2 ELLB1: Introduction to Language and Literature Study Thematically based Anthology constitutes the set text Only one section in the Anthology Balance between ‘literary’ and ‘non-literary’ texts Candidates required to answer two questions Question one based on two unseen texts Question two based on the Anthology
3 ELLB1: Question 1 Question based on two unseen texts Texts linked to theme of Anthology Texts may be of any genre Candidates must compare the texts Focus on how purpose and context influence language use Focus on how the texts are structured and organised
4 ELLB1: Question 2 Question based on texts in the Anthology Anthology must not be annotated Candidates must answer on two texts Question provides candidates with a clear steer and helpful bullets Question requires candidates to compare attitudes and ideas Question requires candidates to comment on significant features of language use, structure, form and context.
5 ELLB2: Genres in Life and Literature Internally assessed coursework assignments based on one pair of set texts Assignment based on an AQA chosen theme for each pair of texts Theme for the year to be communicated to centres in summer term prior to teaching Two assignments: testing both critical and creative skills Texts must not be annotated
6 ELLB2: The Assignment (Part A) Candidates choose two extracts ( words per extract) Extracts to be on a theme chosen by AQA (revealed in summer term prior to teaching) Example of theme: the pleasures of travel (Stevenson and Bryson) Candidates explore theme as revealed in the two chosen extracts ( words) Pay significant attention to similarities and differences Sustained comparison not required
7 ELLB2: The Assignment (Part A) Candidates need to demonstrate Evidence of planning Informed discussion of set theme Ability to compare and contrast Use of supporting evidence based on research of social, historical/literary context Discussion of significant features of presentation Interpretation and analysis of literary and linguistic features Informed discussion of changes in language and style over time
8 ELLB2: The Assignment (Part B) Candidates write creatively on one or both of their chosen texts ( words) Response should in some way complement the chosen theme Examples based on theme of conflict in Brontë and Rhys Jane – a letter to the former Miss Temple Rochester – papers to be read after his death, explaining his actions to his children Richard Mason – speaks at a memorial service for his sister
9 ELLB2: The Assignment (Part B) Candidates need to demonstrate Evidence of planning Evidence of their understanding of the books as a whole Understanding of the context in which they were written Issues raised by the set theme The possibility of challenging views and attitudes expressed in the text
10 ELLB2: The Assignment (Part B) May involve one or both set texts May be written in any recognised genre or sub-genre whether spoken or written Should adopt any credible viewpoint in expanding on the set theme May address either a reading or a listening audience Drafts are not required
11 UNIT 2: THE PAIRED TEXTS Utopia (T More) Jane Eyre (C Bronte) Selected Tales (EA Poe) Frankenstein (M Shelley) Travels with a Donkey (R L Stevenson) Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll) 1984 (G Orwell) Wide Sargasso Sea (J Rhys) The Big Sleep (R Chandler) In Cold Blood (T Capote) The Lost Continent (B Bryson) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (JK Rowling)
12 ELLB3: Talk in Life and Literature Candidates study one set play from a choice of four Candidates study transcripts of speech together with linked literary extracts 2 hour paper 2 compulsory questions
13 ELLB3: Question 1 Question 1 has the same focus as present question 1 on NTB5 Only one passage allows for greater depth of response Focus on dramatic effects Produced through use of literary, linguistic and rhetorical devices and conventions Spoken language features ‘steer’ will be different for each question (conflicting relationships; comic purposes)
14 UNIT 3: THE SET PLAYS HamletWilliam Shakespeare The RivalsR B Sheridan A Streetcar Named DesireTennessee Williams TranslationsBrian Friel
15 ELLB3: Question 2 Same focus as in the present question two in NTB5 Focus is on the comparison between the crafted and unscripted speech No choice of question – less reading in the exam Crafted speech can be from any of the three main literary genres Candidates required to compare effect of context and purpose on language Candidates required to compare attitudes and values as revealed in the extracts
16 ELLB4: Text Transformation Transformations to be based on two texts to comply with Subject Criteria Base texts to be chosen from a prescribed list of authors Prescribed author list may be added to by AQA subsequently List contains prose fiction, poetry and drama Two genres of source text must be chosen to comply with Subject Criteria
17 ELLB4: Text Transformation Coursework folder Transformation(s) must have demonstrable link(s) between source text and new text Transformation is not ‘springboarding’ Transformation(s) ( words) and commentary(s) ( words) Candidates may submit two transformations Candidates may submit one transformation combining two texts