Table of Contents—Physics Title Page Title Page Vision Career Goals Career Goals Career Goals Continued Career Goals Continued My School CoursesMy School Courses * My School Courses Resume Introduction Resume Introduction Letter of Application Letter of Application Resume College Course Examples College Course Examples College Requirements College Requirements Employment Examples Employment Examples Places Physicists Might Work Places Physicists Might Work Common Requirements for Physicists Common Requirements for Physicists Sources My Website
Electronic Career Portfolio Johnny Fitton Physicist Table of Contents—Physics Table of Contents—Physics
Vision In order for me to succeed in my career, I believe I have to start working hard now. I need to make good choices both in and out of school. If I continue to give my all and stay on track in life I’ll be able to get a good job and make money. Table of Contents— Physics Table of Contents— Physics Table of Contents— Physics
Career Goals My career interests revolve around math. I excel in math and I find it interesting. I would be happy using it for the rest of my life. I would like to apply it to a useful field, probably in the science fields. That’s why I would I would enjoy being a physicist. My career interests revolve around math. I excel in math and I find it interesting. I would be happy using it for the rest of my life. I would like to apply it to a useful field, probably in the science fields. That’s why I would I would enjoy being a physicist. To learn how to use mathematics and science in my career, such as physics, I am taking advanced math and science courses and am planning extra curricular courses such as engineering. I took a tech communications class in eight grade, which should help me in physics, too. Table of Contents—Physics Table of Contents—Physics
Career Goals Continued I hope to start out with a good first job that, even if low paying, comes with good experience that will serve me later and hopefully throughout my career. That way, I will be able to slowly get better jobs with higher salaries that will make it easier to support me and my family. I hope to start out with a good first job that, even if low paying, comes with good experience that will serve me later and hopefully throughout my career. That way, I will be able to slowly get better jobs with higher salaries that will make it easier to support me and my family. Table of Contents—Physics Table of Contents—Physics
My School Courses Radnor High School - Freshman 9 th English Honors Honors Algebra 2 Biology Honors Spanish 2 Honors World Civ. College Prep Office Application Digital Video Table of Contents—Physics Table of Contents—Physics
Resume Introduction My resume is to show how it is possible for me to pursue a career that both utilizes my strengths at a university which build them. That will help me be successful in the workplace and throughout my career. Hopefully, by taking advantage of my skills, I will find a career that suits me and I will excel at. My resume is for me to explore a possible career and what that would require and what the benefits would be. My resume is to show how it is possible for me to pursue a career that both utilizes my strengths at a university which build them. That will help me be successful in the workplace and throughout my career. Hopefully, by taking advantage of my skills, I will find a career that suits me and I will excel at. My resume is for me to explore a possible career and what that would require and what the benefits would be. Table of Contents—Physics Table of Contents—Physics
College Course Examples Stanford –GEOPHYS 102 –104 –130 –136 –141 –150 –160 –182 –183 –190 –201 –220 –262 –Table of Contents—Physics Table of Contents—PhysicsTable of Contents—Physics
College Requirements A or higher in math 140, 141, Chem 012 or 17, and Phys. 211 >4.30 GPA: Entrance Guaranteed with the previously listed courses Minimum of 3.00 GPA required Table of Contents—Physics Table of Contents—Physics
Employment Examples Usually works with the state government Top Salary-$144,880/yr Table of Contents—Physics Table of Contents—Physics Table of Contents—Physics Petroleum Geophysicists * oil and gas companies * seismic data processing firms * seismic contractors * well-logging companies * computer companies (software & hardware) * research firms * universities * government agencies * geophysical equipment companies Environmental Geophysicists * integrated environmental firms * mining companies * engineering firms * mining consulting companies Mining Geophysicists * mining companies * consulting mining engineering firms * mapping service companies * instrument manufacture & development firms Table of Contents—Physics
Places Physicists Might Work Natural resource exploration Engineering companies Universities and colleges Data management firms The government NASA
Common Requirements for Physicists At Least 6 yrs. in school 3-4 yrs. in employment Various Degrees (Masters, Bachelor, PhD) Table of Contents—Physics Table of Contents—Physics
Sources eges/viewcollege.php?cid= eges/viewcollege.php?cid=4704 Table of Contents—Physics Table of Contents—Physics