERATION NETWORK Analyzed registrations (V2) of acceleration of stronger earthquakes are available on Web page From 2002 up to now SSS have analized more then 400 registrations
21 Seismological Survey of Serbia ACCELERATION NETWORK We have to prepare significant number of analog registration from Kopaonik region From 2011 SSS have 4 EpiSensors connected to Quantera digitizers, so there will be lot of small (and big) earthquakes registrated (planed to be done for next 6 months)
22 Seismological Survey of Serbia No.No. Strong motion record (file name) St ati on (C od e) Data forma t (origin al, conve rted) Date (yyyy- mm-dd) Time (GMT) Hypoce ntral time T0 err T0 Epi cen ter Lati tud e (N) err lat Epicenter Longitude (E) err lon g h (k m) err h Magn itude (Ml) nu m be t of st ati on even t type Epicenter location (Country) epic ente r dist anc e (km) V2 (hh:mm: ss) CACA CACACACAevt :59: / Paracin region, Serbia CACA.v BR4A BR4ABR4Aevt :05: / Kosovska Mitrovica reg.,Serbia BR4A.v BR2A BR2ABR2Aevt :15: / Presevo reg.,Serbia BR2A.v BR2A BR2ABR2Aevt :46: 55 10:46: SERBIA, Banjska BR2A.v BR4A BR4ABR4Aevt :46: 55 10:46: SERBIA, Banjska BR4A.v BR4A BR4ABR4Aevt :21: 39 22:21: SERBIA, Dvoriste BR4A.v CELA CELACELAevt :21: 40 22:21: SERBIA, Dvoriste CELA.v PR1A PR1APR1Aevt :21: 45 22:21: SERBIA, Dvoriste PR1A.v BR1A BR1ABR1Aevt :21: 46 22:21: SERBIA, Dvoriste BR1A.v VRUA VRUAVRUAevt :15:5 8 05:14: SOUTHERN GREECE VRUA.v CACA CACACACAevt :51:4 7 08:51: keSERBIA, Podujevo CACA.v CACA CACACACAevt :03: 02 17:03: keSERBIA, Cacak CACA.v VRUA VRUAVRUAevt :03: 10 17:03: keSERBIA, Cacak VRUA.v RUDA RUDARUDAevt :29:5 9 07:30: ke SERBIA, Mnt Rudnik RUDA.v RUDA RUDARUDAevt :42: 59 19:43: keSERBIA, Topola RUDA.v VRUA VRUAVRUAevt :12: 25 20:12: keSERBIA, Priboj VRUA.v2 Example of table of registrated accelerations
23 Seismological Survey of Serbia Plned activities: Increasing number of strong motion instruments Increasing number of seismological BB stations Linking all strong motion instruments by Internet with national seismological centers